package cbt_build.proguard import cbt._ import java.nio.file.Files._ import import import scala.xml._ class Build(val context: Context) extends Scalafmt{ def description: String = "Type-safe scala wrapper to interfaces with ProGuard.main runner" def inceptionYear = 2017 def generate = { lib.transformFiles( sourceFiles, replaceSections( _, replacements ) ) compile } override def scalafmt = super.scalafmt.copy( config = super.scalafmt.lib.cbtRecommendedConfig, whiteSpaceInParenthesis = true ) override def compile = { // currently suffers from non-deterministic formatting. Try a few times to reproduce commit state. val formatted ="\n") if( formatted.nonEmpty ) System.err.println( "Formatted:\n" ++ formatted ++ "\n---------------" ) super.compile } def refcard = projectDirectory / "spec/refcard.html" /** downloads html proguard parameter specification */ def updateSpec = { System.err.println("downloading ")+refcard) new URL(""), refcard, None, replace = true ) System.err.println("simplifying html") val tables = ( loadSloppyHtml( refcard.readAsString ) \ "body" \\ "table" ) val s = ( "\n" ++ table => " \n" ++ (table \\ "tr").map( tr => " \n" ++ (tr \\ "td").map( td => " \n" ).mkString ++ " \n" ).mkString ++ "
" ++ td.text ++ "
\n" ).mkString ++ "\n" ) System.err.println("writing file") write( refcard.toPath, s.getBytes) } private def loadSloppyHtml(html: String): scala.xml.Elem = { object XmlNotDownloadingDTD extends scala.xml.factory.XMLLoader[scala.xml.Elem] { override def parser: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser = { val f = javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance() f.setNamespaceAware(false) f.setFeature("", true); f.newSAXParser() } } val p = new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser val w = new StringWriter p.setContentHandler(new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.XMLWriter(w)) p.parse( new org.xml.sax.InputSource( new ByteArrayInputStream( "".r.replaceFirstIn( html, "" ).getBytes ) ) ) XmlNotDownloadingDTD.loadString( w.toString ) } /** generates Scala code from parameter specification html */ def replacements = { val tables = XML.loadFile(refcard) \\ "table" def cellsToSeq( node: Node ) = (node \\ "tr").map( tr => (tr \\ "td").map( td => td.text ) match { case Seq( k, v ) => k -> v } ) val options = cellsToSeq( tables(0) ).collect{ case (k, v) if k.startsWith("-") => k.drop(1).split(" ").toList -> v }.map{ case (k,description) => val name = k(0) val tpe = k.drop(1).mkString(" ") match { case "" => "Boolean" case "n" => "Int" case "class_specification" | "version" | "optimization_filter" => "String" case "filename" | "directoryname" => "File" case "class_path" if name === "outjars" => "Seq[File]" case "class_path" => "Seq[File]" case "[filename]" => "Option[File]" case "[directory_filter]" | "[package_filter]" | "[package_name]" | "[attribute_filter]" | "[string]" | "[class_filter]" | "[file_filter]" => "Option[String]" case "[,modifier,...] class_specification" => "(Seq[KeepOptionModifier], String)" } (name, tpe, description.split("\n").mkString(" ")) }//.sortBy(_._1) val docs ={ case (name, tpe, description) => s" @param $name $description" }.mkString("\n") val params ={ case v@(_, "Boolean", _) => v -> Some("false") case (n, t, d) => (n, s"Option[$t]", d) -> Some("None") }.map{ case ((name, tpe, description), default) => s" $name: $tpe" ++" = "++_).getOrElse("") }.mkString(",\n") val keepModifiers = cellsToSeq( tables(2) ).map{ case (k, v) => s""" /** $v */\n object $k extends KeepOptionModifier("$k")""" }.mkString("\n") val args ={ case (name, _, description) => s"""argsFor($name).map("-$name" +: _)""" }.mkString("\n++ ") Seq( "keepModifiers" -> keepModifiers, "docs" -> docs, "args" -> args, "params" -> params ) } }