package cbt import java.nio.file._ trait BuildBuild extends BuildBuildWithoutEssentials{ override def dependencies = super.dependencies :+ plugins.essentials } trait BuildBuildWithoutEssentials extends BaseBuild{ assert( projectDirectory.getName === lib.buildDirectoryName, "You can't extend ${lib.buildBuildClassName} in: " + projectDirectory + "/" + lib.buildDirectoryName ) protected final val managedContext = context.copy( workingDirectory = managedBuildDirectory, parentBuild=Some(this) ) object plugins{ // TODO: move this out of the OO final lazy val scalaTest = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/scalatest" ) final lazy val sbtLayout = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/sbt_layout" ) final lazy val scalaJs = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/scalajs" ) final lazy val scalariform = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/scalariform" ) final lazy val scalafmt = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/scalafmt" ) final lazy val wartremover = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/wartremover" ) final lazy val uberJar = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/uber-jar" ) final lazy val sonatypeRelease = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/sonatype-release" ) final lazy val essentials = DirectoryDependency( context.cbtHome ++ "/plugins/essentials" ) } override def dependencies = super.dependencies :+ context.cbtDependency def managedBuildDirectory: = lib.realpath( projectDirectory.parent ) def managedBuild = taskCache[BuildBuildWithoutEssentials]("managedBuild").memoize{ val managedBuildFile = projectDirectory++("/"++lib.buildFileName) logger.composition("Loading build at " ++ managedBuildDirectory.toString) val build = ( if( !managedBuildFile.exists ){ throw new Exception( s"No file ${lib.buildFileName} (lower case) found in " ++ projectDirectory.getPath ) } else { val contents = new String(Files.readAllBytes(managedBuildFile.toPath)) val cbtUrl = ("cbt:"++GitDependency.GitUrl.regex++"#[a-z0-9A-Z]+").r cbtUrl .findFirstIn(contents) .flatMap{ url => val Array(base,hash) = url.drop(4).split("#") if(context.cbtHome.string.contains(hash)) None else Some{ // Note: cbt can't use an old version of itself for building, // otherwise we'd have to recursively build all versions since // the beginning. Instead CBT always needs to build the pure Java // Launcher in the checkout with itself and then run it via reflection. val dep = new GitDependency(base, hash, Some("nailgun_launcher")) val ctx = managedContext.copy( cbtHome = dep.checkout ) dep.classLoader .loadClass( "cbt.NailgunLauncher" ) .getMethod( "getBuild", classOf[AnyRef] ) .invoke( null, ctx ) } }.getOrElse{ val buildClasses = lib.iterateClasses( compileTarget, classLoader, false ) .filter(_.getSimpleName == lib.buildClassName) .filter(classOf[BaseBuild] isAssignableFrom _) if( buildClasses.size == 0 ){ throw new Exception( s"You need to define a class ${lib.buildClassName} extending an appropriate super class in\n" + (projectDirectory / lib.buildFileName) ++ "\nbut none found." ) } else if( buildClasses.size > 1 ){ throw new Exception( s"You need to define exactly one class ${lib.buildClassName} extending an appropriate build super class, but multiple found in " + projectDirectory + ":\n" + buildClasses.mkString("\n") ) } else { val buildClass = buildClasses.head if( !buildClass.getConstructors.exists(_.getParameterTypes.toList == List(classOf[Context])) ){ throw new Exception( s"Expected class ${lib.buildClassName}(val context: Context), but found different constructor in\n" + projectDirectory ++ "\n" + buildClass ++ "(" ++", ")).mkString("; ") + ")" ) } buildClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(managedContext) } } } ) try{ build.asInstanceOf[BuildInterface] } catch { case e: ClassCastException if e.getMessage.contains(s"${lib.buildClassName} cannot be cast to cbt.BuildInterface") => throw new Exception(s"Your ${lib.buildClassName} class needs to extend BaseBuild in: "+projectDirectory, e) } } override def triggerLoopFiles = super.triggerLoopFiles ++ managedBuild.triggerLoopFiles override def finalBuild: BuildInterface = if( projectDirectory == context.cwd ) this else managedBuild.finalBuild }