package com.twitter.util import{File, FileWriter} import org.scalatest.WordSpec import import scala.language.reflectiveCalls import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position import import{AbstractReporter, Reporter} import java.nio.file._ class EvalTest extends WordSpec { def fromResourcePath(path: String): File = { assert(path.endsWith(".scala")) val tmpFile = File.createTempFile(path.stripSuffix(".scala"),"scala") Files.copy( Paths.get( getClass.getResource(path).getFile), tmpFile.toPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ) tmpFile.deleteOnExit() tmpFile } "Evaluator" should { "apply('expression')" in { assert((new Eval).apply[Int]("1 + 1") == 2) } "apply(new File(...))" in { assert((new Eval).apply[Int](fromResourcePath("/OnePlusOne.scala")) == 2) } "apply(new File(...), new File(...))" in { val derived = (new Eval).apply[() => String]( fromResourcePath("/Base.scala"), fromResourcePath("/Derived.scala")) assert(derived() == "hello") } "apply(new File(...) with a dash in the name with target" in { val f = File.createTempFile("eval", "target") f.delete() f.mkdir() val e = new Eval(Some(f)) val sourceFile = fromResourcePath("/file-with-dash.scala") val res: String = e(sourceFile) assert(res == "hello") val className = e.fileToClassName(sourceFile) val processedSource = e.sourceForString(Source.fromFile(sourceFile).getLines().mkString("\n")) val fullClassName = "Evaluator__%s_%s.class".format( className, e.uniqueId(processedSource, None)) val targetFileName = f.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fullClassName val targetFile = new File(targetFileName) assert(targetFile.exists) } "apply(new File(...) with target" in { val f = File.createTempFile("eval", "target") f.delete() f.mkdir() val e = new Eval(Some(f)) val sourceFile = fromResourcePath("/OnePlusOne.scala") val res: Int = e(sourceFile) assert(res == 2) // make sure it created a class file with the expected name val className = e.fileToClassName(sourceFile) val processedSource = e.sourceForString(Source.fromFile(sourceFile).getLines().mkString("\n")) val fullClassName = "Evaluator__%s_%s.class".format( className, e.uniqueId(processedSource, None)) val targetFileName = f.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + fullClassName val targetFile = new File(targetFileName) assert(targetFile.exists) val targetMod = targetFile.lastModified // eval again, make sure it works val res2: Int = e(sourceFile) // and make sure it didn't create a new file (1 + checksum) assert(f.listFiles.length == 2) // and make sure it didn't update the file val targetFile2 = new File(targetFileName) assert(targetFile2.lastModified == targetMod) // touch source, ensure no-recompile (checksum hasn't changed) sourceFile.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()) val res3: Int = e(sourceFile) assert(res3 == 2) // and make sure it didn't create a different file assert(f.listFiles.length == 2) // and make sure it updated the file val targetFile3 = new File(targetFileName) assert(targetFile3.lastModified == targetMod) // append a newline, altering checksum, verify recompile val writer = new FileWriter(sourceFile) writer.write("//a comment\n2\n") writer.close() val res4: Int = e(sourceFile) assert(res4 == 2) // and make sure it created a new file val targetFile4 = new File(targetFileName) assert(!targetFile4.exists) } "apply(InputStream)" in { assert((new Eval).apply[Int](getClass.getResourceAsStream("/OnePlusOne.scala")) == 2) } "uses deprecated" in { val deprecated = (new Eval).apply[() => String]( fromResourcePath("/Deprecated.scala")) assert(deprecated() == "hello") } "inPlace('expression')" in { // Old object API works Eval.compile("object Doubler { def apply(n: Int) = n * 2 }") assert(Eval.inPlace[Int]("Doubler(2)") == 4) assert(Eval.inPlace[Int]("Doubler(14)") == 28) // New class API fails // val eval = new Eval // eval.compile("object Doubler { def apply(n: Int) = n * 2 }") // assert(eval.inPlace[Int]("Doubler(2)") == 4) // assert(eval.inPlace[Int]("Doubler(14)") == 28) } "check" in { (new Eval).check("23") intercept[Eval.CompilerException] { (new Eval).check("invalid") } } "#include" in { val derived = Eval[() => String]( fromResourcePath("/Base.scala"), fromResourcePath("/DerivedWithInclude.scala")) assert(derived() == "hello") assert(derived.toString == "hello, joe") } "recursive #include" in { val derived = Eval[() => String]( fromResourcePath("/Base.scala"), fromResourcePath("/IncludeInclude.scala")) assert(derived() == "hello") assert(derived.toString == "hello, joe; hello, joe") } "toSource returns post-processed code" in { val derived = Eval.toSource(fromResourcePath("/DerivedWithInclude.scala")) assert(derived.contains("hello, joe")) assert(derived.contains("new Base")) } "throws a compilation error when Ruby is #included" in { intercept[Throwable] { Eval[() => String]( fromResourcePath("RubyInclude.scala") ) } } "clean class names" in { val e = new Eval() // regular old scala file assert(e.fileToClassName(new File("foo.scala")) == "foo") // without an extension assert(e.fileToClassName(new File("foo")) == "foo") // with lots o dots assert(e.fileToClassName(new File("")) == "foo$2ebar") // with dashes assert(e.fileToClassName(new File("foo-bar-baz.scala")) == "foo$2dbar$2dbaz") // with crazy things assert(e.fileToClassName(new File("foo$! -@@@")) == "foo$24$21$20$2d$40$40$40") } "allow custom error reporting" when { class Ctx { val eval = new Eval { @volatile var errors: Seq[(String, String)] = Nil override lazy val compilerMessageHandler: Option[Reporter] = Some(new AbstractReporter { override val settings: Settings = compilerSettings override def displayPrompt(): Unit = () override def display(pos: Position, msg: String, severity: this.type#Severity): Unit = { errors = errors :+ ((msg, severity.toString)) } override def reset() = { super.reset() errors = Nil } }) } } "not report errors on success" in { val ctx = new Ctx import ctx._ assert(eval[Int]("val a = 3; val b = 2; a + b", true) == 5) assert(eval.errors.isEmpty) } "report errors on bad code" in { val ctx = new Ctx import ctx._ intercept[Throwable] { eval[Int]("val a = 3; val b = q; a + b", true) } assert(eval.errors.nonEmpty) } "reset state between invocations" in { val ctx = new Ctx import ctx._ intercept[Throwable] { eval[Int]("val a = 3; val b = q; a + b", true) } assert(eval.errors.nonEmpty) assert(eval[Int]("val d = 3; val e = 2; d + e", true) == 5) assert(eval.errors.isEmpty) } "reset reporter between inPlace invocations" in { val ctx = new Ctx import ctx._ intercept[Throwable] { eval.inPlace[Int]("val a = 3; val b = q; a + b") } assert(eval.errors.nonEmpty) assert(eval.inPlace[Int]("val d = 3; val e = 2; d + e") == 5) assert(eval.errors.isEmpty) } "reporter should be reset between checks, but loaded class should remain" in { val ctx = new Ctx import ctx._ // compile and load compiled class eval.compile("class A()") intercept[Throwable] { eval.check("new B()") } assert(eval.errors.nonEmpty) eval.check("new A()") assert(eval.errors.isEmpty) } } } }