package cbt import import java.nio.file._ import java.nio.file.Files._ import import java.lang.reflect._ object `package`{ implicit class CbtExitCodeOps( val exitCode: ExitCode ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtExitCodeOps implicit class TypeInferenceSafeEquals[T]( val value: T ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.TypeInferenceSafeEquals[T] implicit class CbtBooleanOps( val condition: Boolean ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtBooleanOps implicit class CbtStringOps( val string: String ) extends AnyVal with common_1.ops.CbtStringOps implicit class CbtFileOps( val file: File ) extends file.ops.CbtFileOps implicit class CbtClassOps( val c: Class[_] ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtClassOps implicit class CbtConstructorOps( val c: Constructor[_] ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtConstructorOps implicit class CbtMethodOps( val m: Method ) extends AnyVal with reflect.ops.CbtMethodOps val mavenCentral = new URL("") val jcenter = new URL("") def bintray(owner: String) = new URL(s"""${URLEncoder.encode(owner, "UTF-8")}/maven""") private val sonatypeBase = new URL("") val sonatypeReleases = sonatypeBase ++ "releases" val sonatypeSnapshots = sonatypeBase ++ "snapshots" implicit class PathExtensionMethods( path: Path ){ def /(s: String): Path = path.resolve(s) def ++( s: String ): Path = { if(s endsWith "/") throw new Exception( """Trying to append a String that ends in "/" to a Path would loose the trailing "/". Use .stripSuffix("/") if you need to.""" ) Paths.get( path.toString ++ s ) } } implicit class URLExtensionMethods( url: URL ){ def ++( s: String ): URL = new URL( url.toString ++ s ) def show = "/[^/@]+@".r.replaceFirstIn( url.toString, "/" ) // remove credentials when showing url for security reasons } implicit class SeqExtensions[T](seq: Seq[T]){ def maxOption(implicit ev: Ordering[T]): Option[T] = try{ Some(seq.max) } catch { case e:java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if e.getMessage === "empty.max" => None } } implicit class ClassLoaderExtensions(classLoader: ClassLoader){ def canLoad(className: String) = { try{ classLoader.loadClass(className) true } catch { case e: ClassNotFoundException => false } } } implicit class ArtifactInfoExtensions(subject: ArtifactInfo){ import subject._ def str = s"$groupId:$artifactId:$version" def show = this.getClass.getSimpleName ++ s"($str)" } implicit class DependencyExtensions(subject: Dependency){ import subject._ def dependencyClasspath(implicit logger: Logger, transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache): ClassPath = Dependencies(dependenciesArray.toVector).classpath def exportedClasspath: ClassPath = ClassPath(exportedClasspathArray.toVector) def classpath(implicit logger: Logger, transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache) = exportedClasspath ++ dependencyClasspath def dependencies: Seq[Dependency] = dependenciesArray.toVector } implicit class ContextExtensions(subject: Context){ import subject._ val paths = CbtPaths(cbtHome, cache) implicit def logger: Logger = new Logger(enabledLoggers, start) def classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache = new ClassLoaderCache( persistentCache ) def cbtDependencies = { import paths._ new CbtDependencies(cbtLastModified, mavenCache, nailgunTarget, stage1Target, stage2Target, compatibilityTarget)(logger, transientCache, classLoaderCache) } val cbtDependency = cbtDependencies.stage2Dependency def args: Seq[String] = argsArray.toVector def enabledLoggers: Set[String] = enabledLoggersArray.toSet def scalaVersion = Option(scalaVersionOrNull) def parentBuild = Option(parentBuildOrNull) def cbtLastModified: scala.Long = subject.cbtLastModified def copy( workingDirectory: File = workingDirectory, args: Seq[String] = args, //enabledLoggers: Set[String] = enabledLoggers, cbtLastModified: Long = cbtLastModified, scalaVersion: Option[String] = scalaVersion, cbtHome: File = cbtHome, parentBuild: Option[BuildInterface] = None, transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef] = transientCache, persistentCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef] = persistentCache, loop: Boolean = loop ): Context = new ContextImplementation( workingDirectory, cwd,,, start, cbtLastModified, scalaVersion.getOrElse(null), persistentCache, transientCache, cache, cbtHome, cbtRootHome, compatibilityTarget, parentBuild.getOrElse(null), loop ) } }