package dotty package tools package dotc package vulpix import{ File => JFile, InputStream, ObjectInputStream, OutputStream, ObjectOutputStream } import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future } import import scala.collection.mutable trait RunnerOrchestration { /** The maximum amount of active runners, which contain a child JVM */ val numberOfSlaves: Int /** The maximum duration the child process is allowed to consume before * getting destroyed */ val maxDuration: Duration /** Destroy and respawn process after each test */ val safeMode: Boolean /** Running a `Test` class's main method from the specified `dir` */ def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = monitor.runMain(dir) private[this] val monitor = new RunnerMonitor private class RunnerMonitor { def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = withRunner(_.runMain(dir)) private class Runner(private var process: Process) { private[this] val ois = new ObjectInputStream(process.getInputStream) private[this] val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(process.getOutputStream) def kill(): Unit = { if (process ne null) process.destroy() process = null } def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = { assert(process ne null, "Runner was killed and then reused without setting a new process") // Makes the encapsulating RunnerMonitor spawn a new runner def respawn(): Unit = { process.destroy() process = createProcess } // pass file to running process oos.writeObject(dir) // Create a future reading the object: val readObject = Future(ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[Status]) // Await result for `maxDuration` and then timout and destroy the // process: val status = try Await.result(readObject, maxDuration) catch { case _: TimeoutException => { Timeout } } // Handle failure of the VM: status match { case _ if safeMode => respawn() case status: Failure => respawn() case Timeout => respawn() case _ => () } // return run status: status } } private def createProcess: Process = ??? private[this] val allRunners = List.fill(numberOfSlaves)(new Runner(createProcess)) private[this] val freeRunners = mutable.Queue(allRunners: _*) private[this] val busyRunners = mutable.Set.empty[Runner] private def getRunner(): Runner = synchronized { while (freeRunners.isEmpty) wait() val runner = freeRunners.dequeue() busyRunners += runner notify() runner } private def freeRunner(runner: Runner): Unit = synchronized { freeRunners.enqueue(runner) busyRunners -= runner notify() } private def withRunner[T](op: Runner => T): T = { val runner = getRunner() val result = op(runner) freeRunner(runner) result } private def killAll(): Unit = allRunners.foreach(_.kill()) // On shutdown, we need to kill all runners: sys.addShutdownHook(killAll()) // If for some reason the test runner (i.e. sbt) doesn't kill the VM, we // need to clean up ourselves. SummaryReport.addCleanup(killAll) } }