package cbt import org.scalafmt.Error.Incomplete import org.scalafmt.Formatted import org.scalafmt.cli.StyleCache import org.scalafmt.config.ScalafmtConfig import import java.nio.file.Files._ import java.nio.file._ /** This plugin provides scalafmt support for cbt. */ trait Scalafmt extends BaseBuild { /** Reformat scala source code according to `scalafmtConfig` rules */ def scalafmt = { val scalafmtLib = new ScalafmtLib(lib) scalafmtLib.format( sourceFiles ).config( scalafmtLib.loadConfig( projectDirectory.toPath ) getOrElse ScalafmtConfig.default ) } } class ScalafmtLib(lib: Lib){ scalafmtLib => def userHome = Option( System.getProperty("user.home") ).map(Paths.get(_)) /** Tries to load config from .scalafmt.conf in given directory or fallback directory */ def loadConfig( directory: Path, fallback: Option[Path] = userHome ): Option[ScalafmtConfig] = { def findIn( base: Path ): Option[Path] = { Some( base.resolve(".scalafmt.conf").toAbsolutePath ).filter(isRegularFile(_)) } findIn( directory ).orElse( fallback flatMap findIn ) .flatMap ( file => StyleCache.getStyleForFile(file.toString) ) } case class format(files: Seq[File]){ /** * @param whiteSpaceInParenthesis more of a hack to make up for missing support in Scalafmt. Does not respect alignment and maxColumn. */ case class config( config: ScalafmtConfig, whiteSpaceInParenthesis: Boolean = false ) extends (() => Seq[File]){ def lib = scalafmtLib def apply = { val (successes, errors) = scalafmtLib.lib.transformFilesOrError( files, org.scalafmt.Scalafmt.format(_, config) match { case Formatted.Success(formatted) => Right( if( whiteSpaceInParenthesis ){ scalafmtLib.whiteSpaceInParenthesis(formatted) } else formatted ) case Formatted.Failure( e ) => Left( e ) } ) if(errors.nonEmpty) throw new RuntimeException( "Scalafmt failed to format some files:\n" ++{ case (file, error) => file.string ++ ": " ++ error.getMessage }.mkString("\n"), errors.head._2 ) successes } } } private def whiteSpaceInParenthesis: String => String = Seq( "(\\(+)([^\\s\\)])".r.replaceAllIn(_:String, m =>" ") ++ " " ++ ), "([^\\s\\(])(\\)+)".r.replaceAllIn(_:String, m => ++ " " ++" ") ) ).reduce(_ andThen _) def cbtRecommendedConfig = { import org.scalafmt.config._ val c = ScalafmtConfig.defaultWithAlign c.copy( maxColumn = 110, continuationIndent = c.continuationIndent.copy( defnSite = 2 ), align = c.align.copy( tokens = AlignToken.default ++ Set( // formatting for these alignment tokens seems to be deterministic right now // Maybe because of scala meta. Killing the class loader between runs seems not to help. // Starting a new jvm each time does. AlignToken( "=>", ".*" ), AlignToken( ":", ".*" ), AlignToken( "=", ".*" ) ) + AlignToken.caseArrow, arrowEnumeratorGenerator = true, mixedOwners = true ), binPack = c.binPack.copy( parentConstructors = true ), spaces = c.spaces.copy( inImportCurlyBraces = true ), lineEndings = LineEndings.unix, newlines = c.newlines.copy( penalizeSingleSelectMultiArgList = false ), runner = c.runner.copy( optimizer = c.runner.optimizer.copy( forceConfigStyleOnOffset = -1 ) ) ) } }