class SpaceEngine
extends SpaceLogic

Scala implementation of space logic


SpaceEngine ( )
SpaceEngine ( implicit ctx: Context )


[+] private implicit val ctx : Context
[+] def canDecompose ( tp: Type ) : Boolean

Abstract sealed types, or-types, Boolean and Java enums can be decomposed

Abstract sealed types, or-types, Boolean and Java enums can be decomposed

[+] def checkExhaustivity ( _match: Match ) : Unit
[+] def checkRedundancy ( _match: Match ) : Unit
[+] def checkable ( tree: Match ) : Boolean
[+] def decompose ( tp: Type ) : List [ Space ]

Decompose a type into subspaces -- assume the type can be decomposed

Decompose a type into subspaces -- assume the type can be decomposed

[+] def erase ( tp: Type ) : Type
[+] def expose ( tp: Type ) : Type

Expose refined type to eliminate reference to type variables

A = B M { type T = A } ~~> M { type T = B }

A <: X :> Y...

Expose refined type to eliminate reference to type variables

A = B M { type T = A } ~~> M { type T = B }

A <: X :> Y M { type T = A } ~~> M { type T <: X :> Y }

A <: X :> Y B <: U :> V M { type T <: A :> B } ~~> M { type T <: X :> V }

A = X B = Y M { type T <: A :> B } ~~> M { type T <: X :> Y }

[+] def isEqualType ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type ) : Boolean

Is tp1 the same type as tp2?

Is tp1 the same type as tp2?

[+] def isSubType ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type ) : Boolean

Is tp1 a subtype of tp2?

Is tp1 a subtype of tp2?

[+] def project ( pat: Tree , roundUp: Boolean ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Space

Return the space that represents the pattern pat

If roundUp is true, approximate extractors to its type, otherwise approximate extractors to Empty

Return the space that represents the pattern pat

If roundUp is true, approximate extractors to its type, otherwise approximate extractors to Empty

[+] def project$default$2 : Boolean

Return the space that represents the pattern pat

If roundUp is true, approximate extractors to its type, otherwise approximate extractors to Empty

Return the space that represents the pattern pat

If roundUp is true, approximate extractors to its type, otherwise approximate extractors to Empty

[+] def refine ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type ) : Type

Refine tp2 based on tp1

E.g. if tp1 is Option[Int], tp2 is Some, then return Some[Int].

If tp1 is path1.A, tp2 is path2.B, and path1 is subtype of path2,...

Refine tp2 based on tp1

E.g. if tp1 is Option[Int], tp2 is Some, then return Some[Int].

If tp1 is path1.A, tp2 is path2.B, and path1 is subtype of path2, then return path1.B.

[+] def show ( s: Space ) : String

Display spaces

Display spaces

[+] def showType ( tp: Type ) : String

Show friendly type name with current scope in mind

E.g. C.this.B --> B if current owner is C C.this.x.T --> x.T if current owner is C X[T]

Show friendly type name with current scope in mind

E.g. C.this.B --> B if current owner is C C.this.x.T --> x.T if current owner is C X[T] --> X C --> C if current owner is C !!!

[+] def signature ( tp: Type ) : List [ Type ]

Parameter types of the case class type tp

Parameter types of the case class type tp