package import import import import import import{MiniPhaseTransform, TransformerInfo} /** Collect all super calls to trait members. * * For each super reference to trait member, register a call from the current class to the * owner of the referenced member. * * This information is used to know if it is safe to remove a redundant mixin class. * A redundant mixin class is one that is implemented by another mixin class. As the * methods in a redundant mixin class could be implemented with a default abstract method, * the redundant mixin class could be required as a parent by the JVM. */ class CollectSuperCalls extends MiniPhaseTransform { import tpd._ def phaseName: String = "collectSuperCalls" override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree = { tree.qualifier match { case sup: Super => if ( registerSuperCall(ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass, tree.symbol.owner.asClass) case _ => } tree } private def registerSuperCall(sym: ClassSymbol, calls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { ctx.genBCodePhase match { case genBCodePhase: GenBCode => genBCodePhase.registerSuperCall(sym, calls) case _ => } } }