package cbt import import java.util._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ final case class Stage1ArgsParser(_args: Seq[String]) { /** * Raw parameters including their `-D` flag. **/ val propsRaw: Seq[String] = _args.toVector.filter(_.startsWith("-D")) /** * All arguments that weren't `-D` property declarations. **/ val args: Seq[String] = _args.toVector diff propsRaw /** * Parsed properties, as a map of keys to values. **/ val props = propsRaw .map(_.drop(2).split("=")).map({ case Array(key, value) => key -> value }).toMap ++ System.getProperties.asScala val enabledLoggers = props.get("log") val tools = _args contains "tools" } abstract class Stage2Base{ def run( context: Stage2Args ): ExitCode } class Stage2Args( val cwd: File, val args: Seq[String], val stage2LastModified: Long, val cache: File, val cbtHome: File, val compatibilityTarget: File, val stage2sourceFiles: Seq[File] )( implicit val transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], val classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache, val logger: Logger ){ val persistentCache = classLoaderCache.hashMap } object Stage1{ protected def newerThan( a: File, b: File ) ={ a.lastModified > b.lastModified } def getBuild( _context: java.lang.Object, buildStage1: BuildStage1Result ) = { val context = _context.asInstanceOf[Context] val logger = new Logger( context.enabledLoggers, buildStage1.start ) val (_, cbtLastModified, classLoader) = buildStage2( buildStage1, context.cbtHome, context.cache )(context.transientCache, new ClassLoaderCache( context.persistentCache ), logger) classLoader .loadClass("cbt.Stage2") .getMethod( "getBuild", classOf[Context] ) .invoke( null, context.copy( cbtLastModified = Math.max( context.cbtLastModified, cbtLastModified ) ) ) } def buildStage2( buildStage1: BuildStage1Result, cbtHome: File, cache: File )( implicit transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache, logger: Logger ): (Seq[File], Long, ClassLoader) = { import buildStage1._ val lib = new Stage1Lib(logger) import lib._ val paths = CbtPaths(cbtHome, cache) import paths._ val stage2sourceFiles = ( stage2.listFiles ++ (stage2 ++ "/plugins").listFiles ).toVector.filter(_.isFile).filter(_.toString.endsWith(".scala")) val cls = this.getClass.getClassLoader.loadClass("cbt.NailgunLauncher") def cbtDependencies = new CbtDependencies( mavenCache, nailgunTarget, stage1Target, stage2Target, new File(buildStage1.compatibilityClasspath) ) logger.stage1("Compiling stage2 if necessary") val Some( stage2LastModified ) = compile( buildStage1.stage1LastModified, stage2sourceFiles, stage2Target, stage2StatusFile, cbtDependencies.stage2Dependency.dependencies, mavenCache, Seq("-deprecation","-feature","-unchecked"), zincVersion = constants.zincVersion, scalaVersion = constants.scalaVersion ) logger.stage1(s"calling CbtDependency.classLoader") assert( buildStage1.compatibilityClasspath === cbtDependencies.compatibilityDependency.classpath.string, "compatibility classpath different from NailgunLauncher" ) assert( buildStage1.stage1Classpath === cbtDependencies.stage1Dependency.classpath.string, "stage1 classpath different from NailgunLauncher" ) assert( classLoaderCache.containsKey( cbtDependencies.compatibilityDependency.classpath.string, cbtDependencies.compatibilityDependency.lastModified ), "cbt unchanged, expected compatibility classloader to be cached" ) assert( classLoaderCache.containsKey( cbtDependencies.stage1Dependency.classpath.string, cbtDependencies.stage1Dependency.lastModified ), "cbt unchanged, expected stage1 classloader to be cached" ) val stage2ClassLoader = cbtDependencies.stage2Dependency.classLoader { // a few classloader sanity checks val compatibilityClassLoader = cbtDependencies.compatibilityDependency.classLoader assert( classOf[BuildInterface].getClassLoader == compatibilityClassLoader, classOf[BuildInterface].getClassLoader.toString ++ "\n\nis not the same as\n\n" ++ compatibilityClassLoader.toString ) //------------- val stage1ClassLoader = cbtDependencies.stage1Dependency.classLoader assert( classOf[Stage1ArgsParser].getClassLoader == stage1ClassLoader, classOf[Stage1ArgsParser].getClassLoader.toString ++ "\n\nis not the same as\n\n" ++ stage1ClassLoader.toString ) //------------- assert( Stage0Lib.get(stage2ClassLoader.getParent,"parents").asInstanceOf[Seq[ClassLoader]].contains(stage1ClassLoader), stage1ClassLoader.toString ++ "\n\nis not contained in parents of\n\n" ++ stage2ClassLoader.toString ) } ( stage2sourceFiles, stage2LastModified, stage2ClassLoader ) } def run( _args: Array[String], cache: File, cbtHome: File, buildStage1: BuildStage1Result, persistentCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef] ): Int = { val args = Stage1ArgsParser(_args.toVector.drop(1)) implicit val logger = new Logger(args.enabledLoggers, buildStage1.start) logger.stage1(s"Stage1 start") implicit val transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef] = new java.util.HashMap implicit val classLoaderCache = new ClassLoaderCache( persistentCache ) val (stage2sourceFiles, stage2LastModified, classLoader) = buildStage2( buildStage1, cbtHome, cache ) val stage2Args = new Stage2Args( new File( args.args(0) ), args.args.drop(1).toVector, // launcher changes cause entire nailgun restart, so no need for them here stage2LastModified = stage2LastModified, cache, cbtHome, new File(buildStage1.compatibilityClasspath), stage2sourceFiles ) logger.stage1(s"Run Stage2") val exitCode = ( classLoader .loadClass( if( "cbt.ToolsStage2" else "cbt.Stage2" ) .getMethod( "run", classOf[Stage2Args] ) .invoke( null, stage2Args ) match { case code: ExitCode => code case _ => ExitCode.Success } ).integer logger.stage1(s"Stage1 end with exit code " + exitCode) return exitCode; } }