package cbt.process import cbt.ExitCode import object `package` extends Module trait Module { def runMainForked( className: String, args: Seq[String], classpath: String, directory: Option[File], outErrIn: Option[( OutputStream, OutputStream, InputStream )] ): ( Int, () => ExitCode, () => ExitCode ) = { // FIXME: Windows support val java_exe = new File( System.getProperty( "java.home" ) + "/bin/java" ) runWithIO( java_exe.toString +: "-cp" +: classpath +: className +: args, directory, outErrIn ) } def runWithIO( commandLine: Seq[String], directory: Option[File], outErrIn: Option[( OutputStream, OutputStream, InputStream )] ): ( Int, () => ExitCode, () => ExitCode ) = { val pb = new ProcessBuilder( commandLine: _* ) { case ( out, err, in ) => val process = _ ) ).getOrElse( pb ) .redirectInput( ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE ) .redirectOutput( ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE ) .redirectError( ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE ) .start ( processId( process ), () => { val lock = new AnyRef val t1 = asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( process.getErrorStream, err, lock ) val t2 = asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( process.getInputStream, out, lock ) val t3 = asyncPipeCharacterStream(, process.getOutputStream, process.isAlive ) t1.start t2.start t3.start t1.join t2.join val e = process.waitFor System.err.println( scala.Console.RESET + "Please press ENTER to continue..." ) t3.join ExitCode( e ) }, () => { process.destroy Thread.sleep( 20 ) ExitCode( process.destroyForcibly.waitFor ) } ) }.getOrElse { val process = pb.inheritIO.start ( processId( process ), () => ExitCode( process.waitFor ), () => { process.destroy Thread.sleep( 20 ) ExitCode( process.destroyForcibly.waitFor ) } ) } } private def accessField( cls: Class[_], field: String ): java.lang.reflect.Field = { val f = cls.getDeclaredField( field ) f.setAccessible( true ) f } import com.sun.jna.{ Library, Native } private trait CLibrary extends Library { def getpid: Int } private val CLibraryInstance: CLibrary = Native.loadLibrary( "c", classOf[CLibrary] ).asInstanceOf[CLibrary] def currentProcessId: Int = { if ( Option( System.getProperty( "" ) ).exists( _.startsWith( "Windows" ) ) ) { com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetCurrentProcessId } else { CLibraryInstance.getpid } } /** process id of given Process */ def processId( process: Process ): Int = { val clsName = process.getClass.getName if ( clsName == "java.lang.UNIXProcess" ) { accessField( process.getClass, "pid" ).getInt( process ) } else if ( clsName == "java.lang.Win32Process" || clsName == "java.lang.ProcessImpl" ) { import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.{ WinNT, Kernel32 } val handle = new WinNT.HANDLE handle.setPointer( com.sun.jna.Pointer.createConstant( accessField( process.getClass, "handle" ).getLong( process ) ) ) Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessId( handle ) } else { throw new Exception( "Unexpected Process sub-class: " + clsName ) } } def asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream, lock: AnyRef ): Thread = { new Thread( new Runnable { def run = { val b = new BufferedInputStream( inputStream ) Iterator.continually { // block until and read next character }.takeWhile( _ != -1 ).map { c => lock.synchronized { // synchronize with other invocations outputStream.write( c ) Iterator .continually( ) .takeWhile( _ != -1 ) .map { c => try { outputStream.write( c ) outputStream.flush ( c != '\n' // release lock when new line was encountered, allowing other writers to slip in && b.available > 0 // also release when nothing is available to not block other outputs ) } catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == "Stream closed" => false } } .takeWhile( identity ) .length // force entire iterator } }.length // force entire iterator } } ) } def asyncPipeCharacterStream( inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream, continue: => Boolean ) = { new Thread( new Runnable { def run = { Iterator .continually { } .takeWhile( _ != -1 ) .map { c => try { outputStream.write( c ) outputStream.flush true } catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == "Stream closed" => false } } .takeWhile( identity ) .takeWhile( _ => continue ) .length // force entire iterator } } ) } }