@ECHO OFF REM Launcher bash script that bootstraps CBT from source. REM (Some of the code for reporting missing dependencies and waiting for nailgun to come up is a bit weird.) REM This is inentionally kept as small as posible. REM Welcome improvements to this file: REM - reduce code size through better ideas REM - reduce code size by moving more of this into type-checked Java/Scala code (if possible without performance loss). REM - reduction of dependencies REM - performance improvements REM utility function to log message to stderr with stating the time setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion where javac > nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO You need to install javac! CBT needs it to bootstrap from Java sources into Scala. GOTO :EOF ) javac -version > %CBT_HOME%temp.txt 2>&1 SET /p javac_version_output=<%CBT_HOME%temp.txt FOR /f "tokens=2" %%G IN ("%javac_version_output%") DO SET javac_version=%%G FOR /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%G IN ("%javac_version%") DO SET javac_version_minor=%%G IF javac_version_minor LSS 8 ( echo You need to install javac version 1.7 or greater! echo Current javac version is %javac_version GOTO :EOF ) SET nailgun_installed=0 where ng > nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO You need to install Nailgun to make CBT slightly faster. > nul 2>&1 ) ELSE ( SET nailgun_installed=1 ) where ng-server > nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO You need to install Nailgun Server to make CBT slightly faster. ) ELSE ( SET nailgun_installed=1 ) IF %nailgun_installed%==0 ECHO Note: nailgun not found. It makes CBT faster! > nul 2>&1 where gpg > nul 2>&1 SET gpg_installed=0 if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO You need to install gpg for login. ) ELSE ( SET gpg_installed=0 ) SET NAILGUN_PORT=4444 SET NG=ng --nailgun-port %NAILGUN_PORT% for /f "delims=" %%i in ('chdir') do SET CWD=%%i SET CBT_HOME=%~dp0 SET SCALA_VERSION=2.11.8 SET NAILGUN=%CBT_HOME%nailgun_launcher\ SET STAGE1=%CBT_HOME%stage1\ SET TARGET=target\scala-2.11\classes\ mkdir %NAILGUN%%TARGET% > nul 2>&1 mkdir %STAGE1%%TARGET% > nul 2>&1 SET nailgun_out=%NAILGUN%\target\nailgun.stdout.log SET nailgun_err=%NAILGUN%\target\nailgun.strerr.log where nc > nul 2>&1 SET nc_installed=1 SET server_up=0 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Note: nc not found. It will make slightly startup faster. ) ELSE ( nc -z -n -w 1 %NAILGUN_PORT% > nul 2>&1 SET server_up=1 ) IF "%1%"=="kill" ( echo Stopping nailgun 1>&2 %NG% ng-stop >> %nailgun_out 2>> %nailgun_err% GOTO :EOF ) SET use_nailgun=1 SET res=0 IF %nailgun_installed%==0 SET res=1 IF "%1%"=="publishSigned" SET res=1 IF "%2%"=="publishSigned" SET res=1 IF "%1%"=="direct" SET res=1 IF "%2%"=="direct" SET res=1 IF %res%==1 SET use_nailgun=0 REM IF NOT %server_up%==1 REM >> %nailgun_out 2>> %nailgun_err IF %use_nailgun%==1 ( REM try to start nailgun-server, just in case it's not up START ng-server ) :RUN CALL :stage1 %* IF NOT "%1%"=="loop" ( GOTO :EOF ) ELSE ( GOTO :RUN echo "======= Restarting CBT =======" 1>&2 ) :stage1 SETLOCAL SET NAILGUN_INDICATOR=%NAILGUN%%TARGET%cbt\NailgunLauncher.class SET changed=0 IF EXIST %NAILGUN_INDICATOR% ( REM this should recompile nailgun_launcher/ if any .java file is newer than NailgunLauncher.class, FIXME doesn't work FOR %%i IN (%NAILGUN%*.java) DO ( FOR /F %%z IN ('DIR /B /O:D %%i%% %NAILGUN_INDICATOR% 2^> nul') DO SET NEWEST=%%z if "%NEWEST:~-4%"=="java" ( SET changed=1 ) ) ) ELSE ( SET changed=1 ) IF %changed%==1 ( REM defensive delete of potentially broken class files REM DEL /s /q /f %NAILGUN%%TARGET%cbt\*.class > nul 2>&1 echo Compiling cbt/nailgun_launcher dir /B /A:-D %NAILGUN%\*.java > %CBT_HOME%temp.txt FOR /F "tokens=*" %%j in (%CBT_HOME%temp.txt) do SET "files=!files! %NAILGUN%%%j" javac -Xlint:deprecation -d %NAILGUN%%TARGET% !files! IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( REM triggers recompilation next time. DEL %NAILGUN%TARGET/cbt/*.class 2> NUL REM triggers recompilation next time. GOTO :eof ) IF %use_nailgun%==0 ( REM echo "Stopping nailgun" 1>&2 %NG% ng-stop >> %nailgun_out% 2>> %nailgun_err% REM echo "Restarting nailgun" 1>&2 ng-server >> %nailgun_out% 2>> %nailgun_err% ) ) REM TODO 0.0 should be replaced by actual spent time, see ./cbt IF %use_nailgun%==0 java -cp %NAILGUN%%TARGET% cbt.NailgunLauncher 0.0 %CWD% %* IF %use_nailgun%==0 GOTO :ENDIF SET /A counter=0 :BEGINFOR REM ECHO %counter% IF /I "%counter%" EQU "10" GOTO :ENDFOR %NG% ng-cp %NAILGUN%%TARGET% %NG% cbt.NailgunLauncher check-alive %NG% ng-cp %NAILGUN%%TARGET% >> %nailgun_out% 2>> %nailgun_err% %NG% cbt.NailgunLauncher check-alive >> %nailgun_out% 2>> %nailgun_err% SET isAlive=0 IF %errorlevel%==131 SET isAlive=1 IF %errorlevel%==33 SET isAlive=1 REM IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( REM ECHO Waiting for nailgun REM ) ELSE ( REM GOTO :ENDFOR REM ) SLEEP 2 SET /A counter=%counter% + 1 REM GOTO :BEGINFOR :ENDFOR %NG% cbt.NailgunLauncher %CWD% %* ENDLOCAL :ENDIF :ENDPROGRAM ENDLOCAL REM DEL %CBT_HOME%temp.txt > NUL 1>&2