trait LinkSource

An implementation trait for attachments. Clients should inherit from Container instead.



final def allAttachments : List [ ( Key [ Nothing <: Any ], Any ) ]

The list of all keys and values attached to this container.

The list of all keys and values attached to this container.

final def attachment ( key: Key [ V ] ) : V

The attachment corresponding to key.

The attachment corresponding to key.

final def attachmentOrElse ( key: Key [ V ] , default: V ) : V

The attachment corresponding to key, or default if no attachment with key exists.

The attachment corresponding to key, or default if no attachment with key exists.

final def getAttachment ( key: Key [ V ] ) : Option [ V ]

Optionally get attachment corresponding to key

Optionally get attachment corresponding to key

def next_= ( x$1: Link [ Nothing <: Any ] ) : Unit
final def putAttachment ( key: Key [ V ] , value: V ) : Option [ V ]

Add attachment with given key and value.

Add attachment with given key and value.

final def removeAttachment ( key: Key [ V ] ) : Option [ V ]

Remove attachment with given key, if it exists.

Remove attachment with given key, if it exists.