package cbt import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime trait Dotty extends BaseBuild{ def dottyVersion: String = Dotty.version def dottyOptions: Seq[String] = Seq() override def scalaTarget: File = target ++ s"/dotty-$dottyVersion" def dottyCompiler: DependencyImplementation = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne( Dotty.compilerOnMaven( dottyVersion ) ) def dottyLibrary: DependencyImplementation = Resolver(mavenCentral).bindOne( Dotty.libraryOnMaven( dottyVersion ) ) // this seems needed for cbt run of dotty produced artifacts override def dependencies: Seq[Dependency] = Seq( dottyLibrary ) private lazy val dottyLib = new DottyLib( context.cbtLastModified, context.paths.mavenCache, dottyCompiler ) def compileJavaFirst: Boolean = false // this makes sure the scala or java classes compiled first are available on subsequent compile override def compileDependencies: Seq[Dependency] = super.compileDependencies ++ Seq( compileTarget ).filter(_.exists).map( t => BinaryDependency( Seq(t), Nil ) ) override def compile: Option[Long] = taskCache[Dotty]("compile").memoize{ def compileDotty = dottyLib.compile( sourceFiles.filter(_.string.endsWith(".scala")), compileTarget, compileStatusFile, compileDependencies, dottyOptions ) def compileJava = lib.compile( context.cbtLastModified, sourceFiles.filter(_.string.endsWith(".java")), compileTarget, compileStatusFile, compileDependencies, context.paths.mavenCache, scalacOptions, zincVersion = zincVersion, scalaVersion = scalaVersion ) def set(time: Long) = if(compileStatusFile.exists) Files.setLastModifiedTime(compileStatusFile.toPath, FileTime.fromMillis(time) ) val before = compileStatusFile.lastModified val firstLastModified = if(compileJavaFirst) compileJava else compileDotty set( before ) val secondLastModified = if(!compileJavaFirst) compileJava else compileDotty val min = (firstLastModified ++ secondLastModified).reduceOption(_ min _).getOrElse(0l) set( min ) Some(min) } def dottydoc: ExitCode = dottyLib.doc( sourceFiles, compileClasspath, docTarget, dottyOptions ) override def repl = dottyLib.repl(context.args, classpath) } object Dotty{ val groupId = "ch.epfl.lamp" val version: String = "0.1.1-20170203-da7d723-NIGHTLY" val libraryArtifactId = "dotty-library_2.11" val compilerArtifactId = "dotty-compiler_2.11" val interfacesArtifactId = "dotty-interfaces" def compilerOnMaven(version: String) = MavenDependency(groupId,compilerArtifactId,version) def libraryOnMaven(version: String) = MavenDependency(groupId,libraryArtifactId,version) } class DottyLib( cbtLastModified: Long, mavenCache: File, dottyCompiler: DependencyImplementation )(implicit transientCache: java.util.Map[AnyRef,AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache, logger: Logger){ val lib = new Lib(logger) import lib._ def repl(args: Seq[String], classpath: ClassPath) = { consoleOrFail("Use `cbt direct repl` instead") dottyCompiler.runMain( "", Seq( "-bootclasspath", dottyCompiler.classpath.string, "-classpath", classpath.string ) ++ args ) } def doc( sourceFiles: Seq[File], dependencyClasspath: ClassPath, docTarget: File, compileArgs: Seq[String] ): ExitCode = { if(sourceFiles.isEmpty){ ExitCode.Success } else { docTarget.mkdirs val args = Seq( // FIXME: can we use compiler dependency here? "-bootclasspath", dottyCompiler.classpath.string, // FIXME: does this break for builds that don't have scalac dependencies? "-classpath", dependencyClasspath.string, // FIXME: does this break for builds that don't have scalac dependencies? "-d", docTarget.toString ) ++ compileArgs ++ logger.lib("creating docs for source files "+args.mkString(", ")) val exitCode = redirectOutToErr{ dottyCompiler.runMain( "", args ) } System.err.println("done") exitCode } } def compile( sourceFiles: Seq[File], compileTarget: File, statusFile: File, dependencies: Seq[Dependency], dottyOptions: Seq[String] ): Option[Long] = { val d = Dependencies(dependencies) val classpath = d.classpath val cp = classpath.string def lastModified = ( cbtLastModified +: d.lastModified +: ).max if( sourceFiles.isEmpty ){ None }else{ val start = System.currentTimeMillis val lastCompiled = statusFile.lastModified if( lastModified > lastCompiled ){ val _class = "" val dualArgs = Seq( "-d", compileTarget.toString ) val singleArgs = "-S" ++ _ ) val code = try{ System.err.println("Compiling with Dotty to " ++ compileTarget.toString) compileTarget.mkdirs redirectOutToErr{ dottyCompiler.runMain( _class, dualArgs ++ singleArgs ++ Seq( "-bootclasspath", dottyCompiler.classpath.string ) ++ ( if(cp.isEmpty) Nil else Seq("-classpath", cp) // let's put cp last. It so long ) ++ ) } } catch { case e: Exception => System.err.println(red("Dotty crashed. See To reproduce run:")) System.err.println(dottyCompiler.classLoader) System.out.println(s""" java -cp \\ ${dottyCompiler.classpath.strings.mkString(":\\\n")} \\ \\ ${_class} \\ \\ ${dualArgs.grouped(2).map(_.mkString(" ")).mkString(" \\\n")} \\ \\ ${singleArgs.mkString(" \\\n")} \\ \\ -bootclasspath \\ ${dottyCompiler.classpath.strings.mkString(":\\\n")} \\ ${if(cp.isEmpty) "" else (" -classpath \\\n" ++ classpath.strings.mkString(":\\\n"))} \\ \\ ${sourceFiles.sorted.mkString(" \\\n")} """ ) throw e } if(code == ExitCode.Success){ // write version and when last compilation started so we can trigger // recompile if cbt version changed or newer source files are seen write(statusFile, "")//cbtVersion.getBytes) Files.setLastModifiedTime(statusFile.toPath, FileTime.fromMillis(start) ) } else { System.exit(code.integer) // FIXME: let's find a better solution for error handling. Maybe a monad after all. } Some( start ) } else { Some( lastCompiled ) } } } }