package cbt_build.cbt import cbt._ import cbt_internal._ class Build(val context: Context) extends Shared with Scalariform with PublishLocal with CommandLineOverrides{ override def name: String = "cbt" override def version: String = "0.9-SNAPSHOT" override def description: String = "Fast, intuitive Build Tool for Scala" override def inceptionYear: Int = 2015 // FIXME: somehow consolidate this with cbt's own boot-strapping from source. override def dependencies = { super.dependencies ++ Resolver(mavenCentral).bind( MavenDependency("org.eclipse.jgit", "org.eclipse.jgit", ""), ScalaDependency("org.scala-lang.modules","scala-xml",constants.scalaXmlVersion) ) :+ libraries.cbt.reflect :+ libraries.cbt.eval :+ libraries.cbt.process } override def sources = Seq( "nailgun_launcher", "stage1", "stage2", "compatibility" ).map( projectDirectory / _ ).flatMap( _.listOrFail ) override def scalariform = super.scalariform.copy( Seq( context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "DirectoryDependency.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "LazyDependency.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "plugins" / "IntelliJ.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "plugins" / "ScalaTest.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "plugins" / "Scalatex.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "plugins" / "Tut.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "libraries.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "plugins.scala", context.cbtHome / "stage2" / "ports.scala" ) ) override def compile = { scalariform() super.compile } }