package package transform import core._ import Types._ import Contexts._ import Symbols._ import Decorators._ import TypeUtils._ import StdNames.nme import NameOps._ import ast._ import ast.Trees._ /** Provides methods to produce fully parameterized versions of instance methods, * where the `this` of the enclosing class is abstracted out in an extra leading * `$this` parameter and type parameters of the class become additional type * parameters of the fully parameterized method. * * Example usage scenarios are: * * - extension methods of value classes * - implementations of trait methods * - static protected accessors * - local methods produced by tailrec transform * * Note that the methods lift out type parameters of the class containing * the instance method, but not type parameters of enclosing classes. The * fully instantiated method therefore needs to be put in a scope "close" * to the original method, i.e. they need to share the same outer pointer. * Examples of legal positions are: in the companion object, or as a local * method inside the original method. * * Note: The scheme does not handle yet methods where type parameter bounds * depend on value parameters of the enclosing class, as in: * * class C(val a: String) extends AnyVal { * def foo[U <: a.type]: Unit = ... * } * * The expansion of method `foo` would lead to * * def foo$extension[U <: $this.a.type]($this: C): Unit = ... * * which is not typable. Not clear yet what to do. Maybe allow PolyTypes * to follow method parameters and translate to the following: * * def foo$extension($this: C)[U <: $this.a.type]: Unit = ... * * @see class-dependent-extension-method.scala in pending/pos. */ trait FullParameterization { import tpd._ import FullParameterization._ /** If references to original symbol `referenced` from within fully parameterized method * `derived` should be rewired to some fully parameterized method, the rewiring target symbol, * otherwise NoSymbol. */ protected def rewiredTarget(referenced: Symbol, derived: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol /** If references to some original symbol from given tree node within fully parameterized method * `derived` should be rewired to some fully parameterized method, the rewiring target symbol, * otherwise NoSymbol. By default implemented as * * rewiredTarget(tree.symbol, derived) * * but can be overridden. */ protected def rewiredTarget(tree: Tree, derived: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = rewiredTarget(tree.symbol, derived) /** Converts the type `info` of a member of class `clazz` to a method type that * takes the `this` of the class and any type parameters of the class * as additional parameters. Example: * * class Foo[+A <: AnyRef](val xs: List[A]) extends AnyVal { * def baz[B >: A](x: B): List[B] = ... * } * * leads to: * * object Foo { * def extension$baz[B >: A <: Any, A >: Nothing <: AnyRef]($this: Foo[A])(x: B): List[B] * } * * If a self type is present, $this has this self type as its type. * * @param abstractOverClass if true, include the type parameters of the class in the method's list of type parameters. * @param liftThisType if true, require created $this to be $this: (Foo[A] & Foo,this). * This is needed if created member stays inside scope of Foo(as in tailrec) */ def fullyParameterizedType(info: Type, clazz: ClassSymbol, abstractOverClass: Boolean = true, liftThisType: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val (mtparamCount, origResult) = info match { case info: PolyType => (info.paramNames.length, info.resultType) case info: ExprType => (0, info.resultType) case _ => (0, info) } val ctparams = if (abstractOverClass) clazz.typeParams else Nil val ctnames = val ctvariances = /** The method result type */ def resultType(mapClassParams: Type => Type) = { val thisParamType = mapClassParams(clazz.classInfo.selfType) val firstArgType = if (liftThisType) thisParamType & clazz.thisType else thisParamType MethodType(nme.SELF :: Nil)( mt => firstArgType :: Nil, mt => mapClassParams(origResult).substThisUnlessStatic(clazz, mt.newParamRef(0))) } /** Replace class type parameters by the added type parameters of the polytype `pt` */ def mapClassParams(tp: Type, pt: PolyType): Type = { val classParamsRange = (mtparamCount until mtparamCount + ctparams.length).toList tp.substDealias(ctparams, classParamsRange map (TypeParamRef(pt, _))) } /** The bounds for the added type parameters of the polytype `pt` */ def mappedClassBounds(pt: PolyType): List[TypeBounds] = => mapClassParams(, pt).bounds) info match { case info: PolyType => PolyType(info.paramNames ++ ctnames)( pt => (, pt).bounds) ++ mappedClassBounds(pt)).mapConserve(_.subst(info, pt).bounds), pt => resultType(mapClassParams(_, pt)).subst(info, pt)) case _ => if (ctparams.isEmpty) resultType(identity) else PolyType(ctnames)(mappedClassBounds, pt => resultType(mapClassParams(_, pt))) } } /** The type parameters (skolems) of the method definition `originalDef`, * followed by the class parameters of its enclosing class. */ private def allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef: DefDef, abstractOverClass: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = if (abstractOverClass) ::: originalDef.symbol.enclosingClass.typeParams else /** Given an instance method definition `originalDef`, return a * fully parameterized method definition derived from `originalDef`, which * has `derived` as symbol and `fullyParameterizedType(` * as info. * `abstractOverClass` defines weather the DefDef should abstract over type parameters * of class that contained original defDef */ def fullyParameterizedDef(derived: TermSymbol, originalDef: DefDef, abstractOverClass: Boolean = true)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = polyDefDef(derived, trefs => vrefss => { val origMeth = originalDef.symbol val origClass = origMeth.enclosingClass.asClass val origTParams = allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef, abstractOverClass) val origVParams = originalDef.vparamss.flatten map (_.symbol) val thisRef :: argRefs = vrefss.flatten /** If tree should be rewired, the rewired tree, otherwise EmptyTree. * @param targs Any type arguments passed to the rewired tree. */ def rewireTree(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { def rewireCall(thisArg: Tree): Tree = { val rewired = rewiredTarget(tree, derived) if (rewired.exists) { val base = thisArg.tpe.baseTypeWithArgs(origClass) assert(base.exists) ref(rewired.termRef) .appliedToTypeTrees(targs ++ .appliedTo(thisArg) } else EmptyTree } tree match { case Return(expr, from) if !from.isEmpty => val rewired = rewiredTarget(from, derived) if (rewired.exists) tpd.cpy.Return(tree)(expr, Ident(rewired.termRef)) else EmptyTree case Ident(_) => rewireCall(thisRef) case Select(qual, _) => rewireCall(qual) case tree @ TypeApply(fn, targs1) => assert(targs.isEmpty) rewireTree(fn, targs1) case _ => EmptyTree } } /** Type rewiring is needed because a previous reference to an instance * method might still persist in the types of enclosing nodes. Example: * * if (true) this.imeth else this.imeth * * is rewritten to * * if (true) xmeth($this) else xmeth($this) * * but the type `this.imeth` still persists as the result type of the `if`, * because it is kept by the `cpy` operation of the tree transformer. * It needs to be rewritten to the common result type of `imeth` and `xmeth`. */ def rewireType(tpe: Type) = tpe match { case tpe: TermRef if rewiredTarget(tpe.symbol, derived).exists => tpe.widen case _ => tpe } new TreeTypeMap( typeMap = rewireType(_) .substDealias(origTParams, trefs) .subst(origVParams, .substThisUnlessStatic(origClass, thisRef.tpe), treeMap = { case tree: This if tree.symbol == origClass => thisRef case tree => rewireTree(tree, Nil) orElse tree }, oldOwners = origMeth :: Nil, newOwners = derived :: Nil ).transform(originalDef.rhs) }) /** A forwarder expression which calls `derived`, passing along * - if `abstractOverClass` the type parameters and enclosing class parameters of originalDef`, * - the `this` of the enclosing class, * - the value parameters of the original method `originalDef`. */ def forwarder(derived: TermSymbol, originalDef: DefDef, abstractOverClass: Boolean = true, liftThisType: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val fun = ref(derived.termRef) .appliedToTypes(allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef, abstractOverClass).map(_.typeRef)) .appliedTo(This(originalDef.symbol.enclosingClass.asClass)) (if (!liftThisType) fun.appliedToArgss(originalDef.vparamss.nestedMap(vparam => ref(vparam.symbol))) else { // this type could have changed on forwarding. Need to insert a cast. val args = (originalDef.vparamss, fun.tpe.paramInfoss), paramTypes) => (vparams, paramTypes), paramType) => { assert(vparam.tpe <:< paramType.widen) // type should still conform to widened type ref(vparam.symbol).ensureConforms(paramType) }) ) fun.appliedToArgss(args) }).withPos(originalDef.rhs.pos) } } object FullParameterization { /** Assuming `info` is a result of a `fullyParameterizedType` call, the signature of the * original method type `X` such that `info = fullyParameterizedType(X, ...)`. */ def memberSignature(info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = info match { case info: PolyType => memberSignature(info.resultType) case MethodTpe(nme.SELF :: Nil, _, restpe) => restpe.ensureMethodic.signature case info @ MethodTpe(nme.SELF :: otherNames, thisType :: otherTypes, restpe) => info.derivedMethodType(otherNames, otherTypes, restpe).signature case _ => Signature.NotAMethod } }