trait TokenData



var base : Int

the base of a number

the base of a number

var lastOffset : Offset

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

var name : SimpleTermName

the name of an identifier

the name of an identifier

var offset : Offset

the offset of the first character of the current token

the offset of the first character of the current token

var strVal : String

the string value of a literal

the string value of a literal

var token : Token

the next token

the next token

def base_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

the base of a number

the base of a number

def copyFrom ( td: TokenData ) : Unit
def lastOffset_= ( x$1: Offset ) : Unit

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

def name_= ( x$1: SimpleTermName ) : Unit

the name of an identifier

the name of an identifier

def offset_= ( x$1: Offset ) : Unit

the offset of the first character of the current token

the offset of the first character of the current token

def strVal_= ( x$1: String ) : Unit

the string value of a literal

the string value of a literal

def token_= ( x$1: Token ) : Unit

the next token

the next token