package import reflect.ClassTag import annotation.tailrec /** A least-recently-used cache for Key -> Value computations * It currently keeps the last 8 associations, but this can be * changed to anywhere between 2 and 16 by changing `LRUCache.Retained`. * * Implementation: We keep a ring of eight places, linked * with the `next` data structure. The ring models a priority queue. * `last` points to the last element of the queue, and * `next(last)` to the first one. Lookups compare keys * sequentially from first to last. Elements with successful lookup * get promoted to be first in the queue. Elements are evicted * at the `last` position. */ class LRUCache[Key >: Null <: AnyRef : ClassTag, Value >: Null: ClassTag] { import LRUCache._ val keys = new Array[Key](Retained) val values = new Array[Value](Retained) var next = new SixteenNibbles(initialRing.bits) var last = Retained - 1 // value is arbitrary var lastButOne: Int = last - 1 def first = next(last) /** Lookup key, returning value or `null` for not found. * As a side effect, sets `lastButOne` to the element before `last` * if key was not found. */ def lookup(key: Key): Value = { @tailrec def lookupNext(prev: Int, current: Int, nx: SixteenNibbles): Value = { val follow = nx(current) if (keys(current) eq key) { // arrange so that found element is at position `first`. if (current == last) last = prev else if (prev != last) { next = next.updated(prev, follow) next = next.updated(current, first) next = next.updated(last, current) } values(current) } else if (current == last) { lastButOne = prev null } else lookupNext(current, follow, nx) } lookupNext(last, first, next) } /** Enter key/value in cache at position `last`. * As a side effect, sets `last` to `lastButOne`. * If `lastButOne` was set by a preceding unsuccessful `lookup` * for the same key, this means that the new element is now the * first in the queue. If there was no preceding lookup, the element * is inserted at a random position in the queue. */ def enter(key: Key, value: Value): Unit = { keys(last) = key values(last) = value last = lastButOne } /** Invalidate key. The invalidated element becomes * the last in the queue. */ def invalidate(key: Key): Unit = if (lookup(key) != null) { keys(first) = null last = first } def indices: Iterator[Int] = Iterator.iterate(first)(next.apply) def keysIterator: Iterator[Key] = indices take Retained map keys filter (_ != null) override def toString = { val assocs = keysIterator .toList // double reverse so that lookups do not perturb order .reverse .map(key => s"$key -> ${lookup(key)}") .reverse s"LRUCache(${assocs.mkString(", ")})" } } object LRUCache { /** The number of retained elements in the cache; must be at most 16. */ val Retained = 16 /** The initial ring: 0 -> 1 -> ... -> 7 -> 0 */ val initialRing = (new SixteenNibbles(0L) /: (0 until Retained))((nibbles, idx) => nibbles.updated(idx, (idx + 1) % Retained)) }