abstract case class Comment

A Comment contains the unformatted docstring as well as a position

The Comment contains functionality to create versions of itself without @usecase sections as well as functionality to map the raw docstring


Comment ( pos: Position , raw: String )


[+] val isDocComment : Boolean
[+] val pos : Position
[+] val raw : String
[+] private lazy val stripUsecases : String
[+] def _1 : T1
[+] def _2 : T2
[+] private def decomposeUseCase ( start: Int , end: Int ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : UseCase

Turns a usecase section into a UseCase, with code changed to: {{{ // From: def foo: A // To: def foo: A = ??? }}}

Turns a usecase section into a UseCase, with code changed to: {{{ // From: def foo: A // To: def foo: A = ??? }}}

[+] def expand ( f: String => String ) : Comment
[+] def isExpanded : Boolean
[+] private def parseUsecases ( implicit ctx: Context ) : List [ UseCase ]
[+] def usecases : List [ UseCase ]
[+] def withUsecases ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Comment