trait DenotationsBase



[+] def missingHook ( owner: Symbol , name: Name ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Symbol

If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and enter it.

If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and enter it.

[+] def staticRef ( path: Name , generateStubs: Boolean ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Denotation

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set...

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set, generates stubs for missing top-level symbols

[+] def staticRef$default$2 : Boolean

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set...

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set, generates stubs for missing top-level symbols