package package config import import PathResolver.Defaults import rewrite.Rewrites class ScalaSettings extends Settings.SettingGroup { protected def defaultClasspath = sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".") /** Path related settings */ val bootclasspath = PathSetting("-bootclasspath", "Override location of bootstrap class files.", Defaults.scalaBootClassPath) val extdirs = PathSetting("-extdirs", "Override location of installed extensions.", Defaults.scalaExtDirs) val javabootclasspath = PathSetting("-javabootclasspath", "Override java boot classpath.", Defaults.javaBootClassPath) val javaextdirs = PathSetting("-javaextdirs", "Override java extdirs classpath.", Defaults.javaExtDirs) val sourcepath = PathSetting("-sourcepath", "Specify location(s) of source files.", "") // Defaults.scalaSourcePath val classpath = PathSetting("-classpath", "Specify where to find user class files.", defaultClasspath) withAbbreviation "-cp" val d = StringSetting("-d", "directory|jar", "destination for generated classfiles.", ".") val priorityclasspath = PathSetting("-priorityclasspath", "class path that takes precedence over all other paths (or testing only)", "") /** Other settings */ val deprecation = BooleanSetting("-deprecation", "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.") val migration = BooleanSetting("-migration", "Emit warning and location for migration issues from Scala 2.") val encoding = StringSetting("-encoding", "encoding", "Specify character encoding used by source files.", Properties.sourceEncoding) val explaintypes = BooleanSetting("-explaintypes", "Explain type errors in more detail.") val explain = BooleanSetting("-explain", "Explain errors in more detail.") val feature = BooleanSetting("-feature", "Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.") val help = BooleanSetting("-help", "Print a synopsis of standard options") val color = ChoiceSetting("-color", "mode", "Colored output", List("always", "never"/*, "auto"*/), "always"/* "auto"*/) val target = ChoiceSetting("-target", "target", "Target platform for object files. All JVM 1.5 targets are deprecated.", List("jvm-1.5", "jvm-1.5-fjbg", "jvm-1.5-asm", "jvm-1.6", "jvm-1.7", "jvm-1.8", "msil"), "jvm-1.8") val unchecked = BooleanSetting("-unchecked", "Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.") val uniqid = BooleanSetting("-uniqid", "Uniquely tag all identifiers in debugging output.") val usejavacp = BooleanSetting("-usejavacp", "Utilize the java.class.path in classpath resolution.") val verbose = BooleanSetting("-verbose", "Output messages about what the compiler is doing.") val version = BooleanSetting("-version", "Print product version and exit.") val pageWidth = IntSetting("-pagewidth", "Set page width", 80) val strict = BooleanSetting("-strict", "Use strict type rules, which means some formerly legal code does not typecheck anymore.") val language = MultiStringSetting("-language", "feature", "Enable one or more language features.") val rewrite = OptionSetting[Rewrites]("-rewrite", "When used in conjunction with -language:Scala2 rewrites sources to migrate to new syntax") /** -X "Advanced" settings */ val Xhelp = BooleanSetting("-X", "Print a synopsis of advanced options.") val noForwarders = BooleanSetting("-Xno-forwarders", "Do not generate static forwarders in mirror classes.") val XminImplicitSearchDepth = IntSetting("-Xmin-implicit-search-depth", "Set number of levels of implicit searches undertaken before checking for divergence.", 5) val xmaxInlines = IntSetting("-Xmax-inlines", "Maximal number of successive inlines", 32) val maxClassfileName = IntSetting("-Xmax-classfile-name", "Maximum filename length for generated classes", 255, 72 to 255) val Xmigration = VersionSetting("-Xmigration", "Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version.") val Xprint = PhasesSetting("-Xprint", "Print out program after") val printtypes = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-types", "Print tree types (debugging option).") val XprintDiff = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-diff", "Print changed parts of the tree since last print.") val XprintDiffDel = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-diff-del", "Print chaged parts of the tree since last print including deleted parts.") val prompt = BooleanSetting("-Xprompt", "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option).") val mainClass = StringSetting("-Xmain-class", "path", "Class for manifest's Main-Class entry (only useful with -d )", "") val XnoValueClasses = BooleanSetting("-Xno-value-classes", "Do not use value classes. Helps debugging.") val XreplLineWidth = IntSetting("-Xrepl-line-width", "Maximial number of columns per line for REPL output", 390) /** -Y "Private" settings */ val overrideVars = BooleanSetting("-Yoverride-vars", "Allow vars to be overridden.") val Yhelp = BooleanSetting("-Y", "Print a synopsis of private options.") val Ycheck = PhasesSetting("-Ycheck", "Check the tree at the end of") val YcheckMods = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-mods", "Check that symbols and their defining trees have modifiers in sync") val debug = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug", "Increase the quantity of debugging output.") val debugAlias = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-alias", "Never follow alias when printing types") val debugNames = BooleanSetting("-YdebugNames", "Show name-space indicators when printing names") val debugTrace = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-trace", "Trace core operations") val debugFlags = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-flags", "Print all flags of definitions") val debugOwners = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-owners", "Print all owners of definitions (requires -Yprint-syms)") val termConflict = ChoiceSetting("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts", List("package", "object", "error"), "error") val log = PhasesSetting("-Ylog", "Log operations during") val emitTasty = BooleanSetting("-YemitTasty", "Generate tasty in separate *.tasty file.") val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.") val YnoImports = BooleanSetting("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.") val YnoPredef = BooleanSetting("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.") val Yskip = PhasesSetting("-Yskip", "Skip") val Ydumpclasses = StringSetting("-Ydump-classes", "dir", "Dump the generated bytecode to .class files (useful for reflective compilation that utilizes in-memory classloaders).", "") val YstopAfter = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-after", "Stop after") withAbbreviation ("-stop") // backward compat val YstopBefore = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-before", "Stop before") // stop before erasure as long as we have not debugged it fully val YmethodInfer = BooleanSetting("-Yinfer-argument-types", "Infer types for arguments of overriden methods.") val YtraceContextCreation = BooleanSetting("-Ytrace-context-creation", "Store stack trace of context creations.") val YshowSuppressedErrors = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-suppressed-errors", "Also show follow-on errors and warnings that are normally supressed.") val Yheartbeat = BooleanSetting("-Yheartbeat", "show heartbeat stack trace of compiler operations.") val Yprintpos = BooleanSetting("-Yprintpos", "show tree positions.") val YnoDeepSubtypes = BooleanSetting("-Yno-deep-subtypes", "throw an exception on deep subtyping call stacks.") val YplainPrinter = BooleanSetting("-Yplain-printer", "Pretty-print using a plain printer.") val YprintSyms = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-syms", "when printing trees print info in symbols instead of corresponding info in trees.") val YtestPickler = BooleanSetting("-Ytest-pickler", "self-test for pickling functionality; should be used with -Ystop-after:pickler") val YcheckReentrant = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-reentrant", "check that compiled program does not contain vars that can be accessed from a global root.") val YkeepComments = BooleanSetting("-Ykeep-comments", "Keep comments when scanning source files.") val YforceSbtPhases = BooleanSetting("-Yforce-sbt-phases", "Run the phases used by sbt for incremental compilation (ExtractDependencies and ExtractAPI) even if the compiler is ran outside of sbt, for debugging.") val YdumpSbtInc = BooleanSetting("-Ydump-sbt-inc", "For every compiled foo.scala, output the API representation and dependencies used for sbt incremental compilation in, implies -Yforce-sbt-phases.") val YcheckAllPatmat = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-all-patmat", "Check exhaustivity and redundancy of all pattern matching (used for testing the algorithm)") /** Area-specific debug output */ val Yexplainlowlevel = BooleanSetting("-Yexplain-lowlevel", "When explaining type errors, show types at a lower level.") val YnoDoubleBindings = BooleanSetting("-Yno-double-bindings", "Assert no namedtype is bound twice (should be enabled only if program is error-free).") val YshowVarBounds = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-var-bounds", "Print type variables with their bounds") val YnoInline = BooleanSetting("-Yno-inline", "Suppress inlining.") /** Linker specific flags */ val optimise = BooleanSetting("-optimise", "Generates faster bytecode by applying optimisations to the program") withAbbreviation "-optimize" /** Dottydoc specific settings */ val siteRoot = StringSetting( "-siteroot", "site root", "A directory containing static files from which to generate documentation", sys.props("user.dir") ) val projectName = StringSetting ( "-project", "project title", "The name of the project", sys.props("user.dir").split(File.separatorChar).last ) val wikiSyntax = BooleanSetting("-Xwiki-syntax", "Retains the Scala2 behavior of using Wiki Syntax in Scaladoc") }