package cbt import cbt.paths._ import import import java.nio.file.{Path =>_,_} import java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes import import java.util.jar._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.util._ class BasicBuild( context: Context ) extends Build( context ) class Build(val context: Context) extends Dependency with TriggerLoop with SbtDependencyDsl{ // library available to builds implicit final val logger: Logger = context.logger implicit final val classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache = context.classLoaderCache implicit final val _context = context override final protected val lib: Lib = new Lib(logger) // ========== general stuff ========== override def canBeCached = false def enableConcurrency = false final def projectDirectory: File = lib.realpath(context.projectDirectory) assert( projectDirectory.exists, "projectDirectory does not exist: " ++ projectDirectory.string ) final def usage: String = lib.usage(this.getClass, context) // ========== meta data ========== def defaultScalaVersion: String = constants.scalaVersion final def scalaVersion = context.scalaVersion getOrElse defaultScalaVersion final def scalaMajorVersion: String = lib.scalaMajorVersion(scalaVersion) def crossScalaVersions: Seq[String] = Seq(scalaVersion, "2.10.6") def copy(context: Context) = lib.copy(this.getClass, context).asInstanceOf[Build] def zincVersion = "0.3.9" def dependencies: Seq[Dependency] = Seq( MavenRepository.central.resolve( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-library" % scalaVersion ) ) // ========== paths ========== final private val defaultSourceDirectory = projectDirectory ++ "/src" /** base directory where stuff should be generated */ def target: File = projectDirectory ++ "/target" /** base directory where stuff should be generated for this scala version*/ def scalaTarget: File = target ++ s"/scala-$scalaMajorVersion" /** directory where jars (and the pom file) should be put */ def jarTarget: File = scalaTarget /** directory where the scaladoc should be put */ def apiTarget: File = scalaTarget ++ "/api" /** directory where the class files should be put (in package directories) */ def compileTarget: File = scalaTarget ++ "/classes" /** File which cbt uses to determine if it needs to trigger an incremental re-compile. Last modified date is the time when the last successful compilation started. Contents is the cbt version git hash. */ def compileStatusFile: File = compileTarget ++ ".last-success" /** Source directories and files. Defaults to .scala and .java files in src/ and top-level. */ def sources: Seq[File] = Seq(defaultSourceDirectory) ++ projectDirectory.listFiles.toVector.filter(sourceFileFilter) /** Which file endings to consider being source files. */ def sourceFileFilter(file: File): Boolean = file.toString.endsWith(".scala") || file.toString.endsWith(".java") /** Absolute path names for all individual files found in sources directly or contained in directories. */ final def sourceFiles: Seq[File] = for { base <- sources.filter(_.exists).map(lib.realpath) file <- lib.listFilesRecursive(base) if file.isFile && sourceFileFilter(file) } yield file protected def assertSourceDirectories(): Unit = { val nonExisting = sources .filterNot( _.exists ) .diff( Seq(defaultSourceDirectory) ) assert( nonExisting.isEmpty, "Some sources do not exist: \n"++nonExisting.mkString("\n") ) } assertSourceDirectories() def ScalaDependency( groupId: String, artifactId: String, version: String, classifier: Classifier = Classifier.none, scalaVersion: String = scalaMajorVersion ) = lib.ScalaDependency( groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, scalaVersion ) final def BuildDependency(path: File) = cbt.BuildDependency( context.copy( projectDirectory = path, args = Seq() ) ) def triggerLoopFiles: Seq[File] = sources ++ transitiveDependencies.collect{ case b: TriggerLoop => b.triggerLoopFiles }.flatten def localJars : Seq[File] = Seq(projectDirectory ++ "/lib") .filter(_.exists) .flatMap(_.listFiles) .filter(_.toString.endsWith(".jar")) //def cacheJar = false override def dependencyClasspath : ClassPath = ClassPath(localJars) ++ super.dependencyClasspath override def dependencyJars : Seq[File] = localJars ++ super.dependencyJars def exportedClasspath : ClassPath = ClassPath(compile.toSeq:_*) def targetClasspath = ClassPath(Seq(compileTarget)) def exportedJars: Seq[File] = Seq() // ========== compile, run, test ========== /** scalac options used for zinc and scaladoc */ def scalacOptions: Seq[String] = Seq( "-feature", "-deprecation", "-unchecked" ) private object needsUpdateCache extends Cache[Boolean] def needsUpdate: Boolean = needsUpdateCache( context.cbtHasChanged || lib.needsUpdate( sourceFiles, compileStatusFile ) || transitiveDependencies.exists(_.needsUpdate) ) private object compileCache extends Cache[Option[File]] def compile: Option[File] = compileCache{ lib.compile( needsUpdate, sourceFiles, compileTarget, compileStatusFile, dependencyClasspath, scalacOptions, context.classLoaderCache, zincVersion = zincVersion, scalaVersion = scalaVersion ) } def runClass: String = "Main" def run: ExitCode = lib.runMainIfFound( runClass, context.args, classLoader(context.classLoaderCache) ) def test: ExitCode = lib.test(context) /* context.logger.composition(">"*80) context.logger.composition("class " ++ this.getClass.toString) context.logger.composition("dir " ++ projectDirectory.string) context.logger.composition("sources " ++ sources.toList.mkString(" ")) context.logger.composition("target " ++ target.string) context.logger.composition("context " ++ context.toString) context.logger.composition("dependencyTree\n" ++ dependencyTree) context.logger.composition("<"*80) */ // ========== cbt internals ========== private[cbt] def finalBuild = this override def show = this.getClass.getSimpleName ++ "(" ++ projectDirectory.string ++ ")" }