package example object Main extends App { val cmd = new commando.Command("xorc", "") { val version = named("version", 'V') .action(() => println("version 1")) named("verbose", 'v') .info("Set verbosity level. This option may be repeated.") .optionalArg("level") .action(level => println(s"level $level")) positional("FILES") .action { s => val f = new if (!f.exists()) error(s"File $s does not exit") println(f) } .repeat() val comp = named("completion") .info( s"Print bash completion. Add ${name} --completions to your bashrc to get completions." ) .action(() => println(completion())) named("help", 'h') .info("print a help message") .action(() => println(usage())) } cmd.parse(args) match { case None => case Some(error) => println(error) sys.exit(1) } }