package package dotc package core import Types._ import Contexts._ import Symbols._ import SymDenotations.{LazyType, TypeParamsCompleter} import Decorators._ import util.Stats._ import util.common._ import Names._ import NameOps._ import Flags._ import StdNames.tpnme import util.Positions.Position import config.Printers.core import collection.mutable import import java.util.NoSuchElementException object TypeApplications { /** Assert type is not a TypeBounds instance and return it unchanged */ val noBounds = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => throw new AssertionError("no TypeBounds allowed") case _ => tp } /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its lower bound else return `tp` */ val boundsToLo = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.lo case _ => tp } /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its upper bound else return `tp` */ val boundsToHi = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.hi case _ => tp } /** Does variance `v1` conform to variance `v2`? * This is the case if the variances are the same or `sym` is nonvariant. */ def varianceConforms(v1: Int, v2: Int): Boolean = v1 == v2 || v2 == 0 /** Does the variance of type parameter `tparam1` conform to the variance of type parameter `tparam2`? */ def varianceConforms(tparam1: ParamInfo, tparam2: ParamInfo)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = varianceConforms(tparam1.paramVariance, tparam2.paramVariance) /** Do the variances of type parameters `tparams1` conform to the variances * of corresponding type parameters `tparams2`? * This is only the case of `tparams1` and `tparams2` have the same length. */ def variancesConform(tparams1: List[ParamInfo], tparams2: List[ParamInfo])(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = tparams1.corresponds(tparams2)(varianceConforms) /** Extractor for * * [v1 X1: B1, ..., vn Xn: Bn] -> C[X1, ..., Xn] * * where v1, ..., vn and B1, ..., Bn are the variances and bounds of the type parameters * of the class C. * * @param tycon C */ object EtaExpansion { def apply(tycon: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assert(tycon.typeParams.nonEmpty, tycon) tycon.EtaExpand(tycon.typeParamSymbols) } def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeRef] = tp match { case tp @ PolyType(tparams, AppliedType(fn: TypeRef, args)) if (args == => Some(fn) case _ => None } } /** Extractor for type application T[U_1, ..., U_n]. This is the refined type * * T { type p_1 v_1= U_1; ...; type p_n v_n= U_n } * * where v_i, p_i are the variances and names of the type parameters of T. */ object AppliedType { def apply(tp: Type, args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp.appliedTo(args) def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = tp match { case tp: RefinedType => var refinements: List[RefinedType] = Nil var tycon = tp.stripTypeVar while (tycon.isInstanceOf[RefinedType]) { val rt = tycon.asInstanceOf[RefinedType] refinements = rt :: refinements tycon = rt.parent.stripTypeVar } def collectArgs(tparams: List[ParamInfo], refinements: List[RefinedType], argBuf: mutable.ListBuffer[Type]): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = refinements match { case Nil if tparams.isEmpty && argBuf.nonEmpty => Some((tycon, argBuf.toList)) case RefinedType(_, rname, rinfo) :: refinements1 if tparams.nonEmpty && rname == tparams.head.paramName => collectArgs(tparams.tail, refinements1, argBuf += rinfo.argInfo) case _ => None } collectArgs(tycon.typeParams, refinements, new mutable.ListBuffer[Type]) case HKApply(tycon, args) => Some((tycon, args)) case _ => None } } /** Adapt all arguments to possible higher-kinded type parameters using etaExpandIfHK */ def EtaExpandIfHK(tparams: List[ParamInfo], args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = if (tparams.isEmpty) args else args.zipWithConserve(tparams)((arg, tparam) => arg.EtaExpandIfHK(tparam.paramInfoOrCompleter)) /** A type map that tries to reduce (part of) the result type of the type lambda `tycon` * with the given `args`(some of which are wildcard arguments represented by type bounds). * Non-wildcard arguments are substituted everywhere as usual. A wildcard argument * `>: L <: H` is substituted for a type lambda parameter `X` only under certain conditions. * * 1. If Mode.AllowLambdaWildcardApply is set: * The wildcard argument is substituted only if `X` appears in a toplevel refinement of the form * * { type A = X } * * and there are no other occurrences of `X` in the reduced type. In that case * the refinement above is replaced by * * { type A >: L <: U } * * The `allReplaced` field indicates whether all occurrences of type lambda parameters * in the reduced type have been replaced with arguments. * * 2. If Mode.AllowLambdaWildcardApply is not set: * All refinements of the form * * { type A = X } * * are replaced by: * * { type A >: L <: U } * * Any other occurrence of `X` in `tycon` is replaced by `U`, if the * occurrence of `X` in `tycon` is covariant, or nonvariant, or by `L`, * if the occurrence is contravariant. * * The idea is that the `AllowLambdaWildcardApply` mode is used to check whether * a type can be soundly reduced, and to give an error or warning if that * is not the case. By contrast, the default mode, with `AllowLambdaWildcardApply` * not set, reduces all applications even if this yields a different type, so * its postcondition is that no type parameters of `tycon` appear in the * result type. Using this mode, we can guarantee that `appliedTo` will never * produce a higher-kinded application with a type lambda as type constructor. */ class Reducer(tycon: PolyType, args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeMap { private var available = (0 until args.length).toSet var allReplaced = true def hasWildcardArg(p: PolyParam) = p.binder == tycon && args(p.paramNum).isInstanceOf[TypeBounds] def canReduceWildcard(p: PolyParam) = ! || available.contains(p.paramNum) def apply(t: Type) = t match { case t @ TypeAlias(p: PolyParam) if hasWildcardArg(p) && canReduceWildcard(p) => available -= p.paramNum args(p.paramNum) case p: PolyParam if p.binder == tycon => args(p.paramNum) match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => if ( { allReplaced = false; p } else if (variance < 0) lo else hi case arg => arg } case _: TypeBounds | _: HKApply => val saved = available available = Set() try mapOver(t) finally available = saved case _ => mapOver(t) } } } import TypeApplications._ /** A decorator that provides methods for modeling type application */ class TypeApplications(val self: Type) extends AnyVal { /** The type parameters of this type are: * For a ClassInfo type, the type parameters of its class. * For a typeref referring to a class, the type parameters of the class. * For a typeref referring to a Lambda class, the type parameters of * its right hand side or upper bound. * For a refinement type, the type parameters of its parent, dropping * any type parameter that is-rebound by the refinement. "Re-bind" means: * The refinement contains a TypeAlias for the type parameter, or * it introduces bounds for the type parameter, and we are not in the * special case of a type Lambda, where a LambdaTrait gets refined * with the bounds on its hk args. See `LambdaAbstract`, where these * types get introduced, and see `isBoundedLambda` below for the test. */ final def typeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[ParamInfo] = /*>|>*/ track("typeParams") /*<|<*/ { self match { case self: ClassInfo => self.cls.typeParams case self: PolyType => self.typeParams case self: TypeRef => val tsym = self.symbol if (tsym.isClass) tsym.typeParams else if (!tsym.isCompleting) else Nil case self: RefinedType => self.parent.typeParams.filterNot(_.paramName == self.refinedName) case self: RecType => self.parent.typeParams case _: SingletonType => Nil case self: WildcardType => self.optBounds.typeParams case self: TypeProxy => self.superType.typeParams case _ => Nil } } /** If `self` is a higher-kinded type, its type parameters, otherwise Nil */ final def hkTypeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[ParamInfo] = if (isHK) typeParams else Nil /** If `self` is a generic class, its type parameter symbols, otherwise Nil */ final def typeParamSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = typeParams match { case (_: Symbol) :: _ => assert(typeParams.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Symbol])) typeParams.asInstanceOf[List[TypeSymbol]] case _ => Nil } /** Is self type higher-kinded (i.e. of kind != "*")? */ def isHK(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.dealias match { case self: TypeRef => case self: RefinedType => false case self: PolyType => true case self: SingletonType => false case self: TypeVar => // Using `origin` instead of `underlying`, as is done for typeParams, // avoids having to set ephemeral in some cases. self.origin.isHK case self: WildcardType => self.optBounds.isHK case self: TypeProxy => self.superType.isHK case _ => false } /** Dealias type if it can be done without forcing the TypeRef's info */ def safeDealias(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case self: TypeRef if self.denot.exists && self.symbol.isAliasType => self.superType.stripTypeVar.safeDealias case _ => self } /** Lambda abstract `self` with given type parameters. Examples: * * type T[X] = U becomes type T = [X] -> U * type T[X] >: L <: U becomes type T >: L <: ([X] -> U) * * TODO: Handle parameterized lower bounds */ def LambdaAbstract(tparams: List[ParamInfo])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def nameWithVariance(tparam: ParamInfo) = tparam.paramName.withVariance(tparam.paramVariance) def expand(tp: Type) = PolyType( tl => => tl.lifted(tparams, tparam.paramInfo).bounds), tl => tl.lifted(tparams, tp)) if (tparams.isEmpty) self else self match { case self: TypeAlias => self.derivedTypeAlias(expand(self.alias)) case self @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => self.derivedTypeBounds( if (lo.isRef(defn.NothingClass)) lo else expand(lo), expand(hi)) case _ => expand(self) } } /** Convert a type constructor `TC` which has type parameters `T1, ..., Tn` * in a context where type parameters `U1,...,Un` are expected to * * LambdaXYZ { Apply = TC[hk$0, ..., hk$n] } * * Here, XYZ corresponds to the variances of * - `U1,...,Un` if the variances of `T1,...,Tn` are pairwise compatible with `U1,...,Un`, * - `T1,...,Tn` otherwise. * v1 is compatible with v2, if v1 = v2 or v2 is non-variant. */ def EtaExpand(tparams: List[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val tparamsToUse = if (variancesConform(typeParams, tparams)) tparams else typeParamSymbols self.appliedTo(tparams map (_.typeRef)).LambdaAbstract(tparamsToUse) //.ensuring(res => res.EtaReduce =:= self, s"res = $res, core = ${res.EtaReduce}, self = $self, hc = ${res.hashCode}") } /** If self is not higher-kinded, eta expand it. */ def ensureHK(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (isHK) self else EtaExpansion(self) /** Eta expand if `self` is a (non-lambda) class reference and `bound` is a higher-kinded type */ def EtaExpandIfHK(bound: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val hkParams = bound.hkTypeParams if (hkParams.isEmpty) self else self match { case self: TypeRef if self.symbol.isClass && self.typeParams.length == hkParams.length => EtaExpansion(self) case _ => self } } /** If argument A and type parameter P are higher-kinded, adapt the variances * of A to those of P, ensuring that the variances of the type lambda A * agree with the variances of corresponding higher-kinded type parameters of P. Example: * * class GenericCompanion[+CC[X]] * GenericCompanion[List] * * with adaptHkVariances, the argument `List` will expand to * * [X] => List[X] * * instead of * * [+X] => List[X] * * even though `List` is covariant. This adaptation is necessary to ignore conflicting * variances in overriding members that have types of hk-type parameters such as * `GenericCompanion[GenTraversable]` or `GenericCompanion[ListBuffer]`. * When checking overriding, we need to validate the subtype relationship * * GenericCompanion[[X] -> ListBuffer[X]] <: GenericCompanion[[+X] -> GenTraversable[X]] * * Without adaptation, this would be false, and hence an overriding error would * result. But with adaptation, the rhs argument will be adapted to * * [X] -> GenTraversable[X] * * which makes the subtype test succeed. The crucial point here is that, since * GenericCompanion only expects a non-variant CC, the fact that GenTraversable * is covariant is irrelevant, so can be ignored. */ def adaptHkVariances(bound: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val hkParams = bound.hkTypeParams if (hkParams.isEmpty) self else { def adaptArg(arg: Type): Type = arg match { case arg @ PolyType(tparams, body) if !tparams.corresponds(hkParams)(_.paramVariance == _.paramVariance) && tparams.corresponds(hkParams)(varianceConforms) => PolyType( (tparams, hkParams), hkparam) => tparam.paramName.withVariance(hkparam.paramVariance)))( tl =>, tl).bounds), tl => arg.resultType.subst(arg, tl) ) case arg @ TypeAlias(alias) => arg.derivedTypeAlias(adaptArg(alias)) case arg @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => arg.derivedTypeBounds(adaptArg(lo), adaptArg(hi)) case _ => arg } adaptArg(self) } } /** The type representing * * T[U1, ..., Un] * * where * @param self = `T` * @param args = `U1,...,Un` */ final def appliedTo(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = /*>|>*/ track("appliedTo") /*<|<*/ { val typParams = self.typeParams def matchParams(t: Type, tparams: List[ParamInfo], args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = args match { case arg :: args1 => try { val tparam :: tparams1 = tparams matchParams(RefinedType(t, tparam.paramName, arg.toBounds(tparam)), tparams1, args1) } catch { case ex: MatchError => println(s"applied type mismatch: $self with underlying ${self.underlyingIfProxy}, args = $args, typeParams = $typParams") // !!! DEBUG //println(s"precomplete decls = ${"\n ")}") throw ex } case nil => t } val stripped = self.stripTypeVar val dealiased = stripped.safeDealias if (args.isEmpty || ctx.erasedTypes) self else dealiased match { case dealiased: PolyType => def tryReduce = if (!args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds])) { val followAlias = Config.simplifyApplications && { dealiased.resType match { case AppliedType(tyconBody, _) => sameLength(dealiased.typeParams, tyconBody.typeParams) // Reducing is safe for type inference, as kind arity of type constructor does not change case _ => false } } if ((dealiased eq stripped) || followAlias) dealiased.instantiate(args) else HKApply(self, args) } else dealiased.resType match { case AppliedType(tycon, args1) if tycon.safeDealias ne tycon => // In this case we should always dealias since we cannot handle // higher-kinded applications to wildcard arguments. dealiased .derivedPolyType(resType = tycon.safeDealias.appliedTo(args1)) .appliedTo(args) case _ => val reducer = new Reducer(dealiased, args) val reduced = reducer(dealiased.resType) if (reducer.allReplaced) reduced else HKApply(dealiased, args) } tryReduce case dealiased: AndOrType => dealiased.derivedAndOrType(dealiased.tp1.appliedTo(args), dealiased.tp2.appliedTo(args)) case dealiased: TypeAlias => dealiased.derivedTypeAlias(dealiased.alias.appliedTo(args)) case dealiased: TypeBounds => dealiased.derivedTypeBounds(dealiased.lo.appliedTo(args), dealiased.hi.appliedTo(args)) case dealiased: LazyRef => LazyRef(() => dealiased.ref.appliedTo(args)) case dealiased: WildcardType => dealiased case dealiased: TypeRef if dealiased.symbol == defn.NothingClass => dealiased case _ if typParams.isEmpty || typParams.head.isInstanceOf[LambdaParam] => HKApply(self, args) case dealiased => matchParams(dealiased, typParams, args) } } final def appliedTo(arg: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg :: Nil) final def appliedTo(arg1: Type, arg2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg1 :: arg2 :: Nil) final def applyIfParameterized(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (typeParams.nonEmpty) appliedTo(args) else self /** A cycle-safe version of `appliedTo` where computing type parameters do not force * the typeconstructor. Instead, if the type constructor is completing, we make * up hk type parameters matching the arguments. This is needed when unpickling * Scala2 files such as `scala.collection.generic.Mapfactory`. */ final def safeAppliedTo(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) = self match { case self: TypeRef if !self.symbol.isClass && self.symbol.isCompleting => HKApply(self, args) case _ => appliedTo(args) } /** Turn this type, which is used as an argument for * type parameter `tparam`, into a TypeBounds RHS */ final def toBounds(tparam: ParamInfo)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = self match { case self: TypeBounds => // this can happen for wildcard args self case _ => val v = tparam.paramVariance /* Not neeeded. if (v > 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.upper(self) else if (v < 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.lower(self) else */ TypeAlias(self, v) } /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt. `base`. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def baseArgInfos(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = if (self derivesFrom base) self.dealias match { case self: TypeRef if !self.symbol.isClass => self.superType.baseArgInfos(base) case self: HKApply => self.superType.baseArgInfos(base) case _ => => self.member( } else Nil /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are disallowed. */ final def baseArgTypes(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve noBounds /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are approximated by their lower bound. */ final def baseArgTypesLo(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToLo /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are approximated by their upper bound. */ final def baseArgTypesHi(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToHi /** The base type including all type arguments and applicable refinements * of this type. Refinements are applicable if they refine a member of * the parent type which furthermore is not a name-mangled type parameter. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def baseTypeWithArgs(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.traceIndented(s"btwa ${} wrt $base", core, show = true) { def default = self.baseTypeRef(base).appliedTo(baseArgInfos(base)) self match { case tp: TypeRef => match { case TypeBounds(_, hi) => hi.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case _ => default } case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name, _) if !tp.member(name) => tp.wrapIfMember(parent.baseTypeWithArgs(base)) case tp: TermRef => tp.underlying.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case tp: HKApply => tp.superType.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) & tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) | tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case _ => default } } /** Translate a type of the form From[T] to To[T], keep other types as they are. * `from` and `to` must be static classes, both with one type parameter, and the same variance. * Do the same for by name types => From[T] and => To[T] */ def translateParameterized(from: ClassSymbol, to: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case self @ ExprType(tp) => self.derivedExprType(tp.translateParameterized(from, to)) case _ => if (self.derivesFrom(from)) if (ctx.erasedTypes) to.typeRef else RefinedType(to.typeRef,, self.member( else self } /** If this is repeated parameter type, its underlying Seq type, * or, if isJava is true, Array type, else the type itself. */ def underlyingIfRepeated(isJava: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (self.isRepeatedParam) { val seqClass = if (isJava) defn.ArrayClass else defn.SeqClass translateParameterized(defn.RepeatedParamClass, seqClass) } else self /** If this is an encoding of a (partially) applied type, return its arguments, * otherwise return Nil. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def argInfos(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = self match { case AppliedType(tycon, args) => args case _ => Nil } /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are disallowed */ def argTypes(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve noBounds /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their lower bound */ def argTypesLo(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToLo /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their upper bound */ def argTypesHi(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToHi /** The core type without any type arguments. * @param `typeArgs` must be the type arguments of this type. */ final def withoutArgs(typeArgs: List[Type]): Type = self match { case HKApply(tycon, args) => tycon case _ => typeArgs match { case _ :: typeArgs1 => val RefinedType(tycon, _, _) = self tycon.withoutArgs(typeArgs1) case nil => self } } /** If this is the image of a type argument; recover the type argument, * otherwise NoType. */ final def argInfo(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case self: TypeAlias => self.alias case self: TypeBounds => self case _ => NoType } /** If this is a type alias, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself */ def dropAlias(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case TypeAlias(alias) => alias case _ => self } /** The element type of a sequence or array */ def elemType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case defn.ArrayOf(elemtp) => elemtp case JavaArrayType(elemtp) => elemtp case _ => baseArgInfos(defn.SeqClass).headOption.getOrElse(NoType) } }