class ApplicableToTypes
extends TestApplication

Subclass of Application for applicability tests with value argument types.


ApplicableToTypes ( methRef: TermRef , args: List [ Type ] , resultType: Type )
ApplicableToTypes ( implicit ctx: Context )


private val args : List [ Type ]
private implicit val ctx : Context
private val methRef : TermRef
private val resultType : Type
def argType ( arg: Type , formal: Type ) : Type

The type of the given argument

The type of the given argument

def harmonizeArgs ( args: List [ Type ] ) : List [ TypedArg ]

If all args have primitive numeric types, make sure it's the same one

If all args have primitive numeric types, make sure it's the same one

def isVarArg ( arg: Type ) : Boolean

Is this an argument of the form expr: _* or a RepeatedParamType derived from such an argument?

Is this an argument of the form expr: _* or a RepeatedParamType derived from such an argument?

def treeToArg ( arg: Tree ) : Type

Turn a typed tree into an argument

Turn a typed tree into an argument

def typeOfArg ( arg: Type ) : Type