class AbstractFileReader

This class reads files byte per byte. Only used by ClassFileParser


AbstractFileReader ( file: AbstractFile )


[+] var bp : Int

the current input pointer

the current input pointer

[+] val buf : Array [ Byte ]

the buffer containing the file

the buffer containing the file

[+] val file : AbstractFile
[+] def bp_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

the current input pointer

the current input pointer

[+] @throws def byteAt ( pos: Int ) : Byte

return byte at offset 'pos'

return byte at offset 'pos'

[+] def getChar ( mybp: Int ) : Char

extract a character at position bp from buf

extract a character at position bp from buf

[+] def getDouble ( mybp: Int ) : Double

extract a double at position bp from buf

extract a double at position bp from buf

[+] def getFloat ( mybp: Int ) : Float

extract a float at position bp from buf

extract a float at position bp from buf

[+] def getInt ( mybp: Int ) : Int

extract an integer at position bp from buf

extract an integer at position bp from buf

[+] def getLong ( mybp: Int ) : Long

extract a long integer at position bp from buf

extract a long integer at position bp from buf

[+] @throws def nextByte : Byte

read a byte

read a byte

[+] def nextBytes ( len: Int ) : Array [ Byte ]

read some bytes

read some bytes

[+] def nextChar : Char

read a character

read a character

[+] def nextInt : Int

read an integer

read an integer

[+] def skip ( n: Int ) : Unit

skip next 'n' bytes

skip next 'n' bytes