package package dottydoc package core /** Dotty and Dottydoc imports */ import dotc.ast.Trees._ import dotc.CompilationUnit import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc import dotc.core.Contexts.Context import dotc.core.Comments.ContextDocstrings import dotc.core.Types.{PolyType, NoType} import dotc.core.Phases.Phase import dotc.core.Symbols.{ Symbol, NoSymbol } class DocASTPhase extends Phase { import model._ import model.factories._ import model.internal._ import model.comment.Comment import import import import util.traversing._ import util.internal.setters._ def phaseName = "docASTPhase" /** Build documentation hierarchy from existing tree */ def collect(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Entity = { val implicitConversions = ctx.docbase.defs(tree.symbol) def collectList(xs: List[Tree]): List[Entity] = != NonEntity) def collectEntityMembers(xs: List[Tree]) = collectList(xs).asInstanceOf[List[Entity with Members]] def collectMembers(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Entity] = { val defs = (tree match { case t: Template => collectList(t.body) case _ => Nil }) defs ++ implicitConversions.flatMap(membersFromSymbol) } def membersFromSymbol(sym: Symbol): List[Entity] = { if ( { val defs =, Flags.Synthetic | Flags.Private) .filterNot( == "Any") .map { meth => DefImpl( meth.symbol, annotations(meth.symbol),, Nil, path(meth.symbol), returnType(, typeParams(meth.symbol), paramLists(, implicitlyAddedFrom = Some(returnType( ) }.toList // don't add privates, synthetics or class parameters (i.e. value class constructor val) val vals = | Flags.Private | Flags.Synthetic)).map { value => val kind = if ( "var" else "val" ValImpl( value.symbol, annotations(value.symbol),, Nil, path(value.symbol), returnType(, kind, implicitlyAddedFrom = Some(returnType( ) } defs ++ vals } else Nil } tree match { /** package */ case pd @ PackageDef(pid, st) => addPackage(PackageImpl(pd.symbol, annotations(pd.symbol), pd.symbol.showFullName, collectEntityMembers(st), path(pd.symbol))) /** type alias */ case t: TypeDef if !t.isClassDef => val sym = t.symbol if ( | Flags.Param)) NonEntity else { val tparams = t.rhs.tpe match { case tp: PolyType => case _ => Nil } TypeAliasImpl(sym, annotations(sym), flags(t),"\\$\\$").last, path(sym), alias(t.rhs.tpe), tparams) } /** trait */ case t @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if => //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well TraitImpl(t.symbol, annotations(t.symbol),, collectMembers(rhs), flags(t), path(t.symbol), typeParams(t.symbol), traitParameters(t.symbol), superTypes(t)) /** objects, on the format "Object$" so drop the last letter */ case o @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if => val name = //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well ObjectImpl(o.symbol, annotations(o.symbol), name.dropRight(1), collectMembers(rhs), flags(o), path(o.symbol).init :+ name, superTypes(o)) /** class / case class */ case c @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if c.symbol.isClass => //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well (c.symbol, annotations(c.symbol),, collectMembers(rhs), flags(c), path(c.symbol), typeParams(c.symbol), constructors(c.symbol), superTypes(c), None, Nil, NonEntity) match { case x if => CaseClassImpl.tupled(x) case x => ClassImpl.tupled(x) } /** def */ case d: DefDef => DefImpl(d.symbol, annotations(d.symbol),, flags(d), path(d.symbol), returnType(d.tpt.tpe), typeParams(d.symbol), paramLists( /** val */ case v: ValDef if ! => val kind = if ( "var" else "val" ValImpl(v.symbol, annotations(v.symbol),, flags(v), path(v.symbol), returnType(v.tpt.tpe), kind) case x => { ctx.docbase.debug(s"Found unwanted entity: $x (${x.pos},\n${}") NonEntity } } } var packages: Map[String, PackageImpl] = Map.empty def addPackage(newPkg: PackageImpl): Package = { def mergeMembers(newPkg: PackageImpl, oldPkg: PackageImpl): Unit = { val othersNew = newPkg.members.filterNot(_.kind == "package") val (oldPacks, othersOld) = oldPkg.members.partition(_.kind == "package") val others = othersNew ::: othersOld // here we can just choose the old packs, since we're recursively (bottom up) // discovering the tree, we should have met the child packages first, as // such - they were already inserted into the tree val newMembers = (others ++ oldPacks) oldPkg.members = newMembers } // This function mutates packages in place as not to create any orphaned references def mergedPackages(old: PackageImpl, newPkg: PackageImpl): PackageImpl = { if (old.symbol eq NoSymbol) old.symbol = newPkg.symbol if (old.annotations.isEmpty) old.annotations = newPkg.annotations mergeMembers(newPkg, old) if (old.superTypes.isEmpty) old.superTypes = newPkg.superTypes if (!old.comment.isDefined) old.comment = newPkg.comment old } def insertOrModifyRoot(): PackageImpl = { val modifiedPkg = packages .get( .map(mergedPackages(_, newPkg)) .getOrElse(newPkg) packages = packages + ( -> modifiedPkg) modifiedPkg } // This function inserts a package by creating empty packages to the point // where it can insert the supplied package `newPkg`. def createAndInsert(currentPkg: PackageImpl, path: List[String]): PackageImpl = { (path: @unchecked) match { case x :: Nil => { val existingPkg = currentPkg.members.collect { case p: PackageImpl if == => p }.headOption if (existingPkg.isDefined) mergedPackages(existingPkg.get, newPkg) else { currentPkg.members = newPkg :: currentPkg.members newPkg } } case x :: xs => { val subPkg = s"${}.$x" val existingPkg = currentPkg.members.collect { case p: PackageImpl if == subPkg => p }.headOption if (existingPkg.isDefined) createAndInsert(existingPkg.get, xs) else { val newEmpty = EmptyPackage(currentPkg.path :+ x, subPkg) packages = packages + (subPkg -> newEmpty) currentPkg.members = newEmpty :: currentPkg.members createAndInsert(newEmpty, xs) } } } } val path = newPkg.path if (path.length == 1) insertOrModifyRoot() else if (packages.contains( mergedPackages(packages(, newPkg) else { val root = packages.get(path.head) if (root.isDefined) // Root ancestor of `newPkg` exists, start recursing to point of // insertion. Point of insertion will be the parent package of `newPkg`. // // Which is the first element of `newPkg`'s path - thus we use the tail // to continue traversing down the tree. createAndInsert(root.get, path.tail) else { val newEmpty = EmptyPackage(List(path.head), path.head) packages = packages + (path.head -> newEmpty) createAndInsert(newEmpty, path.tail) } } } private[this] var totalRuns = 0 private[this] var currentRun = 0 override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { currentRun += 1 ctx.echo(s"Compiling ($currentRun/$totalRuns): ${}") collect(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) // Will put packages in `packages` var } override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): List[CompilationUnit] = { // (1) Create package structure for all `units`, this will give us a complete structure totalRuns = units.length val compUnits = super.runOn(units) // (2) Set parents of entities, needed for linking for { parent <- rootPackages(packages) child <- parent.members } setParent(child, to = parent) // (3) Update Doc AST in ctx.base for (kv <- packages) ctx.docbase.packagesMutable += kv // Return super's result compUnits } }