final object Comments



[+] abstract case class Comment

A Comment contains the unformatted docstring as well as a position

The Comment contains functionality to create versions of itself without @usecase sect...

A Comment contains the unformatted docstring as well as a position

The Comment contains functionality to create versions of itself without @usecase sections as well as functionality to map the raw docstring

final object Comment
class CommentExpander

Port of DocComment.scala from nsc

Port of DocComment.scala from nsc

final class CommentsContext

Decorator for getting docbase out of context

Decorator for getting docbase out of context

final object CommentsContext

Decorator for getting docbase out of context

Decorator for getting docbase out of context

class ContextDocstrings

Context for Docstrings, contains basic functionality for getting docstrings via Symbol and expanding templates

Context for Docstrings, contains basic functionality for getting docstrings via Symbol and expanding templates

abstract case class UseCase
final object UseCase
val ContextDoc : Key [ ContextDocstrings ]
implicit def CommentsContext ( ctx: Context ) : CommentsContext

Decorator for getting docbase out of context

Decorator for getting docbase out of context