class ReTyper
extends Typer

A version of Typer that keeps all symbols defined and referenced in a previously typed tree.

All definition nodes keep their symbols. All leaf nodes for idents, selects, and TypeTrees keep their types. Indexing is a no-op.

Otherwise, everything is as in Typer.


ReTyper ( )


override def annotate ( trees: List [ Tree ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit
override def checkCanEqual ( ltp: Type , rtp: Type , pos: Position ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Check that equality tests between types ltp and rtp make sense

Check that equality tests between types ltp and rtp make sense

override def checkVariance ( tree: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Overridden in retyper

Overridden in retyper

override def completeAnnotations ( mdef: MemberDef , sym: Symbol ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit
override def encodeName ( tree: NameTree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : NameTree
override def ensureConstrCall ( cls: ClassSymbol , parents: List [ Tree ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : List [ Tree ]

If this is a real class, make sure its first parent is a constructor call. Cannot simply use a type. Overridden in ReTyper.

If this is a real class, make sure its first parent is a constructor call. Cannot simply use a type. Overridden in ReTyper.

override def handleUnexpectedFunType ( tree: Apply , fun: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree

Overridden in ReTyper to handle primitive operations that can be generated after erasure

Overridden in ReTyper to handle primitive operations that can be generated after erasure

override def index ( trees: List [ Tree ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Context

Create top-level symbols for statements and enter them into symbol table

Create top-level symbols for statements and enter them into symbol table

override def inferView ( from: Tree , to: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SearchResult

Find an implicit conversion to apply to given tree from so that the result is compatible with type to.

Find an implicit conversion to apply to given tree from so that the result is compatible with type to.

[+] override def inlineExpansion ( mdef: DefDef ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : List [ Tree ]

Given an inline method mdef, the method rewritten so that its body uses accessors to access non-public members, followed by the accessor definitions. Ov...

Given an inline method mdef, the method rewritten so that its body uses accessors to access non-public members, followed by the accessor definitions. Overwritten in Retyper to return mdef unchanged.

override def localDummy ( cls: ClassSymbol , impl: Template ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Symbol
override def localTyper ( sym: Symbol ) : Typer
protected def promote ( tree: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : ThisTree [ Type ]

Checks that the given tree has been typed

Checks that the given tree has been typed

override def retrieveSym ( tree: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Symbol

Retrieve symbol attached to given tree

Retrieve symbol attached to given tree

override def symbolOfTree ( tree: Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Symbol

The symbol of the given expanded tree.

The symbol of the given expanded tree.

[+] override def tryInsertApplyOrImplicit ( tree: Tree , pt: ProtoType ) ( fallBack: => Tree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree

Potentially add apply node or implicit conversions. Before trying either, if the function is applied to an empty parameter list (), we try

0th strategy:...

Potentially add apply node or implicit conversions. Before trying either, if the function is applied to an empty parameter list (), we try

0th strategy: If tree overrides a nullary method, mark the prototype so that the argument is dropped and return tree itself.

After that, two strategies are tried, and the first that is successful is picked. If neither of the strategies are successful, continues withfallBack.

1st strategy: Try to insert .apply so that the result conforms to prototype pt. This strategy is not tried if the prototype represents already another .apply or .apply() selection.

2nd strategy: If tree is a select, try to insert an implicit conversion around the qualifier part qual so that the result conforms to the expected type with wildcard result type.

override def typedBind ( tree: Bind , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Bind
override def typedIdent ( tree: Ident , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree

Attribute an identifier consisting of a simple name or wildcard

Attribute an identifier consisting of a simple name or wildcard

override def typedLiteral ( tree: Literal ) ( implicit ctc: Context ) : Literal
override def typedSelect ( tree: Select , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree
override def typedSuper ( tree: Super , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree
override def typedThis ( tree: This ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree
override def typedTypeTree ( tree: TypeTree , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : TypeTree
override def typedUnApply ( tree: UnApply , selType: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : UnApply

A typed unapply hook, can be overridden by re any-typers between frontend and pattern matcher.

A typed unapply hook, can be overridden by re any-typers between frontend and pattern matcher.

override def typedUnadapted ( tree: Tree , pt: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Tree