case class DuplicateBind
extends Message


DuplicateBind ( bind: Bind , tree: CaseDef )
DuplicateBind ( implicit ctx: Context )


val bind : Bind
private implicit val ctx : Context
[+] val explanation : String

The explanation should provide a detailed description of why the error occurred and use examples from the user's own code to illustrate how to avoid the...

The explanation should provide a detailed description of why the error occurred and use examples from the user's own code to illustrate how to avoid these errors.

val kind : String

The kind of the error message is something like "Syntax" or "Type Mismatch"

The kind of the error message is something like "Syntax" or "Type Mismatch"

[+] val msg : String

The msg contains the diagnostic message e.g:

expected: String found: Int

This message will be placed underneath the position given by the enclosing Mes...

The msg contains the diagnostic message e.g:

expected: String found: Int

This message will be placed underneath the position given by the enclosing MessageContainer

val tree : CaseDef
def _1 : T1
def _2 : T2
def copy ( bind: Bind , tree: CaseDef ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : DuplicateBind
def copy$default$1 : Bind
def copy$default$2 : CaseDef