package cbt import import import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import paths._ class Init(args: Array[String]) { /** * Raw parameters including their `-D` flag. **/ val propsRaw: Seq[String] = args.toVector.filter(_.startsWith("-D")) /** * All arguments that weren't `-D` property declarations. **/ val argsV: Seq[String] = args.toVector diff propsRaw /** * Parsed properties, as a map of keys to values. **/ lazy val props = propsRaw .map(_.drop(2).split("=")).map({ case Array(key, value) => key -> value }).toMap ++ System.getProperties.asScala val logger = new Logger(props.get("log")) } object Stage1 extends Stage1Base{ def mainClass = ("cbt.Stage2") } object AdminStage1 extends Stage1Base{ def mainClass = ("cbt.AdminStage2") } abstract class Stage1Base{ def mainClass: String protected def newerThan( a: File, b: File ) ={ a.lastModified > b.lastModified } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val init = new Init(args) val lib = new Stage1Lib(init.logger) import lib._ logger.stage1(s"[$now] Stage1 start") logger.stage1("Stage1: after creating lib") val cwd = args(0) val src = stage2.listFiles.toVector.filter(_.isFile).filter(_.toString.endsWith(".scala")) val changeIndicator = stage2Target ++ "/cbt/Build.class" logger.stage1("before conditionally running zinc to recompile CBT") if( src.exists(newerThan(_, changeIndicator)) ) { val stage1Classpath = CbtDependency()(logger).dependencyClasspath logger.stage1("cbt.lib has changed. Recompiling with cp: " ++ stage1Classpath.string) zinc( true, src, stage2Target, stage1Classpath, Seq("-deprecation") )( zincVersion = "0.3.9", scalaVersion = constants.scalaVersion ) } logger.stage1(s"[$now] calling CbtDependency.classLoader") logger.stage1(s"[$now] Run Stage2") val ExitCode(exitCode) = /*trapExitCode*/{ // this runMain( mainClass, cwd +: args.drop(1).toVector, CbtDependency()(logger).classLoader ) } logger.stage1(s"[$now] Stage1 end") System.exit(exitCode) } }