

final object Bench

A main class for running compiler benchmarks. Can instantiate a given number of compilers and run each (sequentially) a given number of times on the sam...

class Compiler

The central class of the dotc compiler. The job of a compiler is to create runs, which process given phases in a given rootContext.

abstract class Driver

Run the Dotty compiler.

Extending this class lets you customize many aspect of the compilation process, but in most cases you only need to call [[process] [Main]

final object FromTasty

Compiler for TASTY files. Usage:

scala (option | classname)*

Options are as for dotc. Classnames are fully qualified names of t...

final object Main

Main class of the dotc batch compiler.

class Resident

A compiler which stays resident between runs. This is more of a PoC than something that's expected to be used often



class Run

A compiler run. Exports various methods to compile source files