import import cbt._ class Build(val context: Context) extends SonatypeRelease { def groupId: String = "com.github.rockjam" def version: String = "0.0.15" override def name: String = "cbt-sonatype-release-example" def description: String = "Plugin for CBT to release artifacts to sonatype OSS" def developers: Seq[Developer] = Seq( Developer( "rockjam", "Nikolay Tatarinov", "GMT+3", new URL("") ) ) def inceptionYear: Int = 2016 def licenses: Seq[cbt.License] = Seq(License.Apache2) def organization: Option[cbt.Organization] = None def scmConnection: String = "" def scmUrl: String = "" def url: = new URL("") override def dependencies = super.dependencies ++ Resolver( mavenCentral ).bind( ScalaDependency("com.chuusai", "shapeless", "2.3.2") ) }