package cbt; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; // TODO: try to reduce the number of members public interface Context{ // recently added methods that needs default values for old versions to work public default long cbtLastModified(){ throw new IncompatibleCbtVersionException("You need to define method cbtLastModified."); }; public default Map persistentCache(){ throw new IncompatibleCbtVersionException("You need to define method persistentCache."); }; public default Map transientCache(){ throw new IncompatibleCbtVersionException("You need to define method transientCache."); }; public default long start(){ throw new IncompatibleCbtVersionException("You need to define method start."); }; public default File workingDirectory(){ return projectDirectory(); }; // methods that exist for longer which every CBT version in use should have by now, no default values needed public abstract File cwd(); // REPLACE by something that allows to run cbt on some other directly public abstract String[] argsArray(); // replace this by ? public abstract String[] enabledLoggersArray(); public abstract String scalaVersionOrNull(); // needed to propagate scalaVersion to dependendee builds public abstract File cache(); public abstract File cbtHome(); public abstract File cbtRootHome(); // REMOVE public abstract File compatibilityTarget(); // maybe replace this with search in the classloader for it? public abstract BuildInterface parentBuildOrNull(); // deprecated methods @java.lang.Deprecated public abstract Long startCompat(); @java.lang.Deprecated public abstract Boolean cbtHasChangedCompat(); @java.lang.Deprecated public abstract ConcurrentHashMap permanentKeys(); @java.lang.Deprecated public abstract ConcurrentHashMap permanentClassLoaders(); @java.lang.Deprecated public abstract File projectDirectory(); }