package package dottydoc package util import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc import dotc.core.Contexts.Context import dotc.core.Flags import dotc.core.Names._ import dotc.core.Symbols._ import dotc.core.Names._ import dotc.util.Positions._ import model.internal._ import model.comment._ import model._ trait MemberLookup { /** Performs a lookup based on the provided (pruned) query string * * Will return a `Tooltip` if unsucessfull, otherwise a LinkToEntity or * LinkToExternal */ def lookup(entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package], query: String): Option[Entity] = { val notFound: Option[Entity] = None val querys = query.split("\\.").toList /** Looks for the specified entity among `ent`'s members */ def localLookup(ent: Entity with Members, searchStr: String): Option[Entity] = ent .members .collect { case x if == searchStr => x } .sortBy(_.path.last) .headOption /** Looks for an entity down in the structure, if the search list is Nil, * the search stops */ def downwardLookup(ent: Entity with Members, search: List[String]): Option[Entity] = search match { case Nil => notFound case x :: Nil => localLookup(ent, x) case x :: xs => ent .members .collect { case e: Entity with Members if == x => e case e: Entity with Members if == x.init && x.last == '$' => e } .headOption .fold(notFound)(e => downwardLookup(e, xs)) } /** Finds package with longest matching name, then does downwardLookup in * the package */ def globalLookup: Option[Entity] = { def longestMatch(list: List[String]): List[String] = if (list eq Nil) Nil else packages .get(list.mkString(".")) .map(_ => list) .getOrElse(longestMatch(list.dropRight(1))) longestMatch(querys) match { case Nil => notFound case xs => downwardLookup(packages(xs.mkString(".")), querys diff xs) } } (querys, entity) match { case (x :: Nil, e: Entity with Members) => localLookup(e, x) case (x :: _, e: Entity with Members) if x == => downwardLookup(e, querys) case (x :: xs, _) => if (xs.nonEmpty) globalLookup else lookup(entity, packages, "scala." + query) } } def makeEntityLink( entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package], title: Inline, query: String ): EntityLink = { val link = lookup(entity, packages, query) .map(LinkToEntity) .getOrElse(Tooltip(query)) EntityLink(title, link) } }