


[+] case class Const

Point representing literal constants in patterns

Point representing literal constants in patterns

[+] final object Const

Point representing literal constants in patterns

Point representing literal constants in patterns

[+] final object Empty

Empty space

Empty space

[+] case class Kon

Space representing a constructor pattern

Space representing a constructor pattern

[+] final object Kon

Space representing a constructor pattern

Space representing a constructor pattern

[+] case class Or

Union of spaces

Union of spaces

[+] final object Or

Union of spaces

Union of spaces

[+] sealed trait Point

Point in space

Point in space

[+] sealed trait Space

space definition

space definition

[+] class SpaceEngine

Scala implementation of space logic

Scala implementation of space logic

[+] trait SpaceLogic

abstract space logic

abstract space logic

[+] case class Typ

Space representing the set of all values of a type

Space representing the set of all values of a type

[+] final object Typ

Space representing the set of all values of a type

Space representing the set of all values of a type

[+] case class Var

Point representing variables(stable identifier) in patterns

Point representing variables(stable identifier) in patterns

[+] final object Var

Point representing variables(stable identifier) in patterns

Point representing variables(stable identifier) in patterns