trait Phase
extends DotClass



[+] private var myBase : ContextBase
[+] private var myErasedTypes : Boolean
[+] private var myFlatClasses : Boolean
[+] private var myLabelsReordered : Boolean
[+] private var myPeriod : Period
[+] private var myRefChecked : Boolean
[+] private var mySymbolicRefs : Boolean
[+] final def <= ( that: Phase ) : Boolean
[+] def checkPostCondition ( tree: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Check what the phase achieves, to be called at any point after it is finished.

Check what the phase achieves, to be called at any point after it is finished.

[+] def description : String
[+] def end : PhaseId
[+] final def erasedTypes : Boolean
[+] def exists : Boolean
[+] final def flatClasses : Boolean
[+] final def hasNext : Boolean
[+] def id : Int

The sequence position of this phase in the given context where 0 is reserved for NoPhase and the first real phase is at position 1. -1 if the phase is n...

The sequence position of this phase in the given context where 0 is reserved for NoPhase and the first real phase is at position 1. -1 if the phase is not installed in the context.

[+] protected def init ( base: ContextBase , start: Int , end: Int ) : Unit
[+] protected def init ( base: ContextBase , id: Int ) : Unit
[+] def isCheckable : Boolean

Output should be checkable by TreeChecker

Output should be checkable by TreeChecker

[+] def isTyper : Boolean

Is this phase the standard typerphase? True for FrontEnd, but not for other first phases (such as FromTasty). The predicate is tested in some places tha...

Is this phase the standard typerphase? True for FrontEnd, but not for other first phases (such as FromTasty). The predicate is tested in some places that perform checks and corrections. It's different from isAfterTyper (and cheaper to test).

[+] final def iterator : Iterator [ Phase ]
[+] final def labelsReordered : Boolean
[+] private def myBase_= ( x$1: ContextBase ) : Unit
[+] private def myErasedTypes_= ( x$1: Boolean ) : Unit
[+] private def myFlatClasses_= ( x$1: Boolean ) : Unit
[+] private def myLabelsReordered_= ( x$1: Boolean ) : Unit
[+] private def myPeriod_= ( x$1: Period ) : Unit
[+] private def myRefChecked_= ( x$1: Boolean ) : Unit
[+] private def mySymbolicRefs_= ( x$1: Boolean ) : Unit
[+] def period : Period
[+] def phaseName : String

A name given to the Phase that can be used to debug the compiler. For instance, it is possible to print trees after a given phase using:

A name given to the Phase that can be used to debug the compiler. For instance, it is possible to print trees after a given phase using:

$ ./bin/dotc -Xprint:<phaseNameHere> sourceFile.scala
[+] final def refChecked : Boolean
[+] def relaxedTyping : Boolean

If set, allow missing or superfluous arguments in applications and type applications.

If set, allow missing or superfluous arguments in applications and type applications.

[+] def run ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit
[+] def runOn ( units: List [ CompilationUnit ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : List [ CompilationUnit ]
[+] def runsAfter : Set [ Class [ Nothing <: Phase ] ]

List of names of phases that should precede this phase

List of names of phases that should precede this phase

[+] def start : Int
[+] final def symbolicRefs : Boolean
[+] override def toString : String