package cbt import import import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import java.nio.file.{Path =>_,_} import java.nio.file.Files._ import import java.util.jar._ import java.lang.reflect.Method import scala.util._ import scala.reflect.NameTransformer // pom model case class Developer(id: String, name: String, timezone: String, url: URL) /** Don't extend. Create your own libs :). */ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){ lib => val buildFileName = "build.scala" val buildDirectoryName = "build" val buildClassName = "Build" val buildBuildClassName = "BuildBuild" def scaladoc( cbtLastModified: Long, scalaVersion: String, sourceFiles: Seq[File], dependencyClasspath: ClassPath, scaladocTarget: File, compileArgs: Seq[String], mavenCache: File )(implicit transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache): Option[File] = { if(sourceFiles.isEmpty){ None } else { scaladocTarget.mkdirs val args = Seq( // FIXME: can we use compiler dependency here? "-cp", dependencyClasspath.string, // FIXME: does this break for builds that don't have scalac dependencies? "-d", scaladocTarget.toString ) ++ compileArgs ++ logger.lib("creating docs for source files "+args.mkString(", ")) redirectOutToErr{ new ScalaDependencies(cbtLastModified,mavenCache,scalaVersion).runMain( "", args ) } Some(scaladocTarget) } } // task reflection helpers def taskMethods(cls:Class[_]): Map[String, Method] = Stream .iterate(cls.asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])(_.getSuperclass) .takeWhile(_ != null) .toVector .dropRight(1) // drop Object .reverse .flatMap( c => c .getMethods .filter( _.isPublic ) .filter( _.parameterTypes.length == 0 ) .map(m => NameTransformer.decode(m.getName) -> m) .filterNot(_._1 contains "$") ).toMap def taskNames(cls: Class[_]): Seq[String] = taskMethods(cls).keys.toVector.sorted def usage(buildClass: Class[_], show: String): String = { val baseTasks = Seq( classOf[BasicBuild], classOf[PackageJars], classOf[Publish] ).flatMap(lib.taskNames).distinct.sorted val thisTasks = lib.taskNames(buildClass) diff baseTasks ( s"Methods provided by $show\n\n" ++ ( if( thisTasks.nonEmpty ){ thisTasks.mkString(" ") ++ "\n\n" } else "" ) ++ s"\n\nMethods provided by CBT (but possibly overwritten)\n\n" ++ baseTasks.mkString(" ") + "\n" ) } def callReflective[T <: AnyRef]( obj: T, code: Option[String], context: Context ): ExitCode = { val result = getReflective( obj, code, f => { def g( a: AnyRef): AnyRef = a match { case bs: Seq[_] if bs.size > 0 && bs.forall(_.isInstanceOf[BaseBuild]) =>[BaseBuild]).map(f) case obj: LazyDependency => g(obj.dependency) case obj => f(obj) } g(_) } )( context ) val applied = result.getClass.getMethods.find(m => m.getName == "apply" && m.getParameterCount == 0).map( _.invoke( result ) ).getOrElse( result ) applied match { case e: ExitCode => e case s: Seq[_] => val v = render(applied) if(v.nonEmpty) System.out.println(v) s.collect{ case e: ExitCode => e }.reduceOption(_ && _).getOrElse( ExitCode.Success ) case other => val s = render(applied) if(s.nonEmpty) System.out.println(s) ExitCode.Success } } private def render( obj: Any ): String = { obj match { case Some(s) => render(s) case None => "" case url: URL => // to remove credentials case d: Dependency => lib.usage(d.getClass, case c: ClassPath => c.string //case e: ExitCode => System.err.println(e.integer); System.exit(e.integer); ??? case s: Seq[_] =>"\n") case s: Set[_] =>"\n") case null => "null" case _ => obj.toString } } def getReflective[T <: AnyRef]( obj: T, code: Option[String], callback: (AnyRef => AnyRef) => AnyRef => AnyRef = f => f(_) )( implicit context: Context ) = callInternal( obj, code.toSeq.flatMap(_.split("\\.").map( NameTransformer.encode )), Nil, context, callback ) private def callInternal[T <: AnyRef]( _obj: T, members: Seq[String], previous: Seq[String], context: Context, callback: (AnyRef => AnyRef) => AnyRef => AnyRef ): Object = { callback{ obj =>{ taskName => val name = NameTransformer.decode(taskName) logger.lib("Calling task " ++ taskName.toString) taskMethods(obj.getClass).get(name).map{ method => callInternal( Option(trapExitCodeOrValue(method.invoke(obj)).merge /* null in case of Unit */ ).getOrElse( ().asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ), members.tail, previous :+ taskName, context, callback ) }.getOrElse{ if( context =!= null && (context.workingDirectory / name).exists ){ val newContext = context.copy( workingDirectory = context.workingDirectory / name ) callInternal( DirectoryDependency( newContext.cwd )( newContext ).dependency, members.tail, previous :+ taskName, newContext, callback ) } else { val p = previous.mkString(".") val msg = (if(p.nonEmpty) p ++ s" has " else " ") throw new RuntimeException( msg ++"no method `$name` in\n") + render(obj) ) } } }.getOrElse( obj ) }(_obj) } def consoleOrFail(msg: String) = { Option(System.console).getOrElse( throw new Exception(msg + ". System.console() == null. See") ) } def clean(targets: Seq[File], force: Boolean, dryRun: Boolean, list: Boolean, help: Boolean): ExitCode = { def depthFirstFileStream(file: File): Vector[File] = { ( if (file.isDirectory) { file.listOrFail.toVector.flatMap(depthFirstFileStream(_)) } else Vector() ) :+ file } lazy val files = targets.filter(_.exists).flatMap( depthFirstFileStream ) if( help ){ System.err.println( s""" list lists files to be delete force does not ask for confirmation dry-run does not actually delete files """ ) ExitCode.Success } else if (files.isEmpty){ System.err.println( "Nothing to clean." ) ExitCode.Success } else if( list ){ println ) ExitCode.Success } else { val performDelete = ( force || { System.err.println("Files to be deleted:\n") files.foreach( System.err.println ) System.err.println("") System.err.print("To delete the above files type 'delete': ") new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(, 1 ).readLine == "delete" } ) if( !performDelete ) { System.err.println( "Ok, not cleaning." ) ExitCode.Failure } else { // use same Vector[File] that was displayed earlier as a safety measure files.foreach{ file => System.err.println( red("Deleting") ++ " " ++ file.string ) if(!dryRun){ delete( file.toPath ) } } System.err.println( "Done." ) ExitCode.Success } } } // file system helpers def basename(path: File): String = path.toString.stripSuffix("/").split("/").last def dirname(path: File): File = new File(realpath(path).string.stripSuffix("/").split("/").dropRight(1).mkString("/")) def nameAndContents(file: File) = basename(file) -> readAllBytes(file.toPath) /** Which file endings to consider being source files. */ def sourceFileFilter(file: File): Boolean = file.toString.endsWith(".scala") || file.toString.endsWith(".java") def sourceFiles( sources: Seq[File], sourceFileFilter: File => Boolean = sourceFileFilter ): Seq[File] = { for { base <- sources.filter(_.exists).map(lib.realpath) file <- base.listRecursive if file.isFile && sourceFileFilter(file) } yield file } private def createManifest( mainClass: Option[String] ) = { val m = new Manifest() m.getMainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0") m.getMainAttributes.putValue( "Created-By", "Scala CBT" ) mainClass.foreach( m.getMainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS, _) ) m } def createJar( jarFile: File, files: Seq[File], mainClass: Option[String] = None ): Option[File] = { deleteIfExists(jarFile.toPath) if( files.isEmpty ){ None } else { jarFile.getParentFile.mkdirs logger.lib("Start packaging "++jarFile.string) val jar = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile), createManifest(mainClass)) try{ assert( files.forall(_.exists) ) autoRelative(files).collect{ case (file, relative) if file.isFile => val entry = new JarEntry( relative ) entry.setTime(file.lastModified) jar.putNextEntry(entry) jar.write( readAllBytes( file.toPath ) ) jar.closeEntry } } finally { jar.close } logger.lib("Done packaging " ++ jarFile.toString) Some(jarFile) } } lazy val passphrase = consoleOrFail( "Use `cbt direct `" ).readPassword( "GPG Passphrase please:" ).mkString def sign(file: File): File = { // val statusCode = new ProcessBuilder( "gpg", "--batch", "--yes", "-a", "-b", "-s", "--passphrase", passphrase, file.toString ) .inheritIO.start.waitFor if( 0 != statusCode ) throw new Exception("gpg exited with status code " ++ statusCode.toString) file ++ ".asc" } //def requiredForPom[T](name: String): T = throw new Exception(s"You need to override `def $name` in order to generate a valid pom.") def pom( groupId: String, artifactId: String, version: String, scalaMajorVersion: String, name: String, description: String, url: URL, developers: Seq[Developer], licenses: Seq[License], scmUrl: String, // seems like invalid URLs are used here in pom files scmConnection: String, inceptionYear: Int, organization: Option[Organization], dependencies: Seq[Dependency], jarTarget: File ): File = { val xml = 4.0.0 {groupId} {artifactId ++ "_" ++ scalaMajorVersion} {version} jar {name} {description} {url} {{ license => {} { => url).getOrElse( scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty )} repo }} {{ developer => {} {} {developer.timezone} {developer.url} }} {scmUrl} {scmConnection} {inceptionYear} {{ org => {} { url => url ).getOrElse( scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty )} }.getOrElse(scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty)} {{ case d:ArtifactInfo => {d.groupId} {d.artifactId} {d.version} }} // FIXME: do not build this file name including scalaMajorVersion in multiple places val path = jarTarget.toString ++ ( "/" ++ artifactId++ "_" ++ scalaMajorVersion ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".pom" ) val file = new File(path) write(file, "\n" ++ xml.toString) } def concurrently[T,R]( concurrencyEnabled: Boolean )( items: Seq[T] )( projection: T => R ): Seq[R] = { if(concurrencyEnabled) else } def publishUnsigned( artifacts: Seq[File], url: URL, credentials: Option[String] = None ): Seq[URL] = { publish( artifacts, url, credentials ) } def publishLocal( artifacts: Seq[File], mavenCache: File, releaseFolder: String ): Seq[File] = { val targetDir = mavenCache ++ releaseFolder.stripSuffix("/") targetDir.mkdirs{ a => val target = targetDir ++ ("/" ++ a.getName) System.err.println(blue("publishing ") ++ target.getPath) Files.copy( a.toPath, target.toPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ) target } } def publishSigned( artifacts: Seq[File], url: URL, credentials: Option[String] = None ): Seq[URL] = { publish( artifacts ++, url, credentials ) } private def publish(artifacts: Seq[File], url: URL, credentials: Option[String]): Seq[URL] = { val files = lazy val checksums = files.flatMap{ case (name, content) => Seq( name++".md5" -> md5(content), name++".sha1" -> sha1(content) ) } val all = (files ++ checksums) uploadAll(url, all, credentials) } def uploadAll(url: URL, nameAndContents: Seq[(String, Array[Byte])], credentials: Option[String] = None ): Seq[URL] ={ case(name, content) => upload(name, content, url, credentials ) } def upload(fileName: String, fileContents: Array[Byte], baseUrl: URL, credentials: Option[String] = None): URL = { import import val url = baseUrl ++ "/" ++ fileName System.err.println(blue("uploading ") ++ val httpCon = Stage0Lib.openConnectionConsideringProxy(url) try{ httpCon.setDoOutput(true) httpCon.setRequestMethod("PUT") (credentials orElse Option(baseUrl.getUserInfo)).foreach(addHttpCredentials(httpCon,_)) httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/binary") httpCon.getOutputStream.write( fileContents ) httpCon.getInputStream } finally { httpCon.disconnect } url } def findOuterMostModuleDirectory(directory: File): File = { if( ( directory.getParentFile ++ ("/" ++ lib.buildDirectoryName) ).exists ) findOuterMostModuleDirectory(directory.getParentFile) else directory } def clearScreen = System.err.println( (27.toChar +: "[2J").mkString ) }