import cbt._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import class Build(context: cbt.Context) extends BasicBuild(context){ override def dependencies = ( super.dependencies ++ Seq( GitDependency("", "698717469b8dd86e8570b86354892be9c0654caf"), // FIXME: make the below less verbose MavenResolver(context.cbtHasChanged,context.paths.mavenCache,MavenResolver.central).resolve( ScalaDependency("", "play-json", "2.4.4"), MavenDependency("joda-time", "joda-time", "2.9.2"), // the below tests pom inheritance with dependencyManagement and variable substitution for pom properties MavenDependency("org.eclipse.jgit", "org.eclipse.jgit", ""), // the below tests pom inheritance with variable substitution for pom xml tag contents MavenDependency("com.spotify", "missinglink-core", "0.1.1"), // the below tests pom inheritance with variable substitution being parts of strings MavenDependency("cc.factorie","factorie_2.11","1.2") // the dependency below uses a maven version range. Currently not supported. // TODO: put in a proper error message for version range not supported //MavenDependency("com.github.nikita-volkov", "sext", "0.2.4") ), MavenResolver( context.cbtHasChanged, context.paths.mavenCache, MavenResolver.central, MavenResolver.bintray("tpolecat"), MavenResolver.sonatypeSnapshots ).resolve( "org.cvogt" %% "play-json-extensions" % "0.8.0", "org.tpolecat" %% "tut-core" % "0.4.2", "ai.x" %% "lens" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ) ) ) }