package package dotc package core package tasty import Contexts._, SymDenotations._, Symbols._ import import TastyUnpickler._, TastyBuffer._ import util.Positions._ import util.{SourceFile, NoSource} import Annotations.Annotation import core.Mode import classfile.ClassfileParser object DottyUnpickler { /** Exception thrown if classfile is corrupted */ class BadSignature(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) class TreeSectionUnpickler(posUnpickler: Option[PositionUnpickler]) extends SectionUnpickler[TreeUnpickler]("ASTs") { def unpickle(reader: TastyReader, tastyName: TastyName.Table) = new TreeUnpickler(reader, tastyName, posUnpickler) } class PositionsSectionUnpickler extends SectionUnpickler[PositionUnpickler]("Positions") { def unpickle(reader: TastyReader, tastyName: TastyName.Table) = new PositionUnpickler(reader) } } /** A class for unpickling Tasty trees and symbols. * @param bytes the bytearray containing the Tasty file from which we unpickle */ class DottyUnpickler(bytes: Array[Byte]) extends ClassfileParser.Embedded { import tpd._ import DottyUnpickler._ val unpickler = new TastyUnpickler(bytes) private val posUnpicklerOpt = unpickler.unpickle(new PositionsSectionUnpickler) private val treeUnpickler = unpickler.unpickle(new TreeSectionUnpickler(posUnpicklerOpt)).get /** Enter all toplevel classes and objects into their scopes * @param roots a set of SymDenotations that should be overwritten by unpickling */ def enter(roots: Set[SymDenotation])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = treeUnpickler.enterTopLevel(roots) /** The unpickled trees, and the source file they come from. */ def body(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = { treeUnpickler.unpickle() } }