package package printing import core._ import Texts._, ast.Trees._ import Types.Type, Symbols.Symbol, Contexts.Context, Scopes.Scope, Constants.Constant, Names.Name, Denotations._, Annotations.Annotation import typer.Implicits.SearchResult /** The base class of all printers */ abstract class Printer { private[this] var prec: Precedence = GlobalPrec /** The current precedence level */ def currentPrecedence = prec /** Generate text using `op`, assuming a given precedence level `prec`. */ def atPrec(prec: Precedence)(op: => Text): Text = { val outerPrec = this.prec this.prec = prec try op finally this.prec = outerPrec } /** Generate text using `op`, assuming a given precedence level `prec`. * If new level `prec` is lower than previous level, put text in parentheses. */ def changePrec(prec: Precedence)(op: => Text): Text = if (prec < this.prec) atPrec(prec) ("(" ~ op ~ ")") else atPrec(prec)(op) /** The name, possibley with with namespace suffix if debugNames is set: * /L for local names, /V for other term names, /T for type names */ def nameString(name: Name): String /** The name of the given symbol. * If !settings.debug, the original name where * expansions of operators are translated back to operator symbol. * E.g. $eq => =. * If settings.uniqid, adds id. */ def nameString(sym: Symbol): String /** The fully qualified name of the symbol */ def fullNameString(sym: Symbol): String /** The kind of the symbol */ def kindString(sym: Symbol): String /** The name as a text */ def toText(name: Name): Text /** Textual representation, including symbol's kind e.g., "class Foo", "method Bar". * If hasMeaninglessName is true, uses the owner's name to disambiguate identity. */ def toText(sym: Symbol): Text /** Textual representation of symbol's declaration */ def dclText(sym: Symbol): Text /** Textual representation of single denotation's declaration */ def dclText(sd: SingleDenotation): Text /** If symbol's owner is a printable class C, the text "in C", otherwise "" */ def locationText(sym: Symbol): Text /** Textual representation of symbol and its location */ def locatedText(sym: Symbol): Text /** A description of sym's location */ def extendedLocationText(sym: Symbol): Text /** Textual representation of denotation */ def toText(denot: Denotation): Text /** Textual representation of constant */ def toText(const: Constant): Text /** Textual representation of annotation */ def toText(annot: Annotation): Text /** Textual representation of type */ def toText(tp: Type): Text /** Textual representation of all symbols in given list, * using `dclText` for displaying each. */ def dclsText(syms: List[Symbol], sep: String = "\n"): Text /** Textual representation of all definitions in a scope using `dclText` for each */ def toText(sc: Scope): Text /** Textual representation of tree */ def toText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text /** Textual representation of implicit search result */ def toText(result: SearchResult): Text /** Perform string or text-producing operation `op` so that only a * summarized text with given recursion depth is shown */ def summarized[T](depth: Int)(op: => T): T /** A plain printer without any embellishments */ def plain: Printer }