package package transform import TreeTransforms._ import core.DenotTransformers.IdentityDenotTransformer import core.Symbols._ import core.Contexts._ import core.Types._ import core.Flags._ import core.Decorators._ import core.StdNames.nme import core.Names._ import core.NameOps._ import ast.Trees._ import ast.tpd import collection.mutable /** This phase optimizes code using implicit function types, by applying two rewrite rules. * Let IF be the implicit function type * * implicit Us => R * * (1) A method definition * * def m(xs: Ts): IF = implicit (ys: Us) => E * * is expanded to two methods: * * def m(xs: Ts): IF = implicit (ys: Us) => m$direct(xs)(ys) * def m$direct(xs: Ts)(ys: Us): R = E * * (and equivalently for methods with type parameters or a different number of value parameter lists). * An abstract method definition * * def m(xs: Ts): IF * * is expanded to: * * def m(xs: Ts): IF * def m$direct(xs: Ts)(ys: Us): R * * (2) A reference `qual.apply` where `qual` has implicit function type and * `qual` refers to a method `m` is rewritten to a reference to `m$direct`, * keeping the same type and value arguments as they are found in `qual`. */ class ShortcutImplicits extends MiniPhase with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisTransform => import tpd._ override def phaseName: String = "shortcutImplicits" val treeTransform = new Transform /** If this option is true, we don't specialize symbols that are known to be only * targets of monomorphic calls. * The reason for this option is that benchmarks show that on the JVM for monomorphic dispatch * scenarios inlining and escape analysis can often remove all calling overhead, so we might as * well not duplicate the code. We need more experience to decide on the best setting of this option. */ final val specializeMonoTargets = true class Transform extends TreeTransform { def phase = thisTransform override def prepareForUnit(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = new Transform /** A map to cache mapping local methods to their direct counterparts. * A fresh map is created for each unit. */ private val directMeth = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Symbol] /** Should `sym` get a ..$direct companion? * This is the case if (1) `sym` is a method with an implicit function type as final result type. * However if `specializeMonoTargets` is false, we exclude symbols that are known * to be only targets of monomorphic calls because they are effectively * final and don't override anything. */ private def shouldBeSpecialized(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =, butNot = Accessor) && defn.isImplicitFunctionType( && (specializeMonoTargets || !sym.isEffectivelyFinal || sym.allOverriddenSymbols.nonEmpty) /** @pre The type's final result type is an implicit function type `implicit Ts => R`. * @return The type of the `apply` member of `implicit Ts => R`. */ private def directInfo(info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = info match { case info: PolyType => info.derivedPolyType(resType = directInfo(info.resultType)) case info: MethodType => info.derivedMethodType(resType = directInfo(info.resultType)) case info: ExprType => directInfo(info.resultType) case info => info.member(nme.apply).info } /** A new `m$direct` method to accompany the given method `m` */ private def newDirectMethod(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { val direct = sym.copy( name =, flags = sym.flags | Synthetic, info = directInfo( if (direct.allOverriddenSymbols.isEmpty) direct.resetFlag(Override) direct } /** The direct method `m$direct` that accompanies the given method `m`. * Create one if it does not exist already. */ private def directMethod(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = if (sym.owner.isClass) { val direct = .suchThat( matches directInfo( if (direct.maybeOwner == sym.owner) direct else newDirectMethod(sym).enteredAfter(thisTransform) } else directMeth.getOrElseUpdate(sym, newDirectMethod(sym)) /** Transform `qual.apply` occurrences according to rewrite rule (2) above */ override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = if ( == nme.apply && defn.isImplicitFunctionType(tree.qualifier.tpe.widen) && shouldBeSpecialized(tree.qualifier.symbol)) { def directQual(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { case Apply(fn, args) => cpy.Apply(tree)(directQual(fn), args) case TypeApply(fn, args) => cpy.TypeApply(tree)(directQual(fn), args) case Block(stats, expr) => cpy.Block(tree)(stats, directQual(expr)) case tree: RefTree => cpy.Ref(tree)( .withType(directMethod(tree.symbol).termRef) } directQual(tree.qualifier) } else tree /** Transform methods with implicit function type result according to rewrite rule (1) above */ override def transformDefDef(mdef: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree = { val original = mdef.symbol if (shouldBeSpecialized(original)) { val direct = directMethod(original) def splitClosure(tree: Tree): (List[Type] => List[List[Tree]] => Tree, Tree) = tree match { case Block(Nil, expr) => splitClosure(expr) case Block((meth @ DefDef(nme.ANON_FUN, Nil, clparams :: Nil, _, _)) :: Nil, cl: Closure) => val tparamSyms = val vparamSymss = val clparamSyms = val remappedCore = (ts: List[Type]) => (prefss: List[List[Tree]]) => meth.rhs .subst(tparamSyms ::: (vparamSymss.flatten ++ clparamSyms), ::: .changeOwnerAfter(original, direct, thisTransform) .changeOwnerAfter(meth.symbol, direct, thisTransform) val forwarder = ref(direct) .appliedToTypeTrees( .appliedToArgss( :+ val fwdClosure = cpy.Block(tree)(cpy.DefDef(meth)(rhs = forwarder) :: Nil, cl) (remappedCore, fwdClosure) case EmptyTree => (_ => _ => EmptyTree, EmptyTree) } val (remappedCore, fwdClosure) = splitClosure(mdef.rhs) val originalDef = cpy.DefDef(mdef)(rhs = fwdClosure) val directDef = polyDefDef(direct.asTerm, remappedCore) Thicket(originalDef, directDef) } else mdef } } }