package cbt.reflect import import java.lang.reflect.{ Constructor, Method, InvocationTargetException, Modifier } import scala.reflect.ClassTag import cbt.ExitCode import cbt.file._ import cbt.common_1._ object `package` extends Module { implicit class CbtClassOps( val c: Class[_] ) extends AnyVal with ops.CbtClassOps implicit class CbtConstructorOps( val c: Constructor[_] ) extends AnyVal with ops.CbtConstructorOps implicit class CbtMethodOps( val m: Method ) extends AnyVal with ops.CbtMethodOps } package ops { trait CbtClassOps extends Any { def c: Class[_] def name = c.getName def method( name: String, parameterTypes: Class[_]* ) = c.getMethod( name, parameterTypes: _* ) def methods = c.getMethods def modifiers = c.getModifiers def constructors = c.getConstructors def declaredMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods def isInterface = Modifier.isInterface( c.getModifiers ) def isAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract( c.getModifiers ) def isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate( c.getModifiers ) def isProtected = Modifier.isProtected( c.getModifiers ) def isPublic = Modifier.isPublic( c.getModifiers ) def isFinal = Modifier.isFinal( c.getModifiers ) } trait CbtConstructorOps extends Any { def c: Constructor[_] def parameterTypes = c.getParameterTypes } trait CbtMethodOps extends Any { def m: Method def name = m.getName def declaringClass = m.getDeclaringClass def modifiers = m.getModifiers def parameters = m.getParameters def parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes def returnType = m.getReturnType def isAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract( m.getModifiers ) def isFinal = Modifier.isFinal( m.getModifiers ) def isNative = Modifier.isNative( m.getModifiers ) def isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate( m.getModifiers ) def isProtected = Modifier.isProtected( m.getModifiers ) def isPublic = Modifier.isPublic( m.getModifiers ) def isStatic = Modifier.isStatic( m.getModifiers ) def isStrict = Modifier.isStrict( m.getModifiers ) def isSynchronized = Modifier.isSynchronized( m.getModifiers ) def isTransient = Modifier.isTransient( m.getModifiers ) def isVolatile = Modifier.isVolatile( m.getModifiers ) def show = ( ~ "( " ~ ).mkString( ", " ) ~ " )" ) } } trait Module { def getMain( cls: Class[_] ): StaticMethod[Seq[String], ExitCode] = { val f = findStaticExitMethodOrFail[Array[String]]( cls, "main" ) f.copy( function = ( args: Seq[String] ) => f.function( ) ) } def findMain( cls: Class[_] ): Option[StaticMethod[Seq[String], ExitCode]] = { findStaticExitMethod[Array[String]]( cls, "main" ) .map( f => f.copy( function = ( args: Seq[String] ) => f.function( ) ) ) } /** ignoreMissingClasses allows ignoring other classes root directories which are subdirectories of this one */ def topLevelClasses( classesRootDirectory: File, classLoader: ClassLoader, ignoreMissingClasses: Boolean ): Seq[Class[_]] = topLevelClassNames( classesRootDirectory ) .map { name => try { classLoader.loadClass( name ) } catch { case e: ClassNotFoundException if ignoreMissingClasses => null case e: NoClassDefFoundError if ignoreMissingClasses => null } } .filterNot( ignoreMissingClasses && _ == null ) /** Given a directory corresponding to the root package, return * the names of all top-level classes based on the class files found */ def topLevelClassNames( classesRootDirectory: File ): Seq[String] = classesRootDirectory.listRecursive .filter( _.isFile ) .map( _.getPath ) .collect { // no $ to avoid inner classes case path if !path.contains( "$" ) && path.endsWith( ".class" ) => path .stripSuffix( ".class" ) .stripPrefix( classesRootDirectory.getPath ) .stripPrefix( File.separator ) // 1 for the slash .replace( File.separator, "." ) } def findStaticExitMethodOrFail[Arg: ClassTag]( cls: Class[_], name: String ): StaticMethod[Arg, ExitCode] = { val f = findStaticMethodOrFail[Arg, Unit]( cls, name ) f.copy( function = arg => trapExitCode { f.function( arg ); ExitCode.Success } ) } def findStaticMethodOrFail[Arg, Result]( cls: Class[_], name: String )( implicit Result: ClassTag[Result], Arg: ClassTag[Arg] ): StaticMethod[Arg, Result] = { val m = cls.method( name, Arg.runtimeClass ) assert( Result.runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom( m.returnType ) ) typeStaticMethod( m ) } def findStaticExitMethod[Arg: ClassTag]( cls: Class[_], name: String ): Option[StaticMethod[Arg, ExitCode]] = findStaticMethod[Arg, Unit]( cls, name ).map( f => f.copy( function = arg => trapExitCode { f.function( arg ); ExitCode.Success } ) ) def findStaticMethod[Arg, Result]( cls: Class[_], name: String )( implicit Result: ClassTag[Result], Arg: ClassTag[Arg] ): Option[StaticMethod[Arg, Result]] = { Some( cls ) .filterNot( _.isAbstract ) .filterNot( _.isInterface ) .flatMap( _ .getMethods .find( m => !m.isAbstract && m.isPublic && == name && m.parameterTypes.toList == List( Arg.runtimeClass ) && Result.runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom( m.returnType ) ) ) .map( typeStaticMethod ) } def typeStaticMethod[Arg, Result]( method: Method ): StaticMethod[Arg, Result] = { val m = method val instance = if ( m.isStatic ) null else m.declaringClass.newInstance // Dottydoc needs this. It's main method is not static. StaticMethod( arg => m.invoke( instance, arg.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ).asInstanceOf[Result], m ) } def trapExitCodeOrValue[T]( result: => T, i: Int = 5 ): Either[ExitCode, T] = { new TrapSystemExit[Either[ExitCode, T]] { def run = Right( result ) def wrap( exitCode: Int ) = Left( new ExitCode( exitCode ) ) } ) } def trapExitCode( code: => ExitCode ): ExitCode = trapExitCodeOrValue( code ).merge }