package cbt /** * This represents a logger with namespaces that can be enabled or disabled as needed. The * namespaces are defined using {{enabledLoggers}}. Possible values are defined in the subobject * "names". * * We can replace this with something more sophisticated eventually. */ case class Logger(enabledLoggers: Set[String], start: Long) { def this(enabledLoggers: Option[String], start: Long) = this( enabledLoggers.toVector.flatMap( _.split(",") ).toSet, start ) def log(name: String, msg: => String) = { val timeTaken = ((System.currentTimeMillis.toDouble - start) / 1000).toString System.err.println( s"[$timeTaken][$name] $msg" ) } def showInvocation(method: String, args: Any) = method ++ "( " ++ args.toString ++ " )" final def stage1(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.stage1, msg) final def stage2(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.stage2, msg) final def loop(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.loop, msg) final def task(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.task, msg) final def composition(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.composition, msg) final def resolver(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.resolver, msg) final def lib(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.lib, msg) final def test(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.test, msg) final def git(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.git, msg) final def pom(msg: => String) = logGuarded(names.pom, msg) private object names{ val stage1 = "stage1" val stage2 = "stage2" val loop = "loop" val task = "task" val resolver = "resolver" val composition = "composition" val lib = "lib" val test = "test" val pom = "pom" val git = "git" } private def logGuarded(name: String, msg: => String) = { if( (enabledLoggers contains name) || (enabledLoggers contains "all") ){ log(name, msg) } } }