package cbt package sonatype import import import java.nio.file.Files._ import java.nio.file.Paths /** * Sonatype release process is: * • get your profile info to publish artifacts * • open staging repository to publish artifacts * • publish signed artifacts and signatures to staging repository * • close staging repository * • promote staging repository * • drop staging repository */ object SonatypeLib { val serviceURI: String = "" val snapshotsURI: String = "" /** * login:password for Sonatype access. * Order of credentials lookup: * • environment variables SONATYPE_USERNAME and SONATYPE_PASSWORD * • ~/.cbt/sonatype-credentials */ def credentials: String = { def fromEnv = for { username <- Option(System.getenv("SONATYPE_USERNAME")) password <- Option(System.getenv("SONATYPE_PASSWORD")) } yield s"$username:$password" def fromFile = { for { home <- Option(System.getProperty("user.home")) credsPath = Paths.get(home, ".cbt", "sonatype-credentials") } yield new String(readAllBytes(credsPath)).trim } fromEnv .orElse(fromFile) .getOrElse(throw new Exception( "No Sonatype credentials found! You can provide them via SONATYPE_USERNAME, SONATYPE_PASSWORD env variables, " + "or in ~/.cbt/sonatype-credentials file as login:password" )) } } final case class SonatypeLib( profileName: String, serviceURI: String = SonatypeLib.serviceURI, snapshotsURI: String = SonatypeLib.snapshotsURI, credentials: String = SonatypeLib.credentials // FIXME: maybe hide this from cli ? )( implicit logger: Logger ){ private val lib: Lib = new Lib(logger) private def log: String => Unit = logger.log("sonatype-release",_) val api = new SonatypeHttpApi(serviceURI, credentials, profileName)(log) /* * Signed publish steps: * • create new staging repo * • create artifacts and sign them * • publish jars to created repo */ def publishSigned( artifacts: Seq[File], releaseFolder: String ) = { import api._ System.err.println("Publishing to Sonatype")) def publish(deployURI: String) = lib.publishSigned( artifacts, new URL(deployURI ++ releaseFolder), Some(credentials) ) if (releaseFolder.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")){ val urls = publish(snapshotsURI) System.err.println("Successfully published snapshot on Sonatype!")) urls } else { val profile = getStagingProfile val repoId = createStagingRepo(profile) val urls = publish( serviceURI ++ "/staging/deployByRepositoryId/" ++ repoId.string ) System.err.println("Successfully uploaded jars to Sonatype!")) finishRelease( getStagingRepoById(repoId), profile ) System.err.println("Successfully released uploaded jars to Maven Central!")) urls } } /* /** * Release is: * • find staging repo related to current profile; * • close this staging repo; * • wait until this repo is released; * • drop this repo. */ private def release: ExitCode = { val profile = getStagingProfile() System.err.println("Releasing jars to Maven Central!") getStagingRepos(profile).toList match { case Nil => System.err.println("No staging repositories found, you need to publish artifacts first.")) ExitCode.Failure case repo :: Nil => finishRelease(repo, profile) log("Successfully released artifact")) ExitCode.Success case repos => lib.pickOne("More than one staging repo found. Select one of them:"), repos ){ repo => s"${repo.repositoryId} in state: ${repo.state}" }.map{ repo => finishRelease(repo, profile) log("Successfully released artifact")) ExitCode.Success } getOrElse { System.err.println("Wrong repository number, try again please.")) ExitCode.Failure } } } */ }