package package core package tasty /************************************************************ Notation: We use BNF notation. Terminal symbols start with at least two consecutive upper case letters. Each terminal is represented as a single byte tag. Non-terminals are mixed case. Prefixes of the form lower case letter*_ are for explanation of semantic content only, they can be dropped without changing the grammar. Micro-syntax: LongInt = Digit* StopDigit // big endian 2's complement, value fits in a Long w/o overflow Int = LongInt // big endian 2's complement, fits in an Int w/o overflow Nat = LongInt // non-negative value, fits in an Int without overflow Digit = 0 | ... | 127 StopDigit = 128 | ... | 255 // value = digit - 128 Macro-format: File = Header majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat UUID nameTable_Length Name* Section* Header = 0x5CA1AB1F UUID = Byte*16 // random UUID Section = NameRef Length Bytes Length = Nat // length of rest of entry in bytes Name = UTF8 Length UTF8-CodePoint* QUALIFIED Length qualified_NameRef selector_NameRef SIGNED Length original_NameRef resultSig_NameRef paramSig_NameRef* EXPANDED Length original_NameRef OBJECTCLASS Length module_NameRef SUPERACCESSOR Length accessed_NameRef DEFAULTGETTER Length method_NameRef paramNumber_Nat SHADOWED Length original_NameRef MANGLED Length mangle_NameRef name_NameRef ... NameRef = Nat // ordinal number of name in name table, starting from 1. Note: Unqualified names in the name table are strings. The context decides whether a name is a type-name or a term-name. The same string can represent both. Standard-Section: "ASTs" TopLevelStat* TopLevelStat = PACKAGE Length Path TopLevelStat* Stat Stat = Term VALDEF Length NameRef Type rhs_Term? Modifier* DEFDEF Length NameRef TypeParam* Params* return_Type rhs_Term? Modifier* TYPEDEF Length NameRef (Type | Template) Modifier* IMPORT Length qual_Term Selector* Selector = IMPORTED name_NameRef RENAMED to_NameRef // Imports are for scala.meta, they are not used in the backend TypeParam = TYPEPARAM Length NameRef Type Modifier* Params = PARAMS Length Param* Param = PARAM Length NameRef Type rhs_Term? Modifier* // rhs_Term is present in the case of an aliased class parameter Template = TEMPLATE Length TypeParam* Param* Parent* Self? Stat* // Stat* always starts with the primary constructor. Parent = Application Type Self = SELFDEF selfName_NameRef selfType_Type Term = Path Application IDENT NameRef Type // used when term ident’s type is not a TermRef SELECT possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Term QUALTHIS typeIdent_Tree NEW cls_Type SUPER Length this_Term mixinTypeIdent_Tree? TYPED Length expr_Term ascription_Type NAMEDARG Length paramName_NameRef arg_Term ASSIGN Length lhs_Term rhs_Term BLOCK Length expr_Term Stat* INLINED Length call_Term expr_Term Stat* LAMBDA Length meth_Term target_Type IF Length cond_Term then_Term else_Term MATCH Length sel_Term CaseDef* TRY Length expr_Term CaseDef* finalizer_Term? RETURN Length meth_ASTRef expr_Term? REPEATED Length elem_Type elem_Term* BIND Length boundName_NameRef patType_Type pat_Term ALTERNATIVE Length alt_Term* UNAPPLY Length fun_Term ImplicitArg* pat_Type pat_Term* IDENTtpt NameRef Type // used for all type idents SELECTtpt NameRef qual_Term SINGLETONtpt Path REFINEDtpt Length underlying_Term refinement_Stat* APPLIEDtpt Length tycon_Term arg_Term* POLYtpt Length TypeParam* body_Term TYPEBOUNDStpt Length low_Term high_Term ANNOTATEDtpt Length underlying_Term fullAnnotation_Term ANDtpt Length left_Term right_Term ORtpt Length left_Term right_Term BYNAMEtpt underlying_Term EMPTYTREE SHARED term_ASTRef Application = APPLY Length fn_Term arg_Term* TYPEAPPLY Length fn_Term arg_Type* CaseDef = CASEDEF Length pat_Term rhs_Tree guard_Tree? ImplicitArg = IMPLICITARG arg_Term ASTRef = Nat // byte position in AST payload Path = Constant TERMREFdirect sym_ASTRef TERMREFsymbol sym_ASTRef qual_Type TERMREFpkg fullyQualified_NameRef TERMREF possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Type THIS clsRef_Type RECthis recType_ASTRef SHARED path_ASTRef Constant = UNITconst FALSEconst TRUEconst BYTEconst Int SHORTconst Int CHARconst Nat INTconst Int LONGconst LongInt FLOATconst Int DOUBLEconst LongInt STRINGconst NameRef NULLconst CLASSconst Type ENUMconst Path Type = Path TYPEREFdirect sym_ASTRef TYPEREFsymbol sym_ASTRef qual_Type TYPEREFpkg fullyQualified_NameRef TYPEREF possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Type RECtype parent_Type SUPERtype Length this_Type underlying_Type REFINEDtype Length underlying_Type refinement_NameRef info_Type APPLIEDtype Length tycon_Type arg_Type* TYPEBOUNDS Length low_Type high_Type TYPEALIAS Length alias_Type (COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT)? ANNOTATEDtype Length underlying_Type fullAnnotation_Term ANDtype Length left_Type right_Type ORtype Length left_Type right_Type BIND Length boundName_NameRef bounds_Type // for type-variables defined in a type pattern BYNAMEtype underlying_Type POLYtype Length result_Type NamesTypes // variance encoded in front of name: +/-/(nothing) METHODtype Length result_Type NamesTypes // needed for refinements PARAMtype Length binder_ASTref paramNum_Nat // needed for refinements SHARED type_ASTRef NamesTypes = NameType* NameType = paramName_NameRef typeOrBounds_ASTRef Modifier = PRIVATE INTERNAL // package private PROTECTED PRIVATEqualified qualifier_Type // will be dropped PROTECTEDqualified qualifier_Type // will be dropped ABSTRACT FINAL SEALED CASE IMPLICIT LAZY OVERRIDE INLINE // macro STATIC // mapped to static Java member OBJECT // an object or its class TRAIT // a trait LOCAL // private[this] or protected[this] SYNTHETIC // generated by Scala compiler ARTIFACT // to be tagged Java Synthetic MUTABLE // a var LABEL // method generated as a label FIELDaccessor // getter or setter CASEaccessor // getter for case class param COVARIANT // type param marked “+” CONTRAVARIANT // type param marked “-” SCALA2X // Imported from Scala2.x DEFAULTparameterized // Method with default params INSUPERCALL // defined in the argument of a constructor supercall STABLE // Method that is assumed to be stable Annotation Annotation = ANNOTATION Length tycon_Type fullAnnotation_Term Note: Tree tags are grouped into 5 categories that determine what follows, and thus allow to compute the size of the tagged tree in a generic way. Category 1 (tags 0-63) : tag Category 2 (tags 64-95) : tag Nat Category 3 (tags 96-111) : tag AST Category 4 (tags 112-127): tag Nat AST Category 5 (tags 128-255): tag Length Standard Section: "Positions" Assoc* Assoc = Header offset_Delta? offset_Delta? Header = addr_Delta + // in one Nat: difference of address to last recorded node << 2 + hasStartDiff + // one bit indicating whether there follows a start address delta << 1 hasEndDiff // one bit indicating whether there follows an end address delta // Nodes which have the same positions as their parents are omitted. // offset_Deltas give difference of start/end offset wrt to the // same offset in the previously recorded node (or 0 for the first recorded node) Delta = Int // Difference between consecutive offsets, **************************************************************************************/ object TastyFormat { final val header = Array(0x5C, 0xA1, 0xAB, 0x1F) final val MajorVersion = 0 final val MinorVersion = 5 // Name tags final val UTF8 = 1 final val QUALIFIED = 2 final val SIGNED = 3 final val EXPANDED = 4 final val OBJECTCLASS = 5 final val SUPERACCESSOR = 6 final val DEFAULTGETTER = 7 final val SHADOWED = 8 // AST tags final val UNITconst = 2 final val FALSEconst = 3 final val TRUEconst = 4 final val NULLconst = 5 final val PRIVATE = 6 final val INTERNAL = 7 final val PROTECTED = 8 final val ABSTRACT = 9 final val FINAL = 10 final val SEALED = 11 final val CASE = 12 final val IMPLICIT = 13 final val LAZY = 14 final val OVERRIDE = 15 final val INLINE = 16 final val STATIC = 17 final val OBJECT = 18 final val TRAIT = 19 final val LOCAL = 20 final val SYNTHETIC = 21 final val ARTIFACT = 22 final val MUTABLE = 23 final val LABEL = 24 final val FIELDaccessor = 25 final val CASEaccessor = 26 final val COVARIANT = 27 final val CONTRAVARIANT = 28 final val SCALA2X = 29 final val DEFAULTparameterized = 30 final val INSUPERCALL = 31 final val STABLE = 32 final val SHARED = 64 final val TERMREFdirect = 65 final val TYPEREFdirect = 66 final val TERMREFpkg = 67 final val TYPEREFpkg = 68 final val RECthis = 69 final val BYTEconst = 70 final val SHORTconst = 71 final val CHARconst = 72 final val INTconst = 73 final val LONGconst = 74 final val FLOATconst = 75 final val DOUBLEconst = 76 final val STRINGconst = 77 final val IMPORTED = 78 final val RENAMED = 79 final val THIS = 96 final val QUALTHIS = 97 final val CLASSconst = 98 final val ENUMconst = 99 final val BYNAMEtype = 100 final val BYNAMEtpt = 101 final val NEW = 102 final val IMPLICITarg = 103 final val PRIVATEqualified = 104 final val PROTECTEDqualified = 105 final val RECtype = 106 final val SINGLETONtpt = 107 final val IDENT = 112 final val IDENTtpt = 113 final val SELECT = 114 final val SELECTtpt = 115 final val TERMREFsymbol = 116 final val TERMREF = 117 final val TYPEREFsymbol = 118 final val TYPEREF = 119 final val SELFDEF = 120 final val PACKAGE = 128 final val VALDEF = 129 final val DEFDEF = 130 final val TYPEDEF = 131 final val IMPORT = 132 final val TYPEPARAM = 133 final val PARAMS = 134 final val PARAM = 136 final val APPLY = 137 final val TYPEAPPLY = 138 final val TYPED = 139 final val NAMEDARG = 140 final val ASSIGN = 141 final val BLOCK = 142 final val IF = 143 final val LAMBDA = 144 final val MATCH = 145 final val RETURN = 146 final val TRY = 147 final val INLINED = 148 final val REPEATED = 149 final val BIND = 150 final val ALTERNATIVE = 151 final val UNAPPLY = 152 final val ANNOTATEDtype = 153 final val ANNOTATEDtpt = 154 final val CASEDEF = 155 final val TEMPLATE = 156 final val SUPER = 157 final val SUPERtype = 158 final val REFINEDtype = 159 final val REFINEDtpt = 160 final val APPLIEDtype = 161 final val APPLIEDtpt = 162 final val TYPEBOUNDS = 163 final val TYPEBOUNDStpt = 164 final val TYPEALIAS = 165 final val ANDtype = 166 final val ANDtpt = 167 final val ORtype = 168 final val ORtpt = 169 final val METHODtype = 170 final val POLYtype = 171 final val POLYtpt = 172 final val PARAMtype = 173 final val ANNOTATION = 174 final val firstSimpleTreeTag = UNITconst final val firstNatTreeTag = SHARED final val firstASTTreeTag = THIS final val firstNatASTTreeTag = IDENT final val firstLengthTreeTag = PACKAGE def isParamTag(tag: Int) = tag == PARAM || tag == TYPEPARAM def isModifierTag(tag: Int) = tag match { case PRIVATE | INTERNAL | PROTECTED | ABSTRACT | FINAL | SEALED | CASE | IMPLICIT | LAZY | OVERRIDE | INLINE | STATIC | OBJECT | TRAIT | LOCAL | SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT | MUTABLE | LABEL | FIELDaccessor | CASEaccessor | COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT | SCALA2X | DEFAULTparameterized | INSUPERCALL | STABLE | ANNOTATION | PRIVATEqualified | PROTECTEDqualified => true case _ => false } def isTypeTreeTag(tag: Int) = tag match { case IDENTtpt | SELECTtpt | SINGLETONtpt | REFINEDtpt | APPLIEDtpt | POLYtpt | TYPEBOUNDStpt | ANNOTATEDtpt | ANDtpt | ORtpt | BYNAMEtpt => true case _ => false } def nameTagToString(tag: Int): String = tag match { case UTF8 => "UTF8" case QUALIFIED => "QUALIFIED" case SIGNED => "SIGNED" case EXPANDED => "EXPANDED" case OBJECTCLASS => "OBJECTCLASS" case SUPERACCESSOR => "SUPERACCESSOR" case DEFAULTGETTER => "DEFAULTGETTER" } def astTagToString(tag: Int): String = tag match { case UNITconst => "UNITconst" case FALSEconst => "FALSEconst" case TRUEconst => "TRUEconst" case NULLconst => "NULLconst" case PRIVATE => "PRIVATE" case INTERNAL => "INTERNAL" case PROTECTED => "PROTECTED" case ABSTRACT => "ABSTRACT" case FINAL => "FINAL" case SEALED => "SEALED" case CASE => "CASE" case IMPLICIT => "IMPLICIT" case LAZY => "LAZY" case OVERRIDE => "OVERRIDE" case INLINE => "INLINE" case STATIC => "STATIC" case OBJECT => "OBJECT" case TRAIT => "TRAIT" case LOCAL => "LOCAL" case SYNTHETIC => "SYNTHETIC" case ARTIFACT => "ARTIFACT" case MUTABLE => "MUTABLE" case LABEL => "LABEL" case FIELDaccessor => "FIELDaccessor" case CASEaccessor => "CASEaccessor" case COVARIANT => "COVARIANT" case CONTRAVARIANT => "CONTRAVARIANT" case SCALA2X => "SCALA2X" case DEFAULTparameterized => "DEFAULTparameterized" case INSUPERCALL => "INSUPERCALL" case STABLE => "STABLE" case SHARED => "SHARED" case TERMREFdirect => "TERMREFdirect" case TYPEREFdirect => "TYPEREFdirect" case TERMREFpkg => "TERMREFpkg" case TYPEREFpkg => "TYPEREFpkg" case RECthis => "RECthis" case BYTEconst => "BYTEconst" case SHORTconst => "SHORTconst" case CHARconst => "CHARconst" case INTconst => "INTconst" case LONGconst => "LONGconst" case FLOATconst => "FLOATconst" case DOUBLEconst => "DOUBLEconst" case STRINGconst => "STRINGconst" case RECtype => "RECtype" case IDENT => "IDENT" case IDENTtpt => "IDENTtpt" case SELECT => "SELECT" case SELECTtpt => "SELECTtpt" case TERMREFsymbol => "TERMREFsymbol" case TERMREF => "TERMREF" case TYPEREFsymbol => "TYPEREFsymbol" case TYPEREF => "TYPEREF" case PACKAGE => "PACKAGE" case VALDEF => "VALDEF" case DEFDEF => "DEFDEF" case TYPEDEF => "TYPEDEF" case IMPORT => "IMPORT" case TYPEPARAM => "TYPEPARAM" case PARAMS => "PARAMS" case PARAM => "PARAM" case IMPORTED => "IMPORTED" case RENAMED => "RENAMED" case APPLY => "APPLY" case TYPEAPPLY => "TYPEAPPLY" case NEW => "NEW" case TYPED => "TYPED" case NAMEDARG => "NAMEDARG" case ASSIGN => "ASSIGN" case BLOCK => "BLOCK" case IF => "IF" case LAMBDA => "LAMBDA" case MATCH => "MATCH" case RETURN => "RETURN" case INLINED => "INLINED" case TRY => "TRY" case REPEATED => "REPEATED" case BIND => "BIND" case ALTERNATIVE => "ALTERNATIVE" case UNAPPLY => "UNAPPLY" case ANNOTATEDtype => "ANNOTATEDtype" case ANNOTATEDtpt => "ANNOTATEDtpt" case CASEDEF => "CASEDEF" case IMPLICITarg => "IMPLICITarg" case TEMPLATE => "TEMPLATE" case SELFDEF => "SELFDEF" case THIS => "THIS" case QUALTHIS => "QUALTHIS" case SUPER => "SUPER" case CLASSconst => "CLASSconst" case ENUMconst => "ENUMconst" case SINGLETONtpt => "SINGLETONtpt" case SUPERtype => "SUPERtype" case REFINEDtype => "REFINEDtype" case REFINEDtpt => "REFINEDtpt" case APPLIEDtype => "APPLIEDtype" case APPLIEDtpt => "APPLIEDtpt" case TYPEBOUNDS => "TYPEBOUNDS" case TYPEBOUNDStpt => "TYPEBOUNDStpt" case TYPEALIAS => "TYPEALIAS" case ANDtype => "ANDtype" case ANDtpt => "ANDtpt" case ORtype => "ORtype" case ORtpt => "ORtpt" case BYNAMEtype => "BYNAMEtype" case BYNAMEtpt => "BYNAMEtpt" case POLYtype => "POLYtype" case POLYtpt => "POLYtpt" case METHODtype => "METHODtype" case PARAMtype => "PARAMtype" case ANNOTATION => "ANNOTATION" case PRIVATEqualified => "PRIVATEqualified" case PROTECTEDqualified => "PROTECTEDqualified" } /** @return If non-negative, the number of leading references (represented as nats) of a length/trees entry. * If negative, minus the number of leading non-reference trees. */ def numRefs(tag: Int) = tag match { case VALDEF | DEFDEF | TYPEDEF | TYPEPARAM | PARAM | NAMEDARG | RETURN | BIND | SELFDEF | REFINEDtype => 1 case RENAMED | PARAMtype => 2 case POLYtype | METHODtype => -1 case _ => 0 } }