package import com.spotify.docker.client.DockerClient.ListContainersParam import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.Files import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import org.scalatest._ import scala.util.Random trait DockerSuite extends Suite with BeforeAndAfterAll { self => private val name = self.toString() private def withTmp[A](action: File => A): A = { val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("crashbox-docker-test-" + name).toFile try action(dir) finally dir.delete() } val baseImage = "debian:jessie-backports" val dockerImage = "crashbox" val dockerTimeout = 30.seconds val dockerLabel = "test-" + Random.nextInt() implicit val system = ActorSystem("crashbox-docker-test-" + name) import system.dispatcher val executor = new DockerExecutor { override def label = dockerLabel } def buildImage(): Unit = { println("Pulling base docker image for running docker tests") executor.dockerClient.pull(baseImage) withTmp { dir => println("Adapting base image for tests") val modifications = s"""|FROM $baseImage |RUN adduser crashbox |USER crashbox |""".stripMargin Files.write((new File(dir, "Dockerfile")).toPath, modifications.getBytes), dockerImage) } } def runningDockers: Seq[String] = { val stale = executor.dockerClient .listContainers( ListContainersParam.withLabel("crashbox", dockerLabel) ).asScala } override def beforeAll: Unit = { buildImage() } override def afterAll: Unit = { val running = runningDockers running.foreach { id => executor.dockerClient.stopContainer(id, 0) executor.dockerClient.removeContainer(id) } require(running.isEmpty, "Docker containers were left running after unit tests") require(runningDockers.isEmpty, "Could not delete left over docker containers.") } } class DockerExecutorSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { val image = "crashbox" val timeout = 30.seconds implicit val system = ActorSystem("docker-test") import system.dispatcher val exec = new DockerExecutor override def beforeAll: Unit = { println("Pulling base docker image for running docker tests") val base = "debian:jessie-backports" exec.dockerClient.pull(base) withTmp { dir => println("Adapting base image for tests") val modifications = s"""|FROM $base |RUN adduser crashbox |USER crashbox |""".stripMargin Files.write((new File(dir, "Dockerfile")).toPath, modifications.getBytes), image) } } override def afterAll: Unit = { system.terminate() } def withTmp[A](action: File => A): A = { val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("crashbox-docker-test").toFile try action(dir) finally dir.delete() } def run[A](script: String)(tests: (Int, File, String) => A): A = withTmp { dir => val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024) val awaitable = for (id <- exec.start(image, script, dir, out); status <- exec.result(id)) yield { status } val status = Await.result(awaitable, timeout) tests(status, dir, new String(out.toByteArray()).trim()) } "DockerExecutor" should "return expected exit codes" in { run("true") { case (status, _, _) => assert(status == 0) } run("false") { case (status, _, _) => assert(status == 1) } run("nonexistant") { case (status, _, _) => assert(status == 127) } } it should "print the expected output" in { run("echo hello world") { case (_, _, out) => assert(out == "hello world") } run("echo hello world >&2") { case (_, _, out) => assert(out == "hello world") } run("echo hello world > /dev/null") { case (_, _, out) => assert(out == "") } } it should "create expected files" in { run("echo hello world > data") { case (_, dir, _) => val data = Files .lines((new File(dir, "data")).toPath) .iterator() .asScala .mkString("\n") assert(data == "hello world") } } it should "allow cancellation" in { withTmp { dir => val script = "while true; do sleep 1; echo sleeping; done" val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024) val id = Await.result(exec.start(image, script, dir, out), timeout) val check = exec.result(id).map { res => assert(res == 137) } exec.stop(id) //TODO check if resoruces were cleaned up properly Await.result(check, timeout) } } }