trait PhasesBase



[+] final object NoPhase
[+] private class PhaseCache

A cache to compute the phase with given name, which stores the phase as soon as phaseNamed returns something different from NoPhase.

A cache to compute the phase with given name, which stores the phase as soon as phaseNamed returns something different from NoPhase.

[+] final object SomePhase
[+] class TerminalPhase

A sentinel transformer object

A sentinel transformer object

[+] private val cachedPhases : Set [ PhaseCache ]
[+] private val elimErasedValueTypeCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val elimRepeatedCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val erasureCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val explicitOuterCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val extensionMethodsCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val flattenCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val genBCodeCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val gettersCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val lambdaLiftCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val patmatCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val picklerCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val refChecksCache : PhaseCache
[+] private val typerCache : PhaseCache
[+] def allPhases : Repr
[+] private def cleanPhaseCache : Unit
[+] def elimErasedValueTypePhase : Phase
[+] def elimRepeatedPhase : Phase
[+] def erasurePhase : Phase
[+] def explicitOuterPhase : Phase
[+] def extensionMethodsPhase : Phase
[+] def flattenPhase : Phase
[+] def genBCodePhase : Phase
[+] def gettersPhase : Phase
[+] def isAfterTyper ( phase: Phase ) : Boolean
[+] def lambdaLiftPhase : Phase
[+] def patmatPhase : Phase
[+] def phaseOfClass ( pclass: Class [ Nothing <: Any ] ) : A
[+] def phasePlan : List [ List [ Phase ] ]
[+] def picklerPhase : Phase
[+] def refchecksPhase : Phase
[+] def setPhasePlan ( phasess: List [ List [ Phase ] ] ) : Unit
[+] def squashPhases ( phasess: List [ List [ Phase ] ] , phasesToSkip: List [ String ] , stopBeforePhases: List [ String ] , stopAfterPhases: List [ String ] , YCheckAfter: List [ String ] ) : List [ Phase ]

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets...

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets period equal to union of periods of it's TreeTransforms

[+] def typerPhase : Phase
[+] def usePhases ( phasess: List [ Phase ] , squash: Boolean ) : Unit

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be sq...

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be squashed to single phase.

[+] def usePhases$default$2 : Boolean

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be sq...

Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be squashed to single phase.