package dotty package tools package dotc import{ File => JFile } import import core.Contexts._ import reporting.{ Reporter, UniqueMessagePositions, HideNonSensicalMessages, MessageRendering } import reporting.diagnostic.MessageContainer import interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, Paths } trait ParallelTesting { private val driver = new Driver { override def newCompiler(implicit ctx: Context) = new Compiler } private class DaftReporter(suppress: Boolean) extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with MessageRendering { private var _errors: List[MessageContainer] = Nil def errors = _errors override def doReport(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context) = { if (!suppress && m.level == ERROR) { _errors = m :: _errors System.err.println(messageAndPos(m.contained, m.pos, diagnosticLevel(m))) } } } private def compile(files: Array[JFile], flags: Array[String]): (Array[JFile], List[MessageContainer]) = { val reporter = new DaftReporter(suppress = false) driver.process(flags ++, reporter = reporter) files -> reporter.errors } def compileFilesInDir(f: String, flags: Array[String])(implicit outDir: String): Unit = { val dir = new JFile(f) require(f.contains("/tests"), "only allowed to run integration tests from `tests` dir using this method") require(dir.isDirectory && dir.exists, "passed non-directory to `compileFilesInDir`") require(outDir.last == '/', "please specify an `outDir` with a trailing slash") def toCompilerDirFromDir(d: JFile): JFile = { val targetDir = new JFile(outDir + s"${dir.getName}/${d.getName}") // create if not exists targetDir.mkdirs() d.listFiles.foreach(copyToDir(targetDir, _)) targetDir } def toCompilerDirFromFile(file: JFile): JFile = { val uniqueSubdir = file.getName.substring(0, file.getName.lastIndexOf('.')) val targetDir = new JFile(outDir + s"${dir.getName}/$uniqueSubdir") // create if not exists targetDir.mkdirs() // copy file to dir: copyToDir(targetDir, file) targetDir } def copyToDir(dir: JFile, file: JFile): Unit = { val target = Paths.get(dir.getAbsolutePath, file.getName) Files.copy(file.toPath, target, REPLACE_EXISTING).toFile } val (dirs, files) = dir.listFiles.foldLeft((List.empty[JFile], List.empty[JFile])) { case ((dirs, files), f) => if (f.isDirectory) (f :: dirs, files) else (dirs, f :: files) } // Directories in which to compile all containing files with `flags`: val dirsToCompile = ++ // Progress bar setup val numberOfTargets = dirsToCompile.length var targetsCompiled = 0 val start = System.currentTimeMillis var errors = 0 { dir => val sourceFiles = dir.listFiles.filter(f => f.getName.endsWith(".scala") || f.getName.endsWith(".java")) targetsCompiled += 1 val timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis - start) / 1000 val progress = (targetsCompiled.toDouble / numberOfTargets * 40).toInt print( s"Compiling tests in $f [" + ("=" * (math.max(progress - 1, 0))) + (if (progress > 0) ">" else "") + (" " * (39 - progress)) + s"] $targetsCompiled/$numberOfTargets, ${timestamp}s, errors: $errors\r" ) val (_, newErrors ) = compile(sourceFiles, flags ++ Array("-d", dir.getAbsolutePath)) errors += newErrors.length } println(s"Compiled tests in $f [========================================] $targetsCompiled/$numberOfTargets, ${(System.currentTimeMillis - start) / 1000}s, errors: $errors ") } }