package package transform import core._ import DenotTransformers.IdentityDenotTransformer import Contexts.Context import Symbols._ import Scopes._ import collection.mutable import TreeTransforms.MiniPhaseTransform import SymDenotations._ import ast.Trees._ import NameOps._ import TreeTransforms.TransformerInfo import StdNames._ /** The preceding lambda lift and flatten phases move symbols to different scopes * and rename them. This miniphase cleans up afterwards and makes sure that all * class scopes contain the symbols defined in them. */ class RestoreScopes extends MiniPhaseTransform with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisTransform => import ast.tpd._ override def phaseName = "restoreScopes" /* Note: We need to wait until we see a package definition because * DropEmptyConstructors changes template members when analyzing the * enclosing package definitions. So by the time RestoreScopes gets to * see a typedef or template, it still might be changed by DropEmptyConstructors. */ override def transformPackageDef(pdef: PackageDef)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = { pdef.stats.foreach(restoreScope) pdef } private def restoreScope(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = tree match { case TypeDef(_, impl: Template) => val restoredDecls = newScope for (stat <- impl.constr :: impl.body) if (stat.isInstanceOf[MemberDef] && stat.symbol.exists) restoredDecls.enter(stat.symbol) // Enter class in enclosing package scope, in case it was an inner class before flatten. // For top-level classes this does nothing. val cls = tree.symbol.asClass val pkg = cls.owner.asClass // Bring back companion links val companionClass = val companionModule = if (companionClass.exists) { restoredDecls.enter(companionClass) } if (companionModule.exists) { restoredDecls.enter(companionModule) } pkg.enter(cls) val cinfo = cls.classInfo tree.symbol.copySymDenotation( info = cinfo.derivedClassInfo( // Dotty deviation: Cannot expand cinfo inline without a type error decls = restoredDecls: Scope)).installAfter(thisTransform) tree case tree => tree } }