package cbt import import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file._ import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime import import import java.util.{Set=>_,Map=>_,List=>_,Iterator=>_,_} import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter class Stage1Lib( logger: Logger ) extends _root_.cbt.common_1.Module with _root_.cbt.reflect.Module with _root_.cbt.file.Module { lib => implicit protected val implicitLogger: Logger = logger def libMajorVersion(libFullVersion: String) = libFullVersion.split("\\.").take(2).mkString(".") // ========== file system / net ========== def array2hex(padTo: Int, array: Array[Byte]): String = { val hex = new java.math.BigInteger(1, array).toString(16) ("0" * (padTo-hex.size)) ++ hex } def md5( bytes: Array[Byte] ): String = array2hex(32, MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(bytes)).toLowerCase def sha1( bytes: Array[Byte] ): String = array2hex(40, MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1").digest(bytes)).toLowerCase def red(string: String) = scala.Console.RED++string++scala.Console.RESET def blue(string: String) = scala.Console.BLUE++string++scala.Console.RESET def green(string: String) = scala.Console.GREEN++string++scala.Console.RESET def write(file: File, content: String, options: OpenOption*): File = Stage0Lib.write(file, content, options:_*) def writeIfChanged(file: File, content: String, options: OpenOption*): File = if( !file.exists || content != file.readAsString ) write(file, content, options:_*) else file def addHttpCredentials( connection: HttpURLConnection, credentials: String ): Unit = { val encoding = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(credentials.getBytes) connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " ++ encoding) } def download(url: URL, target: File, sha1: Option[String], replace: Boolean = false): Boolean = { if( target.exists && !replace ){ logger.resolver(green("found ") ++ true } else { val incomplete = ( target ++ ".incomplete" ).toPath; val connection = Stage0Lib.openConnectionConsideringProxy(url) Option(url.getUserInfo).filter(_ != "").foreach( addHttpCredentials(connection,_) ) if(connection.getResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK){ logger.resolver(blue("not found: ") ++ false } else { System.err.println(blue("downloading ") ++ logger.resolver(blue("to ") ++ target.string) target.getParentFile.mkdirs val stream = connection.getInputStream try{ Files.copy(stream, incomplete, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) } finally { stream.close } sha1.foreach{ hash => val expected = hash.toLowerCase val actual = this.sha1(Files.readAllBytes(incomplete)) assert( expected == actual, s"$expected == $actual" ) logger.resolver( green("verified") ++ " checksum for " ++ target.string) } Files.move(incomplete, target.toPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); true } } } def getCbtMain( cls: Class[_] ): cbt.reflect.StaticMethod[Context, ExitCode] = findStaticMethodOrFail[Context, ExitCode]( cls, "cbtMain" ) def findCbtMain( cls: Class[_] ): Option[cbt.reflect.StaticMethod[Context, ExitCode]] = findStaticMethod[Context, ExitCode]( cls, "cbtMain" ) /** shows an interactive dialogue in the shell asking the user to pick one of many choices */ def pickOne[T]( msg: String, choices: Seq[T] )( show: T => String ): Option[T] = { if(choices.size == 0) None else if(choices.size == 1) Some(choices.head) else { Option(System.console).map{ console => val indexedChoices: Map[Int, T] = choices.zipWithIndex.toMap.mapValues(_+1).map(_.swap) System.err.println({ case (index,choice) => s"[${index}] "++show(choice)}.mkString("\n") ) val range = s"1 - ${indexedChoices.size}" System.err.println() System.err.println( msg ++ " [" ++ range ++ "] " ) val answer = console.readLine() val choice = try{ Some(Integer.parseInt(answer)) }catch{ case e:java.lang.NumberFormatException => None } choice.flatMap(indexedChoices.get).orElse{ System.err.println("Not in range "++range) None } }.getOrElse{ System.err.println("System.console() == null. Use `cbt direct ` or see") None } } } /** interactively pick one main class */ def pickClass( mainClasses: Seq[Class[_]] ): Option[Class[_]] = { pickOne( "Which one do you want to run?", mainClasses )( _.toString ) } implicit class ClassLoaderExtensions(classLoader: ClassLoader){ def canLoad(className: String) = { try{ classLoader.loadClass(className) true } catch { case e: ClassNotFoundException => false } } } def compile( cbtLastModified: Long, sourceFiles: Seq[File], compileTarget: File, statusFile: File, dependencies: Seq[Dependency], mavenCache: File, scalacOptions: Seq[String] = Seq(), zincVersion: String, scalaVersion: String )( implicit transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache ): Option[Long] = { val d = Dependencies(dependencies) val classpath = d.classpath val cp = classpath.string def lastModified = ( cbtLastModified +: d.lastModified +: ).max if( sourceFiles.isEmpty ){ None }else{ val start = System.currentTimeMillis val lastCompiled = statusFile.lastModified if( lastModified > lastCompiled ){ def Resolver(urls: URL*) = MavenResolver(cbtLastModified, mavenCache, urls: _*) val zinc = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne(MavenDependency("com.typesafe.zinc","zinc", zincVersion)) val zincDeps = zinc.transitiveDependencies val sbtInterface = zincDeps .collect{ case d @ BoundMavenDependency( _, _, MavenDependency( "com.typesafe.sbt", "sbt-interface", _, Classifier.none, _), _, _ ) => d } .headOption .getOrElse( throw new Exception(s"cannot find sbt-interface in zinc $zincVersion dependencies: "++zincDeps.toString) ) .jar val compilerInterface = zincDeps .collect{ case d @ BoundMavenDependency( _, _, MavenDependency( "com.typesafe.sbt", "compiler-interface", _, Classifier.sources, _), _, _ ) => d } .headOption .getOrElse( throw new Exception(s"cannot find compiler-interface in zinc $zincVersion dependencies: "++zincDeps.toString) ) .jar val scalaLibrary = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne(MavenDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-library",scalaVersion)).jar val scalaReflect = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne(MavenDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-reflect",scalaVersion)).jar val scalaCompiler = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne(MavenDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-compiler",scalaVersion)).jar val _class = "com.typesafe.zinc.Main" val dualArgs = Seq( "-scala-compiler", scalaCompiler.toString, "-scala-library", scalaLibrary.toString, "-sbt-interface", sbtInterface.toString, "-compiler-interface", compilerInterface.toString, "-scala-extra", scalaReflect.toString, "-d", compileTarget.toString ) val singleArgs = "-S" ++ _ ) val code = redirectOutToErr{ System.err.println("Compiling to " ++ compileTarget.toString) try{ zinc.runMain( _class, dualArgs ++ singleArgs ++ ( if(cp.isEmpty) Nil else Seq("-cp", cp) ) ++ ) } catch { case scala.util.control.NonFatal(e) => System.err.println(red("The Scala compiler crashed. Try running it by hand:")) System.out.println(s""" java -cp \\ ${zinc.classpath.strings.mkString(":\\\n")} \\ \\ ${_class} \\ \\ ${dualArgs.grouped(2).map(_.mkString(" ")).mkString(" \\\n")} \\ \\ ${singleArgs.mkString(" \\\n")} \\ \\ ${if(cp.isEmpty) "" else (" -classpath \\\n" ++ classpath.strings.mkString(":\\\n"))} \\ \\ ${sourceFiles.sorted.mkString(" \\\n")} """ ) redirectOutToErr( e.printStackTrace ) ExitCode.Failure } } if(code == ExitCode.Success){ // write version and when last compilation started so we can trigger // recompile if cbt version changed or newer source files are seen write(statusFile, "")//cbtVersion.getBytes) Files.setLastModifiedTime(statusFile.toPath, FileTime.fromMillis(start) ) } else { System.exit(code.integer) // FIXME: let's find a better solution for error handling. Maybe a monad after all. } Some( start ) } else { Some( lastCompiled ) } } } def getOutErrIn: (ThreadLocal[PrintStream], ThreadLocal[PrintStream], InputStream) = try{ // trying nailgun's System.our/err wrapper val field = System.out.getClass.getDeclaredField("streams") val field2 ="streams") assert(System.out.getClass.getName == "com.martiansoftware.nailgun.ThreadLocalPrintStream", System.out.getClass.getName) assert(System.err.getClass.getName == "com.martiansoftware.nailgun.ThreadLocalPrintStream", System.err.getClass.getName) assert( == "com.martiansoftware.nailgun.ThreadLocalInputStream", field.setAccessible(true) field2.setAccessible(true) val out = field.get(System.out).asInstanceOf[ThreadLocal[PrintStream]] val err = field.get(System.err).asInstanceOf[ThreadLocal[PrintStream]] val in = field2.get([ThreadLocal[InputStream]] ( out, err, in.get ) } catch { case e: NoSuchFieldException => // trying cbt's System.our/err wrapper val field = classOf[FilterOutputStream].getDeclaredField("out") field.setAccessible(true) val outStream = field.get(System.out) val errStream = field.get(System.err) assert(outStream.getClass.getName == "cbt.ThreadLocalOutputStream", outStream.getClass.getName) assert(errStream.getClass.getName == "cbt.ThreadLocalOutputStream", errStream.getClass.getName) val field2 = outStream.getClass.getDeclaredField("threadLocal") field2.setAccessible(true) val out = field2.get(outStream).asInstanceOf[ThreadLocal[PrintStream]] val err = field2.get(errStream).asInstanceOf[ThreadLocal[PrintStream]] ( out, err, ) } def redirectOutToErr[T](code: => T): T = { val ( out, err, _ ) = getOutErrIn val oldOut: PrintStream = out.get out.set( err.get: PrintStream ) val res = code out.set( oldOut ) res } def ScalaDependency( groupId: String, artifactId: String, version: String, classifier: Classifier = Classifier.none, scalaMajorVersion: String, verifyHash: Boolean = true ) = MavenDependency( groupId, artifactId ++ "_" ++ scalaMajorVersion, version, classifier, verifyHash ) def cacheOnDisk[T,J <: AnyRef : scala.reflect.ClassTag] ( cbtLastModified: Long, cacheFile: File, persistentCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef] ) ( deserialize: String => T ) ( serialize: T => String ) ( dejavafy: J => Seq[T] ) ( javafy: Seq[T] => J ) ( compute: => Seq[T] ): Seq[T] = { val key = "cacheOnDisk:" + cacheFile Option( persistentCache.get(key) ).map( _.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]] ).map{ case Array(time: java.lang.Long, javafied: J) => (time, javafied) }.filter( _._1 > cbtLastModified ) .map( _._2 ) .map( dejavafy ) .orElse{ (cacheFile.exists && cacheFile.lastModified > cbtLastModified).option{ import collection.JavaConversions._ val v = Files .readAllLines( cacheFile.toPath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) .toStream .map( deserialize ) persistentCache.put(key, Array(System.currentTimeMillis:java.lang.Long, javafy(v))) v } }.getOrElse{ val result = compute val strings = val string = strings.mkString("\n") write(cacheFile, string) persistentCache.put(key, Array(System.currentTimeMillis:java.lang.Long, javafy(result))) result } } def dependencyTreeRecursion(root: Dependency, indent: Int = 0): String = ( ( " " * indent ) ++ // (if(root.needsUpdate) red( else ++ d => "\n" ++ dependencyTreeRecursion(d,indent + 1) ).mkString ) def transitiveDependencies(dependency: Dependency): Seq[Dependency] = { def linearize(deps: Seq[Dependency]): Seq[Dependency] = { // Order is important here in order to generate the correct lineraized dependency order for EarlyDependencies // (and maybe this as well in case we want to get rid of MultiClassLoader) try{ if(deps.isEmpty) deps else ( deps ++ linearize(deps.flatMap(_.dependencies)) ) } catch{ case e: Exception => throw new Exception(, e) } } // FIXME: this is probably wrong too eager. // We should consider replacing versions during traversals already // not just replace after traversals, because that could mean we // pulled down dependencies current versions don't even rely // on anymore. val deps: Seq[Dependency] = linearize(dependency.dependencies).reverse.distinct.reverse val hasInfo: Seq[Dependency with ArtifactInfo] = deps.collect{ case d:Dependency with ArtifactInfo => d } val noInfo: Seq[Dependency] = deps.filter{ case _:Dependency with ArtifactInfo => false case _ => true } noInfo ++ BoundMavenDependency.updateOutdated( hasInfo ).reverse.distinct } def actual(current: Dependency, latest: Map[(String,String),Dependency]) = current match { case d: ArtifactInfo => val key = (d.groupId,d.artifactId) latest.get(key).getOrElse( throw new Exception( s"This should never happend. Could not find $key in \n"{case (k,v) => k+" -> "+v}.mkString("\n") ) ) case d => d } def classLoaderRecursion( dependency: Dependency, latest: Map[(String,String),Dependency] )(implicit transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], cache: ClassLoaderCache): ClassLoader = { // FIXME: shouldn't we be using KeyLockedLazyCache instead of hashmap directly here? val dependencies = dependency.dependencies.toVector val dependencyClassLoader: ClassLoader = { if( dependency.dependencies.isEmpty ){ NailgunLauncher.jdkClassLoader } else if( dependencies.size == 1 ){ classLoaderRecursion( dependencies.head, latest ) } else{ val lastModified = _.lastModified ).max val cp = dependency.dependencyClasspath.string val cl = new MultiClassLoader( classLoaderRecursion(_, latest) ) ) if( !cache.containsKey( cp, lastModified ) ){ cache.put( cp, cl, lastModified ) } cache.get( cp, lastModified ) } } val a = actual( dependency, latest ) def cl = new cbt.URLClassLoader( a.exportedClasspath, dependencyClassLoader ) val cp = a.classpath.string val lastModified = a.lastModified if( !cache.containsKey( cp, lastModified ) ){ cache.put( cp, cl, lastModified ) } cache.get( cp, lastModified ) } def addLoopFiles(cwd: File, files: Set[File]) = { lib.write( cwd / "target/.cbt-loop.tmp", + "\n").mkString, StandardOpenOption.APPEND ) } def cached[T]( targetDirectory: File, inputLastModified: Long )( action: () => T ): (Option[T],Long) = { val t = targetDirectory val start = System.currentTimeMillis def lastSucceeded = t.lastModified def outputLastModified = t.listRecursive.diff(t :: Nil).map(_.lastModified).maxOption.getOrElse(0l) def updateSucceeded(time: Long) = Files.setLastModifiedTime( t.toPath, FileTime.fromMillis(time) ) ( ( inputLastModified >= lastSucceeded ).option{ val result: T = action() updateSucceeded( start ) result }, outputLastModified ) } def asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream, lock: AnyRef ): Thread = { new Thread( new Runnable{ def run = { val b = new BufferedInputStream( inputStream ) Iterator.continually{ // block until and read next character }.takeWhile(_ != -1).map{ c => lock.synchronized{ // synchronize with other invocations outputStream.write(c) Iterator .continually( ) .takeWhile( _ != -1 ) .map{ c => try{ outputStream.write(c) outputStream.flush ( c != '\n' // release lock when new line was encountered, allowing other writers to slip in && b.available > 0 // also release when nothing is available to not block other outputs ) } catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == "Stream closed" => false } } .takeWhile(identity) .length // force entire iterator } }.length // force entire iterator } } ) } def asyncPipeCharacterStream( inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream, continue: => Boolean ) = { new Thread( new Runnable{ def run = { Iterator .continually{ } .takeWhile(_ != -1) .map{ c => try{ outputStream.write(c) outputStream.flush true } catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == "Stream closed" => false } } .takeWhile( identity ) .takeWhile( _ => continue ) .length // force entire iterator } } ) } def runWithIO( commandLine: Seq[String], directory: Option[File] = None ): ExitCode = { val (out,err,in) = lib.getOutErrIn match { case (l,r, in) => (l.get,r.get, in) } val pb = new ProcessBuilder( commandLine: _* ) val exitCode = if( !NailgunLauncher.runningViaNailgun ){ pb.inheritIO.start.waitFor } else { val process = _ ) ).getOrElse( pb ) .redirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .start val lock = new AnyRef val t1 = lib.asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( process.getErrorStream, err, lock ) val t2 = lib.asyncPipeCharacterStreamSyncLines( process.getInputStream, out, lock ) val t3 = lib.asyncPipeCharacterStream(, process.getOutputStream, process.isAlive ) t1.start t2.start t3.start t1.join t2.join val e = process.waitFor System.err.println( scala.Console.RESET + "Please press ENTER to continue..." ) t3.join e } ExitCode( exitCode ) } } import scala.reflect._ import scala.language.existentials case class PerClassCache(cache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], moduleKey: String)(implicit logger: Logger){ def apply[D <: Dependency: ClassTag](key: AnyRef): MethodCache[D] = new MethodCache[D](key) case class MethodCache[D <: Dependency: ClassTag](key: AnyRef){ def memoize[T <: AnyRef](task: => T): T = { val fullKey = (classTag[D].runtimeClass, moduleKey, key) logger.transientCache("fetching key"+fullKey) if( cache.containsKey(fullKey) ){ logger.transientCache("found key"+fullKey) cache.get(fullKey).asInstanceOf[T] } else{ val value = task logger.transientCache("put key"+fullKey) cache.put( fullKey, value ) value } } } }